chapter 42 ~ locked in the looney bin

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"Rise and shine, mijas" A voice called as I opened my eyes. "Breakfast in 30"

The room was white from floor to ceiling, and it was cold. Really cold.

"Where am I?" I groaned as the man handed me something. Pills.

"Last time I checked, Cook County Psych Ward"

Psych Ward....fuck this was really happening. I really had a psychotic break and got myself locked up.

Holy shit.....I had turned into Monica.

"It sort of feels like you have oatmeal brain, doesn't it?" A girl yawned, leaning into my face. She was wearing a white hospital gown so I figured she was a patient.

I was a patient...

"It's just the sedation" Another girl muttered. "It'll wear off eventually"

God there voices echoed through my head making the pain worse. What fucking time was it?

I pulled the blanket off me, looking down at the shoes at the end of my bed. Crocs....they were making me wear crocs.

I mean I guess it had to be something without laces.

"72 hours then you can go home, mija" The doctor smiled, handing me a cup of water. I looked at it curiously before swallowing it with the handful of pills.

Home....I should be there right now.

Debbie had just started high school, Carl was becoming a gangster, and with Lip at college and Fiona with her husband; I needed to help Ian take care of things.

They needed me.

"Breakfast isn't so bad, just don't eat the fruit" My final roommate had purple hair, Fiona said anyone with dyed hair belonged in a place like this.

I shuffled with the group out towards what I assumed was the dining hall. The place was full of crazies, of all different ages....

I took a seat at one of the tables as a nurse placed a tray in front of me. Everything was made out of Styrofoam minus the spoon. That item was like a folded piece of paper.

Most likely so we didn't kill ourselves or another patient.

The food didn't seem so bad, I mean it looked better than the monster shit they served in school. An omelet, a few pieces of toast, and fruit that looked like it was growing hair.

I guess purple haired girl was right...

"You here for homicide or suicide?" A girl asked, taking the spot in front of me. Great, it was purple haired girl. "Yes you dumbass"

"More like a psychotic break" I shrugged, taking a bite of the toast. It was stale....with no butter.

"I guess that's cool too" She muttered. "I'm Aliyah"



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