chapter 18 ~ cookies and abortions

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If you weren't aware Ian and Mandy had been pretending to be a couple so no one would find out my brother was gay.

Well that plan backfired last night when Terry came pounding down our door trying to fight my brother.

Apparently his precious Mandy was pregnant....

I knew for a  fact it wasn't Ian's and I damn well hoped it wasn't Lips, because we couldn't have two Gallagher babies running around the house.

My brother had been trying to get in contact with her all morning but she had apparently fallin' completely off the grid.

"The store!" I yelled as we both ran through the door.

The window's had been smashed and the place looked like it was hit with a tornado. That tornado obviously being Terry Milkovich.

"What the fuck happened?" Lip laughed as he walked in after us.

"Terry heard the news" Ian muttered as we began picking up the products.

"What, about Cass and Mickey?" He asked as I sent him a glare.

"No you fuck-hat, about Mandy being pregnant"

His face fell as I brushed past him to get behind the counter. I knew the two of them had slept together and from my look, he now knew that I knew.

"Told Linda he was going to put my feet in the meat-slicer, work his way up" Ian snapped as I tried to keep in a laugh.

And we all knew our boss wasn't going to call the cops because we didn't want this place being firebombed for us snitching. It was like an unspoken rule around these parts.

"Checked the school, and her aunt' house, but she won't let me in" I sighed, ringing up Lip's cigarettes. I swear he was going to get lung cancer by the time he turned 30 with how much he smoked.

"Cassie! Help me clean will you?" Ian muttered as I hoped over the counter.

I hugged our brother goodbye before bending down to clean up the piles of smashed food. Linda was going to have a field-day when she realise how much product was ruined.

And that money was definitely going to be coming out of our paychecks...

"You and Mandy's are best friends, did she tell you who's it is?" He asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

"If she called me back I would no" I mumbled. I seriously doubt it was Lip's because she said they only fucked once, which i'm hoping was the truth, but you could never be to curious.

"You gone to visit Mickey yet?" He asked curiously.

I dropped the broom on the floor, sending daggers into his skull. Why the hell was he so obsessed with my love life?

Or lack there of I guess.

"Last time I checked I was nothing but a warm mouth to him. So no, I haven't gone to visit that asshole" I shrugged in defeat.

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