chapter 34 ~ just a gallagher

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"You gone to see Frank yet?" I asked, handing the toothpaste over to my brother.

On top of Frank getting surgery for a new liver, Fiona was sent to a correctional facility early this morning for breaking parole. Obviously it was the law but that didn't mean I didn't feel bad for her.

"Mickey's asleep in your bed" He muttered as I handed the towel. "He your boyfriend or something?"

"No....we just hang out"

Don't get me wrong I hated that that was our current situation was, but what else was I supposed to do? I loved him and he was married with a son....

"Well I think I have a girlfriend" He smirked happily.

"Oh yeah? That Bonnie chick?" I asked, pretending to not be bothered. 

In reality my sister mode was freaking out, but thing's had only just started going back to normal between Carl and I, and I didn't want to ruin that.

"You love Mickey?" He suddenly asked which caused me to chuckle.

"I like the way he smells" I joked. The answer to his question was yes, but that didn't need to be said.

"What are you asking stupid fucking questions for?" Mickey grumbled as he came walking out of my room.

Ahh the big bad wolf was finally awake ladies and gentlemen!

"You were nicer when you were asleep" Carl muttered before storming down the stairs.  Guess he wasn't going to answer my Frank question.

It wasn't like I cared though....

"I have to go to the church for the christening today" Mickey groaned, taking my brother's place.

"Okay, I'll get dressed" I shrugged. He sent me a look which caused me to push him against the wall. "Unless you don't want me to go?"

"Probably best if you don't ginger" He laughed, backing me up against the door.

He made his way back into my room as I tried to steady my breathing. God he seriously had to turn me on this early...

"Just wondering if we're a couple or not" I smirked, grabbing him by the wrists. He quickly flipped us around so that now I was backed up against the dresser.

"Of course we are"

"A couple that hides?" I muttered. No matter how good he looked, I wasn't going to let that distract me.

"It's working out so far so good" He smirked, coming down to kiss my neck.

No can't get fucking distracted.

"Yeah well i'm kinda sick of it" I snapped, pushing him off me. I mean what kind of couple had to hide the fact that they were together?

So fucking what if his dad didn't like it?

"Let me go deal with this stupid shit before I have to deal with your stupid shit" He groaned before storming out of the room.

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