chapter 10 ~ mommy dearest

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"Liam is officially asleep" I sighed taking the smoke from Lip. Three pages from Debbie's boring romance novel and he was out like a light.

"Either of you got any cash you can float me? Florence and the machine are playing and I wanna buy Karen tickets" Lip muttered, blowing smoke in my face. I flipped him off before pulling out a Benjamin.

"You're lucky I love you" I joked, handing him over the cash.

Even if I hated Karen with a burning passion, she was still my brother's best friend.....and fuck buddy I guess.

"Not it!" Ian and I called as Liam woke up crying. I took the smoke back from Lip before watching him leave the room.

"So, you ever gonna tell me who you've been sleeping with?" My twin joked. I blew out a puff of smoke, passing it over to him.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" I laughed. He gave me those pleading puppy dog eyes which always made me give in. "Fine but you can't get mad"

He seemed to study my face for a second before silently agreeing.

"Mickey Milkovich...." I whispered. Within seconds a pillow was being thrown at my face and I was being thrown off the bed.

"You're joking right?" My brother laughed. "Holy shit, you're serious? You don't have like feelings for him do you?" He asked.

Honestly I didn't know the answer to that question. I mean even if I did have said feelings, it wasn't like they were mutual.

"God no, we're just fucking" I muttered as I climbed up to my bed. I wasn't tired but I knew he would be able to tell I was lying if he saw my face. "Goodnight Ian" I called down.

I heard his bed dip and the lights flick off before hearing him climb back into bed.

God the things I told him when I was high....


"Afternoon cheater" I whispered, taking a seat on the couch

Apparently Debbie had her suspicions that Steve was cheating on Fiona and even though I didn't know if that was true, I still enjoyed taunting him.

"Hell hath no fury like popcorn burned" Fiona announced coming out of the bathroom. I moved to the spot next to Ian as Lip handed us a selection of movies.

I handed Carl "cosmos" as the door opened to reveal a very distraught Debbie.

"Deb's what happened?" I asked looking over at her. Lip then muttered something about Frank which appeared to only make things worse.

"Why do you always assume it's dad?" She shouted. I mean who else could there be? "Monica's over at Sheila's"

I swear I replayed that sentence a hundred times and I still didn't believe her.

There was no way mom was back in town.....I didn't believe it.

"Cass you okay" I heard Ian whisper. I wiped the tears off my cheeks, not even realizing I had started crying.

❝ 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ❞ || 𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘆 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗸𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗵Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ