Chapter 7

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Rachael's PoV
Me and Jasper were walking on quite field after doing what Jasper wanted to do. "Why of all places would want to go to a library" I whined. "I thought it was fun and I enjoy literature" he said with a lightly frowned brow as we both sat oh the grass. "That's not the problem I love the library.the problem is you spent the entire time listing which ones you have already read. Which was all of them" I said with a light laugh. He had a small smirk before saying "That library is ridiculously small." The smirk then dropped and he had is usually face of pain. "I do apologise. I didn't want to ruin your weekend" he said sighing. "Honestly Jasper it's fine I was just teasing we can go to the library whenever you want" I say with a smile.trying to get one in return but failed. "I am just new to this friend thing and I really enjoy spending time with you. Your like a breath of fresh air.but I'm afraid I'll chase you away" he said looking down at his hand's. "Jasper your not going to chase me away I promise" I said reach for his hand while he's still looking down "and FYI Jasper I really love spending time with you" I say earning a light smile from him. "You should do that more often" I say getting him to look up at me in question. "Do what" he said with a frowned brow. "Smile.I like it on you" I say earning a light laugh. My brows then frown when I see what was peaking out of his sleeve and before I could stop myself from speaking the words fell out my mouth. "Where did you get that scar from"
he then starts to lightly panic. "I. Emmm" he says. "You don't have to tell me.I don't even know why I asked.I have a horrible thing of not thinking before speaking.I'm really's none of my business" I say in worry that I upset him. "It's okay it's just a long story. I don't like talking about that's why I try to hide them" he said in a serious tone. "I get it but you shouldn't hide them they are apart of you. and show how strong you are." I say as he looks down at his scar. "Your wrong I'm week" he said distressed. "I know it probably seems like that but I use to self harm and it took me a while to love my own scars to" I say rolling up my sleeve's and showing him mine. He then took a moment to take them in. he traced one of the long scars on my wrist with his fingers"Jasper I promise you that you are far from weak" I say softly. "Thank you" he said looking into my eyes. There was then a moment of silent's. He's just crept on staring at me.I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable not because he was staring.but at how safe it felt. even with knowing what he is. "We should probably go" I say breaking the silents. He then snaps out his trance. "It's getting late" I say shrugging. "Yes of course" he says.

It was then Sunday night and I was on the phone talking to Bella. "So how does it feel that tonight is you last of freedom" I say. "Wait what" she questions. " are coming back tomorrow?" I asked . "Right" she said lightly giggling. "Are you excited for the science trip though?" I ask. "Yes and to see everyone" she said quietly. "You mean Edward" I say before she but's in "no"
"Liar I know you are infatuated by the Cullens like half the sad sacks at school" I teased. "I'm not seriously" she defended herself.
"girl trust me I'm not judging.especially because I just so happen to be one of those sad sacks." I say lightly laughing. "Wait what are we talking about" she said with interest in her voice. "I may or may not of befriended Mr Jasper Hale himself" I say. "What I thought you hated them?" She asked. "Honestly I'm still undecided about the rest of them but Jasper is cool....I think " I say a little unsure." I have to say I'm surprised I mean you and Jasper are so different" she said. And she was right.why was I so drawn to Jasper.what was it about him.
The rest of the night me and Bella had normal girl talk and went to bed and all I could think about was Jasper. I don't know what is wrong with me

I was really excited for today's school trip.not only will I get to see Jasper but Bella is coming back to school.I'm not gonna lie I've missed hanging out with her during school time. Even though we are very different.even with her being a little socially awkward she's still probably my favourite person at the school. I then walk out the door to see Bella waiting by her truck. "Hey are you ready to go" she says I the nodded and we get in the car and I couldn't help but notice Bella was in a slight day dream " hey earth to Bella" I say grabbing her attention " what" she says snapping out of her trance "nothing I was just wondering what's wrong with you. You seem kinda distracted. is there something's on your mind" I say "emm n-no" she says nervously "you wanna say that again and try to sound convincing"I say light laughing. "Come on I'm your best friend you can tell me" I say putting my hand on hers. "I can't tell anyone" she said worried "why?" I ask a little concerned "I just can't" she shrugged. "Bella are you in any kinda trouble" I say trying to read her face. "'s not like that" she said laughing. "Good because if there ever is tell me and I'll fix it" I say with a serious tone she smiled and nodded at me.I was naturally a little worried for her with her being around Edward. I know I'm hanging around a vampire to but I have my magic granted it wouldn't do much. but I'm sure it probably could do something.

We was in the school parking lot Bella seemed to be looking at Edward from across the lot. Luckily I was texting my dad on my phone other wise I'd be slightly offended that Bella isn't talking to me. "Look at you.your alive" Mike said in a funny voice I lightly laughed. "Yea false alarm I guess" Bella said still a little distracted by Edward. "Really Mike your quoting Dr Frankenstein. I think you might be showing your inner geek" I say tease him which he giggled at "maybe just a little" he said I then noticed his posture change. "so emmm Bella.I wanted to ask you. if err I know it's like a month away" he says nervously. I couldn't help but feel awkward for him knowing already what he's going to ask and even worse I knowing Bella's answer. "Do you wanna go the pro- prom with me" he continued with a nervous smile. I felt so bad for him especially because Bella wasn't listening. I then nudge her. "What" she said now focusing on us. "Do you wanna go" he say "to the prom wit-with me" he continue. "Well as fun as this is.I'll leave you to guys alone" I say wanting to leave this bubble of awkwardness. I then see Jasper I quickly walk to catch up with him. "Hey cowboy" I say to him "is there any chance if I ask you nicely you would stop calling me that" he says with a straight face but with a light smirk. "Probably" I say lightly pushing him. He then looked around nervously. "Hey I don't know if we should talk during school"he says nervously before continuing. "I just don't want my family to know we hang out" he says. I then felt my heart fall to my stomach and my smile dropped. "Why?" I ask already knowing the answer. "Let me guess you don't want be seen with the school tranny. Got it" I say pissed off and folding my arms. "N-no that's not it at all" he says trying to defend himself. "Then why" I ask. There was a moment of silence as I could see he was trying to think of an answer "you know what I don't even care. your a dick" I say walking away.

Jasper's PoV
I then watch as Rachael walked away.I felt so guilty that she thinks I care about something like that. yes being friends with a transgender woman is new for me because of my old beliefs. but I don't care. I'm just scared of how my family will react to me spending time with a human. especially with how mad they all reacted when Edward saved Bella. "Who was that" I hear Alice come up from behind me. "No one" I say walking off.

Later on at the green house I could see Edward was distracted by talking to Bella and Alice was somewhere els.I thought now would be my chance to approach Rachael who was looking at the black dahlia flowers. "Hey can we talk" I say from behind her. "Why you don't wanna risk your family seeing us together" she says continue to not looking at me. "Rachael I don't I care that your transgender" I say "then why are you embarrassed to be seen with me" she says finally turning around. "I can't tell you" I say. I couldn't think of a good lie. "you can't tell me. Are you fucking kidding me" she says about to walk away. I don't know what came over me but I grabbed her arm and felt a vibration of light come from her as usual. "Please don't be mad at me" I say softly. "Look Jasper I know it's sadly common for a trans woman to take this shit from people and have people being ashamed of them.but I'm not like that I have far to much self respect" she says snatching her arm back "your don't want people to see us together fine. then the best solution is to just stay away from each other" she says walking away. I couldn't help but be angry not at her. myself and a little at my family.even though it's not there fault but also the fact that I'm hurt over someone I don't even know that well.

A/n if you like this chapter please give it and if you can it would be even better if you commented what you think so for it would mean a lot

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