Chapter 8

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Rachael's PoV
"Hey dad" I say slitting on the couch. "Hey sweetie" he said not taking his eyes off the football match on the screen. "Do we have to watch stupid football" I say annoyed. "Sweetie we aren't in England it's called soccer." He said with a smirk. "Whatever" I say pulling out my vouge magazine to flip threw."What's got you all worked up" he said. "Nothing" I quickly say. I felt his eyes burn into the side of my face. "Sweetie you and I both know nothing normally means something" he said pausing the tv. "Just some stupid boy" i sighed. "What's the problem?" he asked in a more concerned tone. "Just some asshole. who is to insecure to be seen with me" I said now looking down at my hand trancing shapes on my arm trying to figure why I was so bothered a few weeks ago i hated him. "I'm not even into him like that's it's ju- it's just I don't know" I say softly. "Rachael you have to stay away from guys like that. you know this.some guys will go great lengths to make sure they can keep there dirty little secrets" He said firmly. "Jezz dad" I say a little offended. "Harsh I know but it's how these men see it .I have to make sure that you know the world is always going to be a cruel place for someone as unique as you. and I'd rather you hear a few harsh words from me then to be  killed by some monster" he said in a strict tone. "I know dad" I say softly. "I wish things could be different. I wish people could treat you normally but this is the reality and you have to prepare yourself" He said hugging me. I just let out a small smile. "So you understand you can't take any of this guy's shit" he said. "Got it I won't even give him a second thought" I said

Jasper's PoV
  I couldn't help but loath myself.everything about being a vampire and not being able to have the simplest thing as a high school was another thing to add to my list of despair.I just wish some things could for once be normal. "Jasper can I talk you you about something" Alice said walking into my room. "I don't want to talk to anyone right now Alice" I say in a firm tone. "It's important. it's about that girl you have been spending time with" she said lightly. "what girl" I said to angry to make my lie convincing "you know what one.the new British girl" she said not dropping the subject. "She's just some girl from know I don't associate myself with humans" i lied which left a bad taste in my mouth. "I know that's not true. I know you have been sneaking off with her" she said stepping closer. "Alice you broke up with I'm sure whoever I do or don't spend my time with has nothing to do with you" I said coldly.which I could tell cut deep from the pain on her face. "I was just gonna say for you to be careful. for some reason I can't see her future. and I don't know if the reason is because she doesn't have a future to see. you need to stop spending time with her before you risk killing her and exposing us all" she said in a serious tone. "I don't want to. she's the only distraction I have now that's keeping me sane" I blurted out. "You have us" she said with a little smile. "I know we broke up Jas but I still care for you" she said lifting up my chin. "Plus do you really think it's fair to risk this girl's life just because she's taking your mind off your pain. that not fair to her" she said. "I know" I whispered. My eyes then got trapped in her golden ones. then before I knew it my body took over and I leaned in and kissed her. I wasn't to surprised at my actions but I was surprised on how ashamed I felt when we separated. "I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me" I said feeling so wrong "Jas-" before Alice would finish I quickly left the room not wanting to feel the embarrassment and shame.

Rachael's PoV
It was later that night . My dad had already gone to sleep. I was still up planning my outfit for school the next day. I had picked out a baby blue sweater with frills on the sleeves. Just as I was about to pick out a skirt to match when my phone started ringing. I could feel my face heat up with rage from the name that had lighted up the screen. I quickly snatch the phone to answer "you have some nerve calling me Jasper" I say in a whisper shout. "I know.I'm sorry I just needed someone to talk to" he said. "I don't care bye now" I say about to hang up. "Wait!" He shouted. "Why. tell me why should I stay on the phone with you" I said fuming. "You shouldn' should come outside  instead" he said "what!" I say pulling back the curtains to my bedroom window to see Jasper by his car. "So are yo-" he starts before I hung up. I quickly grab my jacket and shoes and sneaked outside. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you" I say walking towards Jasper. "I know you think I'm just some asshol.." he began before I cute him off by saying "I don't just think your an asshole. I now think your a stalker from showing up at my house at 12 at night"
"I know I just had a shitty day and when I left my house I needed someone to talk to I ended up here I'm sorry" he said nervously.i could tell that he was questioning his own actions."I get that but you can't honestly expect me to play your BFF after how you treated me today" I said annoyed and a little hurt. "I know. I just have no idea what to do" he said looking at me and sighed.I walk around Jasper's car to the passengers side and opened up the car door. "What are you doing?" Jasper said confused "if you want to talk I'm not going to have it outside my house and risk having my dad seeing" I say " Rachael thank" Jasper started before I cute him off "Save it. just because I'm being a good friends doesn't mean I'm not still pissed off at you." I said getting in the car.

Jasper drove for few minutes and we both stayed silent. "So are you gonna tell me what was so important you dragged outside at 12 o'clock' at night" I say slapping my hands on my thighs. "I don't know what to say" he said. "How do you not know what to say. isn't the point of wanting to talk to someone is having something to say" I say bluntly. " I'm trying I'm just not use to this" he said in a slightly raised voice. "What talking" I say in a mocking tone. "Yes i only ever talk to about stuff like this was Alice and even then it's wasn't often. Plus now it's involving her and I don't know" he said tightening his grip aground the wheel I could see how bothered he was. "Well try to talk to me" I said in a softer tone. "I kissed Alice" he said firmly. "Yikes" I blurted out. Jasper just let out a dry laugh. "I'm sorry." Jasper just returned a soft look. "Did she kiss you back" I asked. "Yes but I think it was more on instinct than it actually meaning anything" he said with his eyes still on the road. "I honestly don't know what came over me" he said in a quiet tone. "I do you still love her" I say lightly. "And there's nothing wrong with that.but I think you do need to talk to her so you can move on the way she has" . The car the suddenly stopped and Jasper turned to look at me with. "I can't I don't know if I have the strength to move on" he said with a sorrow look in his eyes. "More like don't want to" I say bluntly. "You think this is easy you have no idea what I have been threw. I need Alice she's the only thing that gives me hope" he said in a raised voice. "I might not know what your going threw.but I know putting all the pressure on someone to provide your happiness is not real happiness it's a emotional crunch which is probably what pushed her away" I said more harshly then I intended. Jasper then just gave me a look of almost heartbreak. "Jas I'm sor-" I said before he cute me off. "I shouldn't of come to you about this" he said firmly before starting the car. "Jasper I'm sorry I shouldn't of said that.I was just trying to be as honest as I could" I said. "No I'm sorry I came to you about a situation you couldn't possibly understand" he said. I just didn't know how to respond so I just sat there in silence while he drives me home. "Alice was right I shouldn't be hanging around you. we are obviously two different people" Jasper said braking the silence. "Why did you come for me if you didn't want my honest advice" I said in a annoyed voice. "I just thought you would understand but I was wrong. how could you. have you ever even been in love before" he said in a harsh tone. "Look I get it your going threw a hard time now and your hurt so your lashing out" I said. The rest of the ride was silent until we stopped outside my house. "Well I guess ill see you tomorrow" I said not gaining a reaction from him. "Bye" I said before leaving his car

A/N I'm changing all the titles to chapter numbers because it's hard to come up with titles

The new witch (Twilight fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora