Chapter 15

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Rachael's PoV
The car ride was loud.Bella and Edward where both in a panic. "I don't understand why is he doing this why dose he even care" Bella said."James is a tracker he's obsessed with hunting. I have made this worse because of how I reacted on the field. I just made this is his most exciting hunt yet." Edward yelled. I could tell he was really scared for Bella he was practically shaking. "Edward where are you going" Bella said as she noticed Edward driving the wrong way. "Away from forks. I need to take you away just until we kill James" he responded. "I have to go home now." Bella yelled. "No he would of already traced you sent there". Edward said. "Then we definitely need to go Charlie could get killed" I finally spoke up. "Rachael is right. he could get killed because of us" Bella said pancaking more. "No we need to leave forks now!" Edward yelled firmly. "Edward we need to go and check up on Charlie. Plus I could grab some supplies that could help us" I said. "Help us how" he questioned. "i'm not sure but i'm sure we are desperate enough to try anything right." I said trying to reason with him. He was silent for a minute. "Fine but we will have to be quick"

I quickly rushed in threw the door to my house. Edward went to assisted Bella at her house with packing and coming up with an excuse as to why Bella is leaving. "Rachael what's wrong." my dad said following me up to my room. "Nothing I just forgot a few things." I said trying to brush him off. I opened my trunk to grabbed the book I needed and a few objects just in case. "Why are you taking you magic books." My dad said in a serious tone.I stood there frozen for a minute not knowing what to say. "Rachael what's going on?" He said raising his voice. "Ok dad I don't want you to freak out but I need to go and help Bella she's in trouble" I said. I tried to walk past but my dad stood in the way before speaking. "What kind of trouble"
"There's a vampire hunting her" I said. done with the lies. My dad stood there with a shocked face. "Your not going over there" he choked out. "I have to Bella needs me. she could get killed" I yelled out. "Rachael so you Don't you care about your own safety" he yelled back. "Of course I do but I'm not gonna leave someone I care about to die" I said storming past. "Rachael you can't your still new to all this" he said following me. "I have to try something" I said before he grabbed me. "Please stop and think" he said. "Please you can't have this little value of your own life" he said. Causing me to scrunch my face. "Who says I have little value of my life" I said. "Im not a idiot Rachael I know how you tried to kill yourself" he blurted out. I could feel the blood rush to my face. "if you knew.why didn't you say anything" I questioned. "I didn't know how to.I thought moving away and starting fresh was the best way to help. but it seems like you have another death wish" he said frightened. It felt as if my heart stopped as soon as the words escaped his lips. "Rachael please don't go. I don't want you to die" he said. "I-I have to go" is all I could say before walking out the door. As I exited the house I could feel dark energy coming from the woods. I knew it was James he must of found us. I quickly rushed to the truck where Bella was. "Where's Edward?" I questioned. "He's going to follow us. Get in quickly" she said.

I stayed quiet for the drive mostly focused on my spell book. "Is everything ok" Bella asked. I nodded in response. I was over come with anxiety. The only spells i could find to help Bella requires is rather advanced for my level of magic.magic I'm not sure i'm capable of .

We had finally got to the Cullen's house. We entered the house and was shocked to see the vampire with the long dreadlocks. Edward instantly went into attack mode. "Wait" Carlisle said stopping Edward. We all looked at him confused. "He came to warn us about James" Carlisle said. "because that makes sense.Why the hell would you betray your friends to help a bunch of people you don't even know" I blurted out. "This isn't my fight and i have grown tiered of his obsession's" he said looking at me coldly before continuing. "You need to be cautious his senses in all my years of living I've not seen anything like it. And as for the woman Victoria don't underestimate her she's a cunning as they come" he the instantly walked out.
We then walked to the garage.Started to rush around like everyone else.Jasper and Emmett Came down the stairs. "I've had to fight are kind before. There not easy to kill but not impossible" he said is a strict tone is was strange and made me more uncomfortable.he looked my briefly. Before I looked away and pretend I didn't notice him. "I relinquish the thought of killing others living creatures even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle said. "Talk about stones and glasses house" I whispered to myself causing a few looked from everyone. "I'm gonna take Bella and Rachael south" Edward said not noticing what I said I could tell the only thing he could pay attention to was Bella and keeping her safety. "No James will expect that." Carlisle said. "Jasper and I will go" Alice said. Jasper instantly looked at me with a daunting look. "I'm not sure I should go."he muttered to Alice. "Of course you should your the one with the most battle knowledge they'd be safer" Alice said. He nodded in agreement. Everyone was getting ready.

Bella was silent the entire car ride I could tell she was worried about Edward. "Hey. Bella you know he's going to be fine" I whispered to her trying to ease her nerves. "You don't know that he could get really hurt all because of me" Bella said upset. "That won't happen" I responded. "Rachaels right there are more of us then him." Jasper spoke up from the front seat. "I just wish there was something more we could do" she said softly.before continuing to look out the window.I couldn't think on anything to say to soothe her.

we arrived at a hotel in phoenix. the room was silent yet loud. the sound of everyone's terror was deafening. all i could do was walk back and forth. i felt like i was locked it a tower. "rachael will you please calm down" Jasper said. i didn't realise everyone was staring at me. Jasper held a calm face with hidden hints of worry, Bella held and a face of fear. i could tell now that i was showing my panic it was unsettling for her. Alice held and stair that was blank but almost as if she was searching for something. she broke the stair with worry before speaking. "the tracker" she said. "what do you see Alice" Jasper said focused. I realised she was having a vision. "he's gone off course. he was following Edward but he realised it was a trap." as the word fell out of her mouth i could feel my heart starting to pick up. "well what now" i blurted out. "mirrors a room full of mirrors" she said calmly. "draw it" i recommended passing her parchment paper. she began to draw. "so the tracker is heading for my old ballet studio" Bella spoke up. "is the studio here in Phoenix" jasper's asked with concern. bella just nodded in response. i couldn't believe it the tracker was heading here for us. the room was silent. until alice's phone started to ring. it was Edward he spoke to alice about what to do next. i then went in the other room. i could feel my heart racing. i went threw my bags to try and fins a spell book that could help. i flip threw all the page's trying to find anything. I then began to flip threw the same pages again and a again. quicker and quicker each time but I wasn't reading the pages i couldn't focus all i could do was feel my anxiety build up. i was almost choking at the lump in my throat. i feel like i couldn't hands where then stopped by colder ones. i looked up to see Jasper. "Rachael-" he started before i pulled him into a tight hug. i could tell hugging was hard for him because of how tense his body was and that he held his breath. but he instantly wrapped his cold solid arms around me. "i'm so sorry" is all i could say. "i'm sorry for being such a bitch to you. i'm sorry i'm to scared and weak to actually do anything to help." i whispered out. he then relaxed.before speaking. "it's not your fault i get it you scared of me how could you not be" he said. before be broke apart. looked into his black enchanting eyes. "i've never blamed you for how you feel towards me the fear, the annoyance, the hate-" he said before i cut him off. "i've never hated you" i said softly. he then looked at me with confusing. "how could you not i've attacked you and now because of me and my family a vicious vampire it's hunting you down." he said in anger for himself. i could tell how much he's beating himself up. i could see how much hate he has for himself, how much rage and disgust. something so strong that has been weighing on him for years it was heartbreaking. i then swallowed the lump in my throat before speaking. "i don't hate you for attacking me i don't know why but i never did" he instantly scoffed at my words. " i promise i didn't and as for this. this is not your fault l. James is the monster after us your protecting us." i said softly. we then stood there in silence.we was gazing into each other's eyes. Jasper began to lean in. before Alice barged in with a worried look. " Bella is missing"

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