Chapter 10

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Rachael's PoV
   "So I keep thinking Eric is going to ask me to the prom and he just doesn't" Angela said wrapped up in a blanket next to Bella. We was on la bush getting ready to do some whale watching. While the guys and Jessica was putting on there surfing suits.
"You should ask him. Take control your a strong independent woman" Bella said. Although Angela's face didn't seem to be convinced. "Or you could just go on your own. because boys are nothing but big balls of horse shit" I said without thinking. "Hey" Mike said getting our attention. "On behalf of the good guy's Id appreciate if you took that back"
"Sorry Mike. I didn't mean it" I said feeling slightly bad before continuing. "I guess some guys get it right. Which is why Jess is so lucky to be going to prom with you"
"Awwww your so sweet" he said sarcastically with a big smile.
"What's got you upset" Bella whispered to me. "Oh believe me it's not even worth the oxogen to talk about" I said coldly. "Yikes" is all Bella could respond with.
Three boys around are age approached us. "Hey Bella" the smiley one in the middle said. "Hey Jacob. Guys this is Jacob" she said gesturing to the boy. "What are you like stalking me or something" she said joking with her friend. I then got a cold shiver from the direction of the ocean.
"You guys should keep Bella company her date bailed " Jessica said
"Date!what date" Eric said in a light panic. "She invited Edward" Jessica laughed out. "To be polite" she responded nervously. "I think it's sweet she invited him no one ever dose" Angela said softly. "Yea because Cullen's are freaked" Mike said. God I hate that word.I have had it thrown at me for being trans far to many times. "How would any of you guys just judge them for a far without knowing them" I said "I don't need to. I can spot that they are freaks from a mile away" Mike said. "That's disgusting. i'm Going for a walk" I said walking away.

I was looking out at the oceans and calming myself. For some reason being around water has always calmed me.  "Hey" I heard Mike's voice come from behind me. "I'm sorry about what I said before. I know your friends with them" Mike continued. But I zoned out. I thought I could see something on the water. "What is that" I said.
"What's. What" Mike said in confusion.
"On the water"
"Rachael there's nothing on the water".
All I could see was a woman with long raven black hair in a long red dress. Something was drawing me to the water. I then began to step forward before a hand grabbed .
" hey Rachael!.you ok" Mike said grabbing me attention and snapping me out of my trance. "Yea I'm fine" I say. I then look back at the ocean and the woman was gone.

The rest of the weekend was long and boring.I tried to look thew my grams books to find some kind of answer to what so saw on the beach. As usual I found nothing. But at this point I've learned to just go with the flow in these situations.
Luckily one good thing about today is for once in Forks it's actually sunny. Me,Bella and Jess was sat at a table in the school courtyard. I noticed Bella looking around for Edward.I clearly wasn't the only one who noticed because Jessica decided to speak up. "He's not here" she said bluntly. "W-what who" Bella said nervously. "Really Bella playing dumb" I joked which she responded with a light laugh. "Why aren't they" Bella said. "Whenever the wether Is nice the Cullen's disappear." Jessica replied. "What they just skip?" I questioned. "No doctor and miss Cullen's take them out for hiking ,camping and stuff" she said "what! luckily" I blurted out. "I know I tried convincing my parents and not even close." She said bitterly. "Yea I don't think I'd even be able to form the words before my dad shut me down" I said.
"Guys!" Angela said rushing to the table. "I'm going to the prom with Eric" she said before continuing "I just asked him and I took control."
"Oh I guess Bella dose know how to deal with men" I teased nudging her. "Are you sure you have to go out of town" Angela asked Bella. "Yea it's a family thing" I couldn't help but give her a look. I knew she was lying to avoid Mike. "Ok well me and Angela need we should go shopping in port Angeles before all the good dresses clean out" Jess said. "Hey what about me.I need a dress to" I said. "What I thought you didn't have a date" Jessica said. "I don't but it's still a night to look pretty and have fun with my friends" I replied "so your going stag" Jessica said in disbelief. "What Angela is the only one who can be a strong independent woman" I joked. "fair" Jess replied with smile "can I come" Bella asked. "Yea! I need you opinion" Angela said causing us all to giggle lightly.

    We was all looking At the dresses ."Do you think this looks cute" Jess asked picking up a orange mermaid dress. "Maybe not the colour but I think the shape would look beautiful on you." I said with a smile. She nodded in agreement and put it back. "I think it come's in a dusty rose shade" I said helping her look.
Jess and Angela started to try a few things on. I decided to sit with Bella and keep her company.
"I can already tell you are dying of boredom" I joked to her. "What" she laughed out. "Shopping isn't your thing is it" she shook her head and giggled. "No but I'm having fun I promise" she said
"Yea. say that again and try to sound believable" I joked
"What do you guys think about this lavender one" Angela said coming out of the changing room. "That looks so beautiful" I said
"Oh I like that one to" Jessica said joining the group. "But what about my one look how good it makes my boobs look" she followed. I was about to comment until I was started by a group of creepy guys knocking on the window to get the girls attention. "That is uncomfortable" Jessica said nervously. "It's disgusting" Bella muttered. "Just ignore those creeps" I said "so Bella what do you think" Jess said in a more cheerful tone. "Looks great" Bella replied. I just rolled my eyes playfully at her response. "But you said that about the last five dresses" Jess said. "Because they where all beautiful" I said to cover for Bella's lack of interest. "Your not really into this are you" Angela said to Bella. "I actually just really want to go to this book store" she said picking up her bag.she continued with"I'll meet you guys at the restaurant"
"I don't mind coming with you if you want" I said "no you have already forced yourself to sit with my while they tried stuff on and I know it's been killing you sitting here with me instead" she said and smiled before leaving.

A few hours had passed and me a girls had already tried on so many dresses. "That white one look so good on you Rachael" Jessica said . "I don't know with my luck I know I'd spill something on it" I said "hello girls" a older woman came up to us. "I'm just coming to check to see everything is ok.I'm the owner of the shop" she said.
"Yea everything is fine. We are just looking for prom dresses" Angela responded. "Oh how fun" she said with a smile. "Yea we are trying to convince Rachael to get this dress" Jessica said holding the dress up. "I do look really good in it.and it dose flatter what little boob I have" I joke causing Jessica to lightly laugh. "How dose that work by the way" Jessica asked. Which I didn't mind I was use to her curiosity by now. "It's just hormones it causes the Brest tissues to grow" replied
"I'm sorry what" the lady from the shop said. "Oh I'm a trans woman" I said. "Your a man" she said in disgust. "Did you miss the woman part of trans woman" I said with a attitude. "I don't care we don't allow people like you in here" she said. "Oh whatever I've already figured out what I want anyway" I said. "No I'm not going to sell it to you. this store is for women not mentally ill freak shows" she said. which really hurt I just feel a lump in stomach grow.but there was no way I was going to cry in front of her.I wasn't going to let her think she had the power to do that. "Fine I'll go" I said "will come with you" Angela said. "No you guys get your dresses. I'll go and meet Bella she's been taking forever and it's getting dark ." I said before getting changed and leaving.

I could feel light tear falling from my eyes. What had started as a fun normal day turn into something awful. No matter how many times I face transphobia it always cuts deeper then anything els.I couldn't help but feel so low about myself. I decided to take the quicker way to the book store which was down a alleyway. And just as I thought things couldn't get any worse Jasper appeared in front of me. "God Jasper I don't have time for a soap opera moment" I said about to walk away. "You know don't you" he said with a growl. "Know what" I said lightly. "You know I'm a vampire" He said taking a step closer to me. "Th-th-that's crazy I" I said before he cut me off by grabbing me roughly.
"Don't lie" 
i was more frightening then anything I could have imagined. His eyes when black, cold and filled with rage. I couldn't form any word I just nodded. "What are you" he barked. I didn't know how to respond. "What are you!" He screamed at me.I panicked I was to scared to think "stay away" I said .I began to cast a pain infliction spell. Jasper begin to hold his head and dropped to the floor in pain. I then stopped and began to feel pain myself. I noticed drops of blood started to flow from my nose. Jasper face then turn more animalistic. I just saw a flash and I was pined against the wall.Jasper was pressed against me and his mouth was on my neck there was no biting  he was just holding me there like best with it's pray. it was almost like he was waiting.
"please,please  don't kill me" I said with tears flowing down my face. Jasper then moved his face to look In my eyes. He was still so close. His  forehead was pressed on mine and his lips was almost brushing on mine. "I-I don't want to hurt you. I just can't con-control" Jasper was trying to force out. "I don't believe you" I whispered out. He then began the scream out in pain and black liquid began to pour out of his eyes. I wasn't doing this. I didn't know how to react so I just ran.

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