Chapter 4

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Rachael's PoV
The car ride with Bella was quite. I still felt guilty for yelling at her. "I'm really sorry" I blurt out. "For what" Bella said surprised. "For yelling at you before it was un called for" I say facing her. "It's ok" she says stopping the car and facing me. "Here I have an idea this weekend your staying at mine" I said with a now more cheerful tone. Bella bit her lip and nodded. "Yes if your dad is ok with that" she said nervously. "He's barely ever home so I doubt he'd mind. But I'll check with him" I say before leaving the truck. "I'll see you tomorrow Bella" I say waving. I am glad me and Bella have made up. I walk into my house to see my dad with a mug of what I'm assuming is coffee. "Hey dad" I said walking in the kitchen. "Hey" he mumbled not taking his eyes off his newspaper. "I was wondering if my friend Bella could sleep over" I say getting a bottle of water out of the fridge. "Of course it's nice to see your making friends" he said now looking at me with a childish smile. "Yea everyone seems really nice" I said siping my water. "Plus I'll be working most the weekend" my dad said. "Figured" I mumbled before going upstairs.

It was the middle of the night. I was tossing and turning in my bed struggling to get to sleep.I couldn't get the Cullen's out of my head. I couldn't stop thinking about how Bella keeps on going on about Edward. but that's only because she doesn't know how truly dangerous he is.Most of all I can't stop thinking about Jasper and what his true intentions with me. He seemed to somewhat hate me at first and now he's wanting to be studied buddies. My question is why? Dose he know something or am I just another peace of meat for him to ravish.I can feel my hart beat quickening as the thoughts circle around my head. I then throw my blanket off me. "Shit" I say before getting up and going to the trunk at the end of my bead to search for a spell book. If there was any time to dive in head first in magic it would be now. I then find the perfect book called basic spells. Everyone has to start somewhere. The first thing I saw was telekinesis the ability to move things with the mind.It said in the book that the power will be limited to beginner witches. The question is how limited. I started off by making my pencil on my desk float. Seemed easy enough. I then tried something bigger. my bed and it didn't budge. "Great how am i gonna protect anyone if all I can do is float a pencil." I sighed and started to look threw my other books.I remember seeing something about channeling magic. "Witches can Chanel many things for power like other witches, the element's or celestial events" I then look up from the book and sigh. Great what am I gonna do.none of theses I can access in a school building. I then suddenly start to hear whisper like from the night I tried to kill myself.I couldn't quite make out what they where saying. suddenly one of the books beside me flutters open and the whispers stop. "Witch talismans" I read out loud.
Witch talismans and what witches use to show there faith different witch talismans can mean different things but they can also be used as training tools for beginner witches.
and just like that my Hope was restored. I turned to next page to get the how to. It said in the book that there was different talismans for different faiths. But there only seemed to be instruction on how to make one. But I noticed other pages ripped out. I guess my family only follows one religion it didn't really matter I needed power and I needed it now.
To preform this spell you will need a string,a stone or crystal of you chose and blessed water.the talismans will hold a fraction of the goddess power in it to cannel do this you will need to preform the spell in the full moons light.
"Shit" I whisper the full moon isn't for another two weeks. What am I going to do till then? I then quickly put all my books away in my trunk. As I got up of the floor I started to notice something dripping onto the floor. I then reach up to my face it was my nose it was bleeding. As I wipe it away the whispers start to come back and a sharp pain in my head. I then drop to the floor and see flashes I can barely make them out I just see three women two blonde and one dark haired. I then see Jaspers killing people with red eyes. The whispers then stoped and the pain went away.

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