Chapter 9

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Rachael's PoV
I was walking down the school corridor with guilt I'm my stomach. I shouldn't of said what I did to Jasper.he was obviously looking for someone to just listen and I screwed up. "Hey Rach" I heard a voice yell from down the corridor. I then saw a very giddy Mike Newton. "Hey Mike" I said with a forced smile. "So have you been talking to Bella about me" he said in a whisper tone. "I didn't realise I was supposed to" I said in a surprised tone. His face quickly morphed into a huge smile. "Of course your my wingman" he said nudging me. His face dropped immediately. "I-I meant wingwoman sorry I didn't mean to be transphobic.if that was transphobic. Was it?" He said in a panic. I just let out a light giggle. Which seemed to ease him."It's fine Mike it wasn't transphobic." I said I obviously understanding his worry especially because I know he hasn't had any trans friends before.I also know some people can worry about upsetting us a lot. "Also I don't think I can be your wing woman as my skills in the romantic department are none existent" I joked "what does that mean?" He asked. "I've never really dated" I replied "so you just haven't had a boyfriend ever?" He said oddly surprised. "You may have noticed not a lot of men our age aren't even open to dating a trans women.which is fine but it can suck sometimes." I say "I think any guy would be lucky to have you on there arm" he said with a bright smile. "So do you known what Bella likes to do" Mike said swiftly changing the subject. "Reading, listen to music basic stuff really" I answered. "Why?"
"I just want to ask her out. I just can't think of what we'd do" he said with a tight smile. I didn't want to get involved because that seems to always been my problem. but I know Bella doesn't like him and I don't want to be the one to break his heart and tell him. " why don't you just get to know her more as a friend first.that way you can figure out what she likes and if you have anything in common" I said which he didn't seem to like the sound off. "I don't know" he said being unsure. "I mean we could all try hanging out side of school. like tomorrow.why don't we all go to the beach" I said trying to think of a resolution.
" there is meant to be good waves coming in tomorrow" he said more convinced. "Well I don't know about surfing but I'm sure I can find something els to do" I said before whispering to myself "especially because I need a distraction."
"Yea I'll go and tell everyone after class" he said walking away "ok I'll see you at lunch" I said receiving a smile.

I walked into history class seeing Jasper in his usual seat with his head down. I quickly walked over to him and sat down .I sat there for a minute trying to spit out my words. "Jasper I'm sorry about last night" I whispered to him. "Just forget about it" he said still avoiding my gaze. "I just have a really bad habit of being an idiot" I said lightly. "I said it's fine Rachael I have already forgiven you" he said "then why are you avoiding my gaze" I blurted out. He then looked at me with a blank stare. I could tell underneath that gaze was rage. I could feel my stomach tie itself together and the blackness of his eyes staring directly into mine made a shiver.fear crawl up my spine. "See I'm not avoiding your gaze. Happy now" he said with a dry voice. I didn't know how to I continue to apologise.
Half of the lessons passed I didn't get any work done.all I could think about is how I could fix things between us. "Hey Jasper if you want you can come to the beach tomorrow with my friends" I said trying to offer some type of olive branch. "Can't I'm busy" He said bluntly. "Oh o-ok" is all I could respond with.

Jasper's PoV
I had forgiven Rachael from last night's conversation because she was right. I do need to move on from Alice but I can't. I was trying to deflect from Rachael because I believe Alice was right.I shouldn't be friends with Rachael. I have come to care for Rachael as a friend. I wish no harm to her and being friends with her is harmful. Especially because her blood can be rather intoxicating and alluring even now as I sit next to her. Her blood is playing on my mind and I can barely find the strength to resist her. I know I have to keep my distance. Just as class ended I felt a small hand light grab my arm and a rush of light traveled threw my body. I then turned facing Rachael. "Jasper I can tell you're obviously still mad at me but I really am sorry I was just trying to help" she said with a comforting smile. "I know" I said coldly before walking away.

Rachael's PoV
"Rach.... Rach......Rachael" Mike said snapping me out my thoughts. "What"
"I asked if you are still coming to la push beach tomorrow" he said smiling. "I don't know.I'm not really in the best of moods and I really don't want to sour everyone's mood" I say playing with my food. "You won't. After all what are friends for if not to take you mind off things." He said with a convincing smile. "Fine" I didn't have the energy to argue about it. "But are you going to tell me what's wrong." He said softly. "Just I said some really hurtful things to a guy. he won't talk to me now and I don't know how to fix things" I said. "I didn't realise you was talking to someone. I thought you didn't date." He said in surprise. "I don't . it's not like that. I just don't like upsetting my friends and I know Jasper is going threw a lot."
"Wait in Jasper Hale" Mike scuffed. "Is there anyone around here who isn't fan girling over that family" he said bitterly. "Hey I'm not fan girling I just sorta became friends with him" I said
"Whatever. I just hope everyone will open there eyes about those freaks sooner or later."
"Mike! That you and I both know who you are talking about specifically" I say in a slight firm tone. "It's not just about Bella anymore. Now your involved with them and I don't want to see ether of you hurt. And something about them seems dangerous. especially Jasper" he said calmly. If only he knew the truth and that he was kinda right. "Look I appreciate that but this isn't the 1800's where we need a man to protect us. I'm a big girl and I can handle myself" I say which he responds we a small smile.
" I'm not really hungry. I think I'm just going go to the library for a bit.tell everyone I'll see them in class" I say standing up. "Are you sure you don't want me to come seem like you could use a friend."
"No I'll be fine you enjoy your lunch. Plus I kinda want to be alone" I say walking off

As I walked out of the library I bumped into someone.knocking all my books out my hand. "I am so sorry I'm such a idiot" I say picking up my things
"It's perfectly fine we all make mistakes" the light voice said. I then looked up to see none other then Alice Cullen. She bent down to help me pick up my things. "Your Jasper's new friend. Rachael right" she said "I honestly have no idea" I replied. She just looked at me in question. "We just got into a argument" I said
"Oh i'm sorry Good luck with that. If I know anything about Jasper is he is as stubborn as a mule. But he will eventually come around"
I just smiled at her. She seemed really sweet. "Do you like him" she said out of no where. "W-What?" Is all I could spit out. "Do you like him. I know he's rather found of you" she said "I don't think of him that way. And I don't think Jasper feels that way ether.I think he's still a little heartbroken over your breakup"
"Well there's something.he kissed me the other night and something was off" she said "what do you mean" I questioned "the kiss felt like it was meant for someone else" she said looking into my eyes. It was silent for a second. "Anyway I think I have to go.class should be starting soon" I say as she handed me my book. Are hands lightly touched. I then saw something on her face it's was blank.before she light grabbed my arm. "What are you doing" I said but there was no response. She was in a trance. "Let go" is all I said then light smoke came from her hand. "Aaa!" she yelped as her hand winced away. I then saw parts of the skin on her hand. It was melted. "What are you" she said looking at me in slight fear. The skin started to rapidly heal. "I could ask you the same thing." I said as a crowd of people walked in. I swiftly used the diversion to walk away.

Jasper's PoV
     Lunch had just finished and it felt like the day was never going to end. I spent the entire lunch watching Edward give Bella intense stairs. Which normally wouldn't annoy me as much. I wasn't also distracted by that same table talking about me and Rachael.I heard that Newton kid call me a dick several times among other things. "Jasper" I hear Alice say in panic making her way over to me. " is there something wrong" I say worried. "I just need to talk to you." She said.
She led me out to the woods. "Why did you lead my all the way out here Alice"
"I needed to make sure no one could hear us.including are family." She said in a serious tone. "Alice what is it you have me worried"
"That girl. I get it now. The thing between you two. The reason you would want to be involved with human's. I felt whatever has you hooked to her that warm light feeling" she said frightened. "That is what drawn me in yes but" I said before she cut off my sentence. "She's no good for you Jasper. Her light or whatever that thing was. your treating her as a drug"
"I'm's not just that .Rachael is kind and a she's a little dramatic but being around her makes me genuine happy.with or without the light thing" I said. "Please don't tell the family" I pleaded
"I don't know.I can't help but think she's dangerous"
"How? she's nothing even close to dangerous" I said in disbelief. Rachael wouldn't hurt a fly.
"Jasper after I touched her and I felt that thing. She melted my hand.And when she saw my hand heal she didn't seem shocked"
"what" I couldn't believe it . A mountain load of anger built up in me.she knew I was a vampire this entire time and said nothing she's been lying to me and now she's harmed Alice.
"Alice don't tell anyone about this. I'm going to deal with Rachael"

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