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Nyx's POV

They all growled at me. But what confused me the most was that they seemed tired? I opened my mouth to say something but then suddenly a little butterfly(picture above) appeared in front of me. It settled on my nose and flapped its wings a couple of times. It was ticklish and I couldn't help it, I let out a sneeze startling the poor thing. It flew of my nose and circled around me. 'Ooooo butterfly!' Luna said happily in my mind. I began to chase it. Ignoring the frustrated growls that the males around me were making. Until suddenly one of them said in my mind. 'Can you please shift back. We probably should have said this first, but why are you trespassing on our land.?' I immediately stopped playing with the butterfly. My head dropped and tears began to blur my vision. I responded to them, "My pack bullies my daily, my mate rejected me. I have nowhere else to go. I am sorry that I trespassed on your land. I will leave straight away.' I hung my head and prepared to run away. 'Wait!' They shouted, I turned by head back and gave them a confused look. Their next words surprised me, 'Would you like to join our pack?'

I immediately pounced on them, 'YES, YES I WOULD LOVE TO!' Then I realised what I had done and quickly got of them. I averted my eyes and said sheepishly 'sorry'. There was silence, then there was a deep rumbling sound. At first I thought that they were growling at me then I realised that that 'deep, growling sound' was them laughing at me. 'Cole, I can't believe that she actually knocked you down!' Alpha Ethan said still chuckling. I guess the one that had red flames surrounding his wolf was Cole. 'Not my fault, she surprised me.' Cole muttered.
'Do we need to step up your training, brother?' The third one laughed as he said this.
'Oh shut up Cody, she knocked you down as well.' Cole grumbled. Suddenly I felt dizzy, I guess today took a toll on me. The last thing I heard before falling asleep was 'Sleep tight, little Wolf.'

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