I don't care who you are

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Nyx's POV

My name had vibrated through the whole hall. Without looking, I knew who that was. Torin. I ignored him and I sat down on my seat which was on the throne with Cole and Cody standing next to me. I mean, hey why can't I? It was built for the strongest being out there and I technically am so...  "Let the annual gathering begin!" I amplified my voice out to all of the animals out there. And yes I say animals, cause they are aren't they? The rest of the population was watching from their own TV just so they don't miss out on any important information. The stunned Alphas with their Beta and Deltas came forward and started to pay their respects to me. After they had done that, they would then need to wait on the side quietly. If they don't, well you know, it won't end well. The Alphas had formed a line from my throne all the way to the back off the hall. I saw Torin and his 'mate' lining at the back of the line. I had forgotten her name already, what was it...eh forgot. As the sun gradually rose to it's peak, the line was finally nearing the end. It was a terribly long process that required every Alpha to introduce their name, pack and skill level. I was currently sitting on my throne, casually sipping blood from a exquisitely decorated wine goblet thing with my legs dangling from the side of the throne. Blood for us angels were apparently a great replenishing sort energy and for wolves, well they didn't mind it much since you had to hunt for live prey pretty much everyday.

"Alright, that is now everyone, let's get this banquet started!" I say to everyone as the second last Alpha finished their introduction. "HEY, Nyx you forgot about us you mmmmmfff" Torin's mate shouted at me. Torin had quickly covered her mouth, but the damage was already done. I turned to Cole and said very icily, "what is the punishment of disrespecting the Great Elder?" He smirked and replied, "of course it is to be fed with the undying potion, stabbed by 1000 silver swords, tortured with silver in knives in countless ways, be fed another undying potion, continue the torture have all her fingers, toes and hair cut off, use the internal ice to freeze their top half then have the internal hell fire 'warm' their in her bottom half. Oh and after that, force their animals out and throw them in disgrace at their Alpha's doorstep...and the Alpha is to receive the same treatment for not being able to control their pack member, with the exception of having their wolves forced out of course, that is definitely not how we treat our Alphas, is that right Nyx?"
I raised my eyebrows and replied in a pretentiously disappointed voice "About right, except you have forgotten about their packs then being shunned from them rest of the world and them banned from attending annual meetings until I agree to lift this exile, oh and the punishment goes on for a whole year...any questions?" The whole room turned even more silent. "No? Oh well, it is about time that I get my rest, I am very tired." I flicked my fingers as I then sent them flying all the way back to my torture chamber. Then I disappeared from my spot with the shadows. Leaving the whole hall silent with the animals whimpering in fright.

Unknown POV
Well, it seems my little mate seems to like it rough eh? I tapped my fingers on my chair and called out to Collin my butler. "Go and invite her here, it's time for my little mate to come back to me." Then I waved my hand and disappeared right on the spot.

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