The past

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Nyx's POV
After the silver light completely covered me, I found myself standing in a beautiful field of multi-coloured flowers! Butterflies, little birds and bees flew around me. Then I suddenly saw the butterfly when I first shifted. Luna pushed herself to the front of my mind as we started to chase after the butterfly. Around and around the field, I was giggling with laughter as my unbound silver hair flew in the wind. Without looking, I knew that my eyes were a clear sky blue. 'Well, it seems as if I was a child again.' I thought. When that thought crossed my mind, I slowed down and stared at the clear blue sky. I knew why my pack hated me. The only reason that they haven't beaten me daily is because of some unspoken rule that no one else can disobey from the King.

*** Flashback***

3rd person POV

Little Nyx was 3 months old at that time. She was lying patiently in her cradle for her parents to come home to feed her. She didn't cry, even when she was born. Because of that, her parents were already weirded out by her. They wanted nothing to do with her but knew that if they abandoned the child, then the Goddess wont be happy with them. So they reluctantly fed her but they did nothing more. The reason because the little Nyx didn't cry, was because whenever she was distressed or unhappy, a shadow person always came to play with her. It was the same shadow person every time and Nyx knew that even though she was only 3 months old. Her mind though young, could already process information and say things even an Elder couldn't say. This meant that when she was older, her IQ would be above and beyond any other wolves. Nyx knew that her parents didn't care for her. There was no point in crying so she stayed silent. The last time the shadow person came to visit her, she asked it in a tiny voice... " Why do my parents hate me? I have made their life easier by not crying and not fussing around. Why do they still hate me?" The shadow did not reply to her and only sadly smiled. Shortly after he left and he never came back again. At that time, she was 6 months old. Alone in the world without anyone to care for her...

1 year later

3rd person POV

"Just leave her here, she will end up dying anyways. There's no need to kill her." Nyx's mother said with obvious disgust. " It would end up getting my dress dirty and then I would have to wash it." "Besides, she probably doesn't even know her name does she? Here." With that, Nyx's mother tossed a piece of paper into the basket. "If someone finds her, maybe they could make her into a pack slave, serves her right for being worthless." She continued on, not knowing that Nyx could understand every single word that she said. If she knew that Nyx heard her and understood her, she wouldn't have cared anyways. Nyx's father nodded in agreement. "Right, just leave her here. No one wants this worthless weird trash anyways." And with that they left. After a week, 2 wolves suddenly came and saw her lying there. They took pity on the child and brought her home. About a month after they had bought Nyx home, there was an attack on the pack house resulting in the two wolves deaths. Of course , this meant that the pack had hated her from that moment on, and no one stopped and thought, what could a one year old have done to shield those two wolves from the attacks. Even if they did, they they would have done nothing to stop it.

Back to the present:
Nyx's POV

I shook my head at these thoughts. I was not the one to be bullied anymore. 'I have grown stronger, and no one would ever bully me ever again.'  I thought. With that, I slowly advanced towards the light that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

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