49. The Three Wishes

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     "Emma, I thought we decided to be reasonable about you and Lucky," I finally manage to interrupt for a brief moment her ecstatic rant.

   "Yeah, but wait to hear this. Not only can I no longer be reasonable, but I'm actually going totally crazy," she shrieks in my ear.

   What could've he told her? I know Lucky is capable of quite a lot, but Emma is not a person to be easily shaken.

   "Sooo, I decided to keep it a surprise about the gloves and answered that I had no present and asked him what he wanted." She makes a dramatic pause and screams, "And he said that he had three wishes for his birthday that only I could fulfill."

   "What?" My eyes go wide. "Did he tell you what they were?"

   "Well, I decided to play it cool and said that I'd promise nothing until he told me what he wanted. And guess what!" She stops for a second to take a breath, but I can't wait to learn the rest.

   "Come on, Emma! What did he say?" I'm so excited that I start tapping my foot.

   "Heee saaaid... that his first wish was to take me on a date, second one was to promise him that I would fulfill the third one without asking more questions," she finally blurts triumphantly.

   "Aaaaa," we scream at the same time.

   "And what was your answer?" I impatiently yell.

   "I haven't answered yet because, before I could do it, Lucky said that he had to go and hung up. He asked me to text him my decision."

   "Aaaand? What are you going to write?" I yell louder.

   It's difficult to tell who's more excited, me or Emma.

   "It'll be a yes, of course. What else?" I'm sure that she's rolling her eyes.

   "What if the third wish is to have sex with him?" I retort.

   "Then I'll do it, Sunny. It's not that I don't want it," she huffs.

   "Emma, this isn't something you do as a birthday present, especially if you've never done it before. Come over. We need to discuss it. Don't do something you'll regret later," I start to plead. "Don't answer before we talk."

   She's a clever girl but I suspect that my friend is too deep into Lucky and this will trick her into doing something reckless.

   "Don't freak out, honey. I'm not that stupid. I know Lucky will never ask me such a thing. He's too nice. I can't imagine that he'd use such a cheap trick to get sex. He can have whoever he wants without his birthday as an excuse. This surely is some kind of a prank. He's just teasing me, as usual."

   She groans in annoyance, "I'd really prefer if we just go on a date and kiss and then he takes me home and does with me whatever he likes. We don't need mysterious wishes to get to it. I'm totally ready."

   "No, you're not!" I argue. "You like him too much. A one-night stand will only hurt you. Even if it grows into something serious later, rushed sex now will disappoint you. You and Lucky have to go slower. I know you too well, Emma. You play tough but you're not." 

   I'm trying to persuade her because I know what will be the consequences, although, she obviously doesn't see it 

   "I don't know, Sunny. I've started to think lately that being with him once, although I may be unhappy later, is better than nothing at all. I know how totally stupid this is, but I just can't stop dreaming about it. He's so cool, handsome and sexy and I've been into him for so long. I have to take this risk. This agony has to end one way or another." 

   Her long, tortured sigh shows me that she definitely didn't manage to be reasonable about Lucky and has deep feelings for him.

   I try to raise her spirits. She seems desperate.

   "What if he genuinely likes you and all this is serious. He asked you on a date. It's quite something. Let's not try to predict what his third wish will be, ok? I'm sure that it'll be fun and you'll take the right decision when you learn it," I say cheerfully.

   "Thanks, sweetie! You're a treasure. Yeah, I'll just have fun without overthinking."

   I can feel the smile in her voice and am relieved that my friend is joyful again, so I quickly change the subject.

   "Do you want to go out for dinner? Or prefer me to cook something nice for you?" I ask.

   "I kind of feel like going out tonight," Emma answers. "We have many things to celebrate, you know, your first official date with Em tomorrow, Lucky's birthday and the fact that he finally made a move, the possibility for the band to make a record and ... the three wishes." 

   She blurts the last words through laughter, adding, "I know the perfect place to go. Put something nice on, it's fancy. I'm coming in an hour."

   "What do you mean fancy? Do I have to put a suit on?" I mutter.

   I don't like formal clothing. I hate being dressed up, especially in a suit. And I never understand what Emma wants me to wear.

   She starts to chuckle.

   "No, cutie, I mean just to be fashionable and unconventional, as usual, but with a little more glamour."

   "What?" I yelp. "Emma, I don't get what you mean. Why do you have to make choosing an outfit so difficult every time?"

   I frown and stubbornly groan, "I'm not putting on anything until you come here and help me. And have in mind that I won't wear clothes that are too tight for me like the last time."

   She's laughing her head off and barely manages to say, "Fine, I'm coming. But before you get any ideas to question my choices, remember that the white, skinny jeans got you a boyfriend," and hangs up before I can contradict this unfair and overly annoying statement.


Photo by Rachel Claire from Pexels


Hello everyone at the end of Chapter 49!

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You're amazing!

Here's another riddle for you. 😀😀😀

What do you think is Lucky's third wish? 😉

I'll even give you a hint... It's not sex. 😁

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See you in the next chapter.

Love: Anny

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