72. Never Awaken the Beast

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  [Trigger warning: graphic violence and insulting language]

   I excuse myself for a quick visit to the rest room before we enter the lecture hall.

   "I'll come with you, kitty," Em immediately states.

   "No, Em, I'm not a child," I roll my eyes. "I'll be back in few minutes."

   He's hesitant, but finally agrees to go with the others. I head in the opposite direction, giggling and shaking my head. He is really overprotective and a little bit possessive. What could happen to me in the University building? It's so sweet, though, that he wants to be with me all the time.

   The moment I open the rest room door, someone grabs my collar and hurls me against the sink countertop. 

   It's so surprising, that I slam on it, flat on my face, with no attempt to protect myself. My bottom lip falls directly on the edge. A sharp string of pain and the warm liquid, dripping down my chin, show me that it's split.

   I'm grabbed by the hair the next second and lifted to my feet. 

   I feel someone's knee, striking my side with such force that my ribs crack. The pain is excruciating. I fall on the floor, bent in two by the burning sensation and wrap my arms around my torso to prevent more hits in the same spot. I have the feeling that my attacker is not done yet. 

   Strangely, I'm not frightened, just totally taken aback.

   "Look what the cat has dragged, a pitiful, little mouse. You're not so brave now, huh?" an ominous voice hisses spitefully. "Where's your Dark Prince to save you, honey?"

   The pain blurs my vision, but I raise my eyes to see who this is, although, I have already recognized him.

   Daniel is standing only a step away, glaring at me with utter hatred.

   "You think he's perfect, huh?" he lashes out. "Well, let me inform you that he is not. He is a perverted bastard who likes to play with pitiful bitches like you, just for entertainment. You'll be chewed and spit out in the dust like many before you."

   I am staring at his face, ugly distorted with anger and contempt.  

   All I feel is rage. I am mad. His words can't hurt me. They only make me want to erase his ugly smirk.

   Despite the burning in my muscles, I gather all my determination and slowly raise to my feet.

   The blood is dripping on the floor, gathering in a small puddle. The pain in my side is so severe, that my breath hitches. But this can't stop me.

   I look directly in his eyes and say as clear as I can, "I don't believe you. You're jealous and pitiful. Do you think that hitting me will make Em like you more? He loves me. This will only make him hate you in his guts."

   "Shut up!" Daniel screams. "You can't even talk properly with this fucken, ridiculous accent. Go back to the far away island from where you crawled here. This is no place for girly Pokémon lovers. What are you, Naruto's best friend? I'll smash your pretty face so good that even your mother will not be able to recognize you."

   He pounces on me, but I somehow manage to fend off the first hit, which is aimed directly at my face.

   My ribs hurt so much, though, that I'm not able to keep balance on my feet. He manages to pin me on the stall door behind me. 

   My vision is increasingly blurred. The blood is soaking my shirt. I feel weaker and weaker.

   He aims at my face again. This time I know I won't be able to avoid the punch. I close my eyes and turn my head to the side to prevent him from breaking my nose, preparing to take it soundlessly. 

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