70. La Dolce Vita

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   I sigh contentedly, sprawled in the warm, pine apple scented water, in a cloud of foam, covering me to the chin. 

   I can stay here the whole day. Do we really have to attend lectures? Em is often absent and nobody seems to have any objections. But, on the other hand, he's the rock star. Rock stars do whatever they like and people are still crazy about them. 

   I pout and start blowing bubbles from my palm.

   "Aww, my sweet kitten is frowning. Why, cutie?" Em coos, standing at the door.

   He's barefooted, in soft, loose sweatpants and a white, sleeveless tank top. His raven hair is a total mess. I love it. 

   He's carrying an enormous serving tray with breakfast for two. There are two steaming cups of coffee, orange juice, croissants and a big bowl, full of ripe cherries and strawberries. It looks yummy. 

    "You're going to spoil me terribly, Dārin. How can you be so nice?" I beam from ear to ear.

   "I did warn you about that, kitty," Em chuckles. "Keep calling me with that sweet nickname and I'll create miracles to make you happy."

   "You make me happy just by smiling at me," I mumble, blushing.

   Em fixes the tray across the tub, as a table between us, takes his clothes off and sits in the water on the other side.

   "Aaah, pure bliss," he groans. "So, why's the frowning?"

   "I just thought that it would be great if we sit here the whole day and skip the lectures," I answer, but quickly add "Not that I can do such a thing, anyway. Emma will kill me."

   My phone, which is tossed on the fluffy rug, next to the tub, rings at the same moment. I see her name on the screen.

   "Could you pick up for me and put her on speaker, please. My hands are covered in foam," I ask Em.

   He does and greets my best friend cheerfully, "Hi, Emma! Why are you up so early? Checking if I ate the shy kitten? His legs are a little shaky, but he's still moving, so go back to sleep."

   "What did you expect?" Emma snorts through laughter. "I wouldn't be surprised if you've sucked his blood out, considering the way you looked at the winery."

   "Well, I didn't," Em retorts as a matter-of-factly, "at least, not his blood."

   "Oh my God! You two are too kinky for me to handle," she huffs.

   "Yeah, and guess who's soaking in the bathtub with him now," my boyfriend proudly says, childishly sticking out his tongue at the screen.

   "You, naughty boy! I'm sure you've benefited far more from this than I ever will," she keeps laughing.

   "Guys, I'm here," I squeak. "And you're making me feel extremely embarrassed. I'm glad you two get along so well and are having fun, but I'd rather if it's not at my expense."

   "Sorry, honey! I can only imagine the color of your face," Emma remorsefully says, but there's no regret in her chuckle. "Em, did you tell him? Obviously not, because I don't hear him screaming with excitement."

   "Tell me what?" I immediately squeal.

   "Go away, crazy girl!" Em growls. "You'll ruin the surprise."

   "Tell me what?" I ask louder.

   "Ok, buy! I'll see you two at the University," Emma quickly blurts and hangs up.

   "Tell me what?" I demand for the third time, looking at Em insistently.

   He only stuffs a croissant in his mouth and mutters "Eat first!"

   Is he blushing? Needless to say, he should be telling me something extraordinary. Oh Dear!

   I start sipping my coffee and shoving fruit in my mouth, just to speed up the events, not averting my gaze from Em's face which is definitely colored in a light shade of pink.

   Once started, I realize that I'm very hungry and savagely pounce on the food. He's watching me with an approving smile on his lips.

   Choosing a moment when my mouth is full to the brim, Em quickly blurts, "Sunny, would you like to come to Italy with me for a week?"

   My eyes widen. A huge, unchewed chunk of food painfully slides down my throat. I start to cough and desperately drain the whole glass of orange juice in an attempt to ease it down.

   "Are you trying to kill me?" I hoarsely yelp when I finally manage to swallow it all and can breathe again. "Is this some kind of a revenge for last night when I made you cut your finger?"

   "I'm sorry, kitty," Em grins. "No, I didn't come up with this now. I've been actually planning it for some time."

   "Is this what Emma hinted at before?" I ask, still stunned by his question. "How come that she knows and I don't?"

   "I love you!" Em simply says, making my heart swell. "I haven't been to see Nonna in a long time. I really miss her." 

   His sweet face makes me want to kiss him like crazy.

   "And then I thought that I'm dying to be there with you," he mumbles. "You're the first person to whom I feel a real need to show the place where I spent my childhood. I want her to meet you. She'll fall in love with you, I'm sure."

   "Oh, Em, I can't even express how sweet this is," I stumble on my words, moved to the core of my soul. "I love you, Dārin! I'm so touched that you want me to meet your family."

   "So, that means yes?" he beams.

   "Who on Earth would say no to an invitation to go to Italy with the person he's in love with!" I squeak and throw my arms in the air, splashing foam all around. "Oh, my God! Thank you so much Em! Yes, Yes, Yes, of course, yes!" 

   Em bursts into laughter and cups my cheeks, kissing me sweetly on the lips.

   "Well, prepare then to dive together with me in La Dolce Vita*"


* Sweet Life

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels


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