88. Earthquake (Em)

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[Trigger warning: natural disaster and traumatic experience description]

   "Have you heard of the Pacific Ring of Fire?" Sunny asks quietly. I nod. "Did you know that 1500 earthquakes occur in Japan every year?"

   I am staring at him, wondering where this all is going to lead, but don't interrupt him.

   "They are minor, most of them. We don't even pay attention. If it's stronger we just hold our cups and are careful not to spill the coffee," he goes on. "Buildings are designed to withstand them. We're not afraid and rarely think about it until the big one comes. But, you know, sometimes, it doesn't have to be the big one to ruin your life."

   He squeezes my hands.

   "I had this boyfriend. I think, you saw him. I've forbidden to my family and my friends to pronounce his name, as if he's Voldemort*," he laughs humorlessly, "as if I'll forget it, if I don't hear it."

   He closes his eyes and pronounces slowly, "Watanabe Haruki", flinching at the sound of it, as if it hurts.

   "I called him Ki-chan," Sunny whispers. "I admired him, two times national champion, charming, smooth talker. I quickly realized that he had a dream that would never come true, to win the Olympic gold. He had stopped competing and pursued a career as a trainer. He claimed that he can help me get it, another way to fulfill his dream."

   I can feel that Sunny is shaking a little, so I gently pull him on my lap and hug him tightly.

   "It's ok, kitty. Take it slow," I soothe him, stroking his hair.

   "I loved him at the beginning. I was even slightly obsessed. He seemed to be everything I wanted to become one day. It was his idea to come out, but I didn't really mind. I've never pretended to be something different than I really am." Sunny huffs and shakes his head. "I started to have doubts at some point, though. He just always wanted to be in public, give interviews and do photo sessions. He was harsh with me as a trainer. It was obvious that he wanted to prove himself through me. I was a tool."

   I'm angry. How can anyone want to take advantage of this sweet boy? I hug him tighter and kiss the top of his head. The more I listen, the more convinced I am that the bastard did something nasty.

   Sunny leans on me, rubbing his cheek on my shoulder. I can see that the next thing he has to say is disturbing him. I want to stop him and tell him that he doesn't have to go on, but I know that I shouldn't. He needs to talk. I need to hear it.

   "We stayed late at the new sports center that night. It was built especially for the future Olympic Games and only few athletes were admitted to train there, the so called Olympic hopes. No one stayed so late, though. I believe it was only us and the guard at that time. Haruki said 'Three more lengths and we're done' and I dashed ahead, despite the fact that all my muscles were already aching badly. I knew he wouldn't give me a break until I achieved the time he wanted."

   Sunny raises his eyes to look at mine and I see the fear. He shakes his head violently, as if to make it go away and straightens. He's brave. I'm not as brave as him and harshly bite my lip to tame the emotions, raging inside of me. I'm afraid to hear what he's going to say, but somehow smile at him encouragingly.

   "It happened quickly. One moment I was swimming and the next the earth was shaking. I didn't worry. I didn't even slow down. It was not a very strong one, just longer. The quakes were minor but persistent. They went on for minutes. I was in the middle of the pool when the ceiling cracked. That's when I realized that something was wrong. The building was collapsing. I was just puzzled at first. Such magnitude shouldn't have any effect on this type of facility. I got worried when large pieces of plaster started falling down. Just before I could reach the edge of the pool, a large chunk of the ceiling fell over me. I was trapped under it, but could still get out. I just couldn't do it on my own. Someone had to take my hands and pull me through the small gap that was too narrow for me to be able to climb up. The pool walls were too slippery. There was no way to free myself without someone's help from outside."

   Sunny starts shaking again. I squeeze him tighter.

   "The water reached my chin," he goes on quietly, "but only if I held on to the edge of the pool. The only way not to drown was to grip the rim and not let go. The light was still coming through the narrow opening. I saw him approaching, only his feet. He was fully dressed, with his sneakers on. 'Ki-chan, pull me out,' I said, expecting him to save me. He just stood there, not even bending down, so that I could see his face. Then he turned around and left. I called his name, begged him to come back, but he didn't. I thought he was going to call help. He obviously didn't do that either. He didn't tell anyone where I was. I have no idea why he left me there to this day. I never saw him again. Another weaker quake made the lights go out, but I was still gripping the edge and waiting for the help to come. No one came."

   Sunny's voice fades away and my heart shrinks painfully.

   "How long were you trapped before they found you?" I ask, fearing the answer.

   "Eight hours, they said," he barely utters. "I was holding on as long as I could, changing hands, when my fingers started to ache unbearably. The water was getting colder and colder. It was pitch-black and completely silent. And then... then..."

   He sobs loudly.

   "Shh, you were so brave. I'm so proud of you, Sunny," I soothe him. "You are the bravest person I know."

   "I just let go, Em," he sniffles. "When I couldn't feel my cold body anymore and my stiff fingers refused to wrap around that edge, I just let go. The last thing I remembered, before the water engulfed me, were those receding sneakers. He had left me to die."

   "But you didn't, because you were strong. You held to that edge long enough for the police to find you. Do you realize how courageous this is?" I cup his cheeks and make him look at me. "You're alive. You're here with me. It's over."

   "Em, I think, the first time I felt I was finally out of the freezing water and saw the light again, was when I looked into your eyes on that first day, in the University courtyard," Sunny utters quietly, "as if you finally took my hands and pulled me out through the narrow gap."


* Character from 'Harry Potter' series by J. K. Rowling

Photo by Jacub Petrusek from Pexels


Hello everyone at the end of Chapter 88.

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Love: Anny 

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