56. In a Fairy Tale

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   THANK YOU for encouraging me to tell this story, for never giving up and always being with me!


   We slowly pull apart, smiling at each other.

   "Are you hungry?" Em asks and his voice is slightly hoarse.

   "Very hungry," I answer, still dizzy from the kiss and unable to take my eyes off of his mouth.

   "Then stop staring at my lips and help me set the blankets if you don't want me to drag you straight home and skip dinner altogether," he smirks.

   I pretend to pout but a second later we burst into laughter.

   Em has thought of everything, needed for a romantic picnic on the beach. 

   We spread an enormous, sand proof blanket on the ground and another, soft and fluffy, over it. He brings a pile of throw pillows from the jeep and scatters them around for us to sit. They are beautiful, white, with Moroccan motives on them. The setting looks cozy and colorful.

   A big, wicker basket is placed in the middle. The lid turns into a small table when opened. 

   We settle between the pillows, facing each other and start arranging the food in a beautiful set of plates with decorations in traditional Arabic style.

   "I decided to create some oriental mood, as if we're in a 'One Thousand and One Nights' tale," Em winks. "What do you think?"

   "I think that you're the most romantic person I know," I mumble.

   The food looks amazing. There're grilled chicken, ciabatta sandwiches with mozzarella, tomatoes and fresh basil leaves. A big bowl is full of avocado, red and yellow cherry tomatoes salad and another one of fruit skewers with strawberries, pineapple and grapes.

   To top it all, Em takes out a bottle of champagne and two high flute, crystal glasses. He shakes the bottle and opens it with a loud pop, directing the fizzling liquid into them. He hands me one of the glasses and clinks it with his.

   "For my sweet, beautiful, pink haired kitten," he says with a big smile.

   „For my handsome, mysterious savior," I add and take a sip of the cold wine, blushing profoundly to the tips of my ears.

   "How can you be so cute and shy all the time?" Em coos at me. "When are you going to get used to the fact that I adore you?"

   "I don't know," I mutter, "probably never."

   "Oh, yes, you will, kitty. I'm going to spoil you so much, that you won't be able to recognize yourself," he chuckles. "I hope, however, that you won't stop blushing in this incredibly lovely way."

   "Don't worry. It's incurable. I've tried very hard, you can trust me," I smile.

   "Good! Now let's eat. I know that you can't wait to learn everything about me and the boys, but I don't want you to faint on me out of hunger." He waves towards the food and grabs a sandwich.

   I do the same and dig in the crispy bread. It's so delicious. The flavors of the chicken and the cheese complement each other perfectly. The tomatoes, mixed with the green spices, make them light and fresh.

   "This is so good!" I sigh. "Did you make everything by yourself?"

   "Mhm," Em only nods since his mouth is stuffed with food.

   "Is there anything that you're not good at?" I roll my eyes. 

   Honestly, how can this boy be so perfect?

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