Chapter. 16

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Author-chans PoV: 

It was already 17:30 and Bokuto , Akaashi , Kuroo and Tsukishima where on their way to say goodbye. It wasn't easy , but they knew that they can call Tsukishima every afternoon to hear his voice and sometimes even see his face, but of course it wasn't the same . 

Tsukishima read a book in the train. It was the book Akaashi read that morning and Tsukishima asked if he could read it to. He was happz that he had a soulmate that has the same taste as him.But he loves Bokuto and Kuroo too. 

When he was home he prepared his bag for school the next day and he made the dinner , because her mother was still working. he was happy that her mom has now a better life and has a normal jop , but at the same time he was sad. Because he didn't saw her so much. Her mother often askes Tsukishima if she should to the dinner and lunch but Tsukishima don't want her to do so much. So that he even does his lunch boxes for school. After he made and ate the dinner he put the rest in a box for the next day and some in a plate for her mom when she comes home.

Akiteru wasn't home since some months now. Even if he lied to Tsukishima and gave him problems with trusting people he still misses him. he's still his brother . But he can't say it , he's scared that he thinks that he's weak ,and that's the last thing he wants.

10 pm he went to bed and before he felt asleep he wrote Kuroo , Akaashi and Bokuto good night and then he felt asleep cuddling Akawhite , Bokugrey and Kurocat . The next morning he had to wake up at 6 am and go to school . When he took his lunch box he saw that he plate for her mother was empty , what made him happy. He met with Yamaguchi on the way and he told him about Bokuto , Kuroo and Akaashi . Yamaguchi was happy for his best friend. 

,,Kyoko told us that today she's gonna show us the new manager, maybe she's your soulmate." ,,I don't think I'm ready to meet my soulmate , Tsukki. What if she's gonna hate me? Think I'm weak or something like tha-" ,,Don't say that! She's gonna love you , and if she doesn't she don't deserve you! I was scared too , just like you! But at the end everything went out good. And it's gonna be the same with you , trust me Tadashi" ,,Thank you , Tsukki! "

The day went out good. The were having their lunch and Tsukishima was talking with Yamaguchi about some classes. After that it was time to enter the Club room to change their clothes. Talking with Tsukishima let him forget that the new manager maybe could be his soulmate . 

A half hour after they begun training the door opened and it was Kyoko with a shorter blond girl behind her. She looked nervous and she was! Everyone looked at them and stopped what they were doing. ,,Guys,this is Yachi. She accepted to be our new manager! So treat her good!" That was what Kyoko said . On the shoulder of Yachi sat a crow with the same hair color like Yamaguchis. Tsukishima noticed that he was right , she is really Yamaguchis soulmate! Yamaguchi could see that too and he begun to panik and looked at Tsukishima . Tsukishima whispered to him ,,Shhh, it fine! She looks cute and nice! She really match to you! But don't woryy! I'm by your side and not gonna leave you when you need me"

Tsukishima was really nice to Yamaguchi  , that it was even something new for Yamaguchi. But it was because it was about soulmates. And he didn't his best and only friend to get trough the same as him . He tries to help him , even if it's not much.

The whole time Yamaguchi couldn't contrentrait . He was thinking the whole thime about the new manager .After training Tsukishima and Yamaguchi changed together and the went home together . But they could see that Yachi was taking the same way home and was just some meter in front of them. Tsukishima took Yamaguchis hand and went to yachi next to her. Then Tsukishima let go Yamaguchi and said ,,Hello,Yachi. " She looked to them and became to be nervous. Tsukishima saw a shop with shortcakes and became a idea,,Hey , I have to go at there for my mum. You two can go alone . Don't be nervous yachi , Yamaguchi is a nice peson,bye" 

Yamaguchi knew that it wasn't because of his mom of himself. Tsukishima every time went to a other shop closer to his house and much better. Tsukishima wrote Yamaguchi a message 

To: Yamaguchi Tadashi 

From: Tsukishima Kei

Tell me how it was. Don't be shy and speak with her! Call me when you're home.

Yamaguchi smiled when he read that and remembered that he has a really good friend! He was nervous but then said ,, are you doing?" Yamaguchis face was so red like Tenodus hair! Yachi saw it and thought that it was actually cute. ,," ,,Me too....nice to m-meet you" ,,Yes......nice to meet you t-too"             ( Me: arghhhhhh, they are so cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!! okkkk,sorry)

When he was home he called Tsukishima . ,,I'm home , and you was right!!!She's so nice! And smart! You and her are the cleverest people I ever met! And I have her number! " ,,That's awesome ,Tadashi. I told you! And the changed the recipe for the shortcakes there and it's not so bad anymore!" ,,Really? Let's go there tomorrow." ,,Yes! And ask Yachi if she wants to come with us" ,,A-are you sure?" ,,Yes ,tadashi. Go ,ask her if she wants to go tomorrow after the training to go eat shortcake with us" ,,Hmmmm,fineee" 

They continued talking about their homeworks and after that tsukishima talked with his soulmates and told them about Yachi. 

Yesss, here some more Yamaguchi x Yachi. I think they're cute UwU. I hope you liked this chapter ,byeeeeee!!! ( I wrote this in less than an hour,yayyyyy)

Wait, three soulmates?! ( Bokuakakurotsuki)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن