Chapter. 21

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Author-chans PoV:

,,What?!Tsukishima is our boyfriend?!" Kuroo said to K ,,Now you said it! tsukishima trusted us! " ,,What?" Akaashi then told K what happened ,,Bokuto lost his memorys of Tsukishima.And he said that we shouldn't tell Bokuto about Tsukishima" Before something happened Kuroos phone rang.Kuroo than said ,,It's Tsukishimas mom" 

Kuroo picked up ,,Hello,is something wrong......hmm........that's good.......what?!When is he gonna wake up?!.......*shig* that's good .....ok,please tell us when he wakes up , bye" Akaashi asked worried ,,What's wrong?" Kuroo than explained ,,Tsukishima is in a coma ,but is probably going to wake up monday " Akaashi cursed for himself ,,fuck!" Bokuto was sad because he really wanted to remember Tsukishima .

Bokuto asked ,,Can you tell me more about Tsukishima?" Kuroo answered ,, I think Tsukishima wouldn't like that. We already told you that you would have tomorrow a date with tsukishima , but it has a reason.You wanted to spend more time with Tsukishima , and Tsukishima had the idea to spend a whole day just with you. I was the first who met Tsukishima , and the first who kissed Tsukishima was Akaashi , and because of the kiss we all came together , but you didn't really had a so big memory with him.But you wanted one and you and Tsukishima were really excited for tomorrow . That outfit on your chair is what you planed to wear . And when the accident happened you were on your way to buy some flowers. I'm sure Tsukishima was hurt when you didn't remembered him" 

Bokuto looked sad at the floor . Akaashi put his hand on Bokutos cheek ,looked him in his beautiful  golden eyes and said ,,It's not your fault, nothing of that, so don't feel bad" Bokuto smiled at him and kissed him. They then went sleep ,because it was already really late and they really need to rest after that what happened. 

When they woke up it was already 1 pm. The first who woke up were Akaashi and Kuroo. They went to the couch to cuddle. Akaashi had a hot coffe with a lot of milk and Kuroo had a latte macchiato.Akaashi was in Kuroos arms and then Akaashi said after some time ,,I still can't believe what happened yesterday. First Bokuto , then Tsukishima and then that with Bokutos mom.It was just to much" Kuroo kissed Akaashis head and meaned ,,Yes, I hope that Bokuto is gonna remember Tsukishima fast and that Tsukshima wakes up without problems and that nothing more happens" Akaashi nodded and a tear rolled out of his eyes. Kuroo saw it and just said ,,I know it's hard ,babe. But we have to be strong , for Bokuto and Tsukishima.They need us strong." Akaashi nodded again and wiped of his tear from his face and took a little bit of his coffee. 

After an hour Bokuto woke up and went to the kitchen , where Akaashi and Kuroo were making food. Bokuto asked ,,What's gonna be for lunch ?" Akaashi looked at him with a smile and anwered ,,Yakiniku , your favorit food " (I even looked at google for that-)

Bokuto smiled , but then Kuroo said ,,You should go to the couch.Just because you're not in hospital it doesn't mean that you're cured" Bokuto sighed and lied on the couch until the food was ready.Well , when they finish cutting the food and put on the machine . After 20 minutes they called Bokuto and they begun to eat. Then Akaashi asked Bokuto ,,What are you going to do with the chan" Bokuto answered ,,I'm going to give it to him! When I get my memory I'm going to a date with him! Just becaue of a stupied accident I don't want to ruin that!" Kuroo and Akaashi smiled but then realiced that Bokuto don't know anything about "G smile" . 

After lunch when Bokuto went to the toilet  Akaashi asked Kuroo ,,Are we gonna tell him that about "G smile" ???" Kuroo answered ,, I think it's better if we don't tell him that or at least not now. He already went trough bad things , that would be to much" Akaashi nodded and had the same opinion.

The rest of the day they just relaxed but then Bokuto and Akaashi got a message . They looked at them and Kuroo asked ,,What was that about?" Akaashi answered ,,We're going the friday to Miyagi to a trainings game against karasuno , and we're even going to sleep in the Karasuno "Bokuto said ,,Yay! I'm gonna see Hinata" Kuroo asked shocked ,,You remember hinata?" ,,Yes " 

After that they watched some movies and Bokuto didn't thought about his mother.That made Kuroo and Akaashi happy.The next day when it was 5 pm Rose (Tsukishimas Mom) called Kurooand he picked up not even a minute after ,,Is Tsukishima awake???........that's good to hear , is he ok? ......aha,good. Ok , bye , good afternoon ...thanks"Bokuto asked immediately ,,Is Tsukishima ok?" Kuroo answered with a smile ,,Yes,he is. He is tired and still has it hard to breath , but he's better now" Akaashi meaned ,,That's good" The two nodded.

And so the monday they went to school, well just Kuroo and Akaashi .Bokuto and Tsukishima stayed home.Bokuto was bored and tried to not think about her mom and it worked.But then he found i picture of Tsukishima , Kuroo ,Akaashi and him. They all looked so happy and Bokuto started to cry because he really wanted to remember! He tried his best , but it doesn't worked and that really upset him. But when Akaashi and Kuroo came back from school he acted happy because he don't want that they worry because of him even more.

The next day Bokuto could go to school again and Tsukishima went to. but not because he is cured , it was because he wanted. Her mother told him to stay home ,but he didn't listened . In the day he some times had a few problmes to breath , but it was not really bad. He even was in training and did everything like nothing happened. Yamaguchi kinda worried , but he knew that Tsukishima is strong and clever enough to see if he is able to work out. And so the friday came closer ....

HEY HEY HEY!!What's up? I hope you liked the chapteeeer!!!If you have any ideas or wished that should be in the story ,pleaseeeee tell me!!!

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