Chapter. 22

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Author-chans PoV:

It was thursday at 9 pm , the night before Akaashi and Bokuto go to Miyagi to a training game against Karasuno and to see Tsukishima again. But both didn't expected Tsukishima to play. They thought that he are just going to watch the match , because he's still to week. Bokuto stayed overnight  in Akaashis house , because it's still hard for Bokuto to sleep alone , because if he does all the memories come back and he has nobody to be by his side. 

Kuroo didn't sleep at Akaashis house , because Bokuto and Akaashi don't  want to wake him , because they have to wake up at 6 am to take the bus .

That night Tsukishimas mom told Tsukishima what rreally happened to his father and who that serial killer is. Well , not who it is , because just want person knew it and that person killer her for knowing it. But he told Kei that it was that person that coused the accident and it was that person that attacked Tsukishima. Kei was shocked that something like that happened to him and Bokuto and Bokutos mom of course. But at the same time he is mad. He is mad that is the serial killers fault that his one boyfriend can't remember him and went trough really bad things. But it was already to late and after that he went to sleep.

The next day he went secretly to school , because his mom told him to be the whole week at home , but he didn't wanted and least when he has a game against Fukurodani.So he took his training clothes and went to school with Yamaguchi .

On their way Yamaguchi asked Tsukishima worried ,,Are you really gonna play against Fukurodani?" ,,Yes , of course. Don't worry Tadashi ." ,,Hmmm, ok ,Tsukki"  But Yamaguchi was still worried. The classes went by really fast and so the volleyball team were already waiting for Fukurodani. Then their bus fanilly came and the first who came out was Bokuto running to Hinata yelling ,,Shoyo! " Tsukishima looked at him shocked and thought ,He remembers Hinata but not me....." Sugawara went to Tsukishima and aksed quiet ,,Is everything fine?" Tsukishima just nodded . Sugawara was kinda worried and the same Yamaguchi but they both knew that it's better to not talk about it to much. 

Akaashi ran to Bokuto to tell him to stop ,and he could stop him .

 (Auhtor : The power of love~ when can i have that Power?!TmT ok ok , I stooop)

Akaashi then went to Tsukishima and said ,,We don't know why he can remember Hinata and the whole rest of the teams....." Tsukishima faked a smile and said ,,It's better that way . Please tell Bokuto that i'm sorry for his lost (he means his mom) " Then he called Yamaguchi and said ,,Come ,let's warm up" Yamaguchi nodded . 

Akaashi went to Daichi because he's the captian and asked ,,Is Tsukishima going to play?" Daichi answered ,,Yes , he already played the whole week , just monday he wasn't there" Akaashi nodded ,,Ok , thank you for the information" Bokuto walked worried to Akaashi and asked if everything is fine . Akaashi told him ,,Tsukishima is going to play and he played the whole week already just Monday he wasn't there. i hope he is alright" ,,But the doctor said that he should take a break for a week or two." ,,Yes , i know . Should I tell Kuroo that?" Bokuto said ,, He would be just worried ",,Yeah , you're right . Let's hope Tsukishima is fine and don't forget to speak with him after the match! You know why!" Bokuto agreed and was already kinda  nervouse .

Then the match begun and The first point was for Fukurodani. After in half hour tsukishima was already breathless , but he didn't made it noticeable . After 15 more minutes he asked Ukai if he could take a break. He let him go outside to get some air. Akaashi ,Bokuto and Yamaguchi were worried about him . But they couldn't do anything.

After 5 minutes he came back and continued playing. At the end Fukurodani won , but then when they wanted to play another game someone entered the gym . it was Kuroo and he said before someone could do something ,,I have two suprise for Tsukishima and one big for Hinata. I think Hinata is going to have a heart attack so first Tsukki" Tsukishima said,,What the hell are you doi-" But a child running to Tsukishima and yelling ,,Tsukishima-senpai" 

And not even a second later Julio was hugging Tsukishima. Tsukishima hugged him back when he noticed that it was Julio ,,Julio! Hiiii! How are you doing?" Julio answered with tears in his eyes ,,When Nii-chan told me what happened to you I had to see you!Are you ok?!" Tsukishima knelt at Julios heigh and answered with a smile ,,Yes , of course . But don't cry" Tsukishima wiped Julios tear away. 

Everyone was shocked and Tanaka and Noya yelled ,,DID HE CALLED HIM TSUKISHIMA-SENPAI?!!" Kuroo said,,Supriseee" Bokuto ran to Kuroo and asked him ,,Since when can Julio smile?!" Kuroo answered with a smile ,,We don't know neither , but you're gonna understand when you get your memories back" Hinata asked shocked ,,Since when is Saltyshima so good with kids?!"

The person who entered the gym answered that question ,,Kei was always good with kids . And I think it's because he smiles to them . Not even our dad knew that. One day a kid was crying and Tsukishima showed him his dino plushi he stopped crying , even until now he sleeps with that plushi . "  Hinata and kageyama laughed . Akiteru wwent to Tsukishima and said ,,Hello ,Kei" Tsukishima just turned away and said ,, Go to see mom and you can leave again" Akiteru sighed and said ,,I know that I was a idio-" ,,You're still a idiot" ,,I know that I am a idiot and how i left you was not right , but I was sceard that you would say to me that you hate me , so that i just left. When that kuroo told me that you found you're soulmates and that Mom is fine I was really happy. I wanted to keep in Tokyo without seeing you even if I knew that soethung really bad happened to you. I was jealous that you was so much more stronger then me . I don't wanted you to hate me ,I never wanted. I wanted to keep being you're idol. But when you saw me that world broke. And if I could change it I would! But it was Kuroo that was able to make me hopes that maybe I could look in your face again....." tsukishima turned around and hugged Akiteru tight and said ,,i missed you!" 

All said ,,Awwww" (and me TmT) Then Tsukishima noticed that they were still people and went away. Then Hinata said ,,Where is my supriseeeeee?!" Kuroo said ,,Please , don't die. Kenma would kill me " Then a black hair boy came and Kuroo said ,,That's Tenma Udai "........

Uhhhhhhh~ Is Kenma going to kill Kuroo or not? I'm not gonna tell youuuuu. I hope you liked the chapteeeeer!!!!Byeeeeeee!!!!!!

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