Chapter. 23

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Author-chans PoV: 

Tenma Udai just said ,,Hi" Hinata just looked at him not saying anything he didn't moved nothing. After a few minutes he screamed ,,TENMAAAAAAAA!!!!"  He just ignored him and went to Tsukishima and said ,,'re the little brother from my boyfriend?" Tsukishima asked ,,What?" Akiteru said with blush in his face ,,Ehm.....he's my boyfriend and soulmate" Tsukishima shocked ,,You're gay?!" ,,Yeah, but you too!" ,,But weren't you Tanakas sisters boyfriend?!" ,,What?!Noooo!!!She's a lesbian!" ,,What?! And why was she at our house asking for you?!" ,,She did what?!" The little giant interuped them ,,Akiteruuuu ,let's go! That little boy it annoying me" Akiteru said ,,Yes , let's go see my mother " 

Then both left the gym and Hinata sreamed ,,HE THINKS I AM ANNOYING!" Then someone ran in the gym and hugged Hinata . It was Kenma .Hinata asked ,,Kenma?! Wha-" ,,Shhhh, everything is fine , come let's play among us " Hinata nodded and when they left the gym Kenma said to Kuroo ,,I'm gonna kill you for making him sad!" And so they two left. ,,How did he?"

After that they didn't played another game ,they went back to Tokyo , even if they had planed to sleep their . 

When Yamaguchi and Tsukishima walked out of the club room to change they saw Bokuto , Akaashi ,Kuroo and Julio wating for him . Yamaguchi said ,,Go to them , I am going to Yachis house ,have fun Tsukki!" ,,Thanks , you too!" 

 Then he went to them and it was kinda queit but then Kuroo said ,,Kei , we have to tell you that.....Bokuto knows that you are our boyfriend ,K told him "Tsukishima looked at Bokuto and just said ,,Ohh" Then Julio asked ,,Are you really going with us to Tokyo?" ,,Hey! He didn't asked him yet!" ,,Oh.....sorry" Tsukishima asked curious  ,,Going to Tokyo?" 

Bokuto answered ,,Ehm.....I-i wanted to ask you if you and me....tomorrow ...I mean you don't have to .......well the thing i-" Akaashi interrupted him ,,Bokuto want to ask you if you would like to go with him tomorrow to the date you have planed a week ago in tokyo so that maybe he get his memories back or get new ones  , so that you can spend today with Julio and tomorrow with him" Tsukishima smiled with blush in his cheeks ,,Of course , it's a try. Let's first go to my house and take some things . "Kuroo said ,,Yeah , of course!" 

So they walked to Tsukishimas house and in the time tsukishima got some of his stuff they waited in the living room and talking with Akiteru. Tsukki got some clothes and that one outfit and then went to the rest and said goodbye to Akiteru and his boyfriend.They took the next train to Tokyo and on their way Julio and Tsukishima talked about things they both liked and made jokes just they both understood .

Bokuto looked at them and whispered to Kuroo and Akaashi ,,I still can't believe that Julio it literally smiling and he looks so happy." Kuroo whispered back ,,Yeah It was shocked for all of us .Mom is even kinda jealous that he smiles more because of Kei than her ." Akaashi and Bokuto laughed about it even more because they knew that it's the truth.

After three hours they were finally there and first they went to Kuroos house , because Julio wanted to show Tsukishima something. Kuroos Mom was really happy to see Tsukishima again.Kuroo didn't told her mother something about "G smile " And Bokutos accident and Tsukishima attack. She would just be worried and maybe  wouldn't allow him to spend time with Bokuto and Tsukishima and maybe not even with Akaashi. And Julio pormised to not tell her mother from Tsukishimas attack. 

That whole afternoon Tsukishima was in Julios room in that time Bokuto ,Kuroo and Akaashi were talking.The most of the time they were talking about tomorrow and that Bokuto was really excited for that day and to most important thing, what he is gonna wear.

After some time Julio came in the living room and asked,, Can Tsukishima please sleep in my room today? " Kuroo looked at him with a annoyed look,, Really?",, Pleaseeee! ",, Arghhh, fine.But just for now!" Julio than happily went back to his room were Tsukishima were waiting for him. Julio told Tsukishima with a bright smile,, Kuroo said yes!",, Good, now let's go to bed, I'm sure you're tired" Julio nodded and prepared the bed.

Kuroo said to Akaashi and Bokuto,, My brother loves him ",, Yeah, but I think that shows that one day he's going to be a good father",, Akaashi! You're already thinking about children? " Bokuto asked that. Akaashi just spoke,, hmmm, just a little bit, I guess."Kuroo and Bokuto thought that that was kinda cute . 

Bokuto looked at his wrist and said ,,So you found the T.K. that's so cool. Sad that I can't see that in my wrist" Kuroo and Akaashi were confused and Kuoo asked ,,What do you mean?" Bokuto showed them his wrist and the both shocked . Than Akaashi went to Julios room and said ,,I'm sorry , but we need Tsukishima for a moment" Tsukishima whispered ,,He is sleeping, I'm coming" He closed queitly the room and asked Akaashi ,,What's the matter?" Akaashi answered ,,Just come and see Bokutos waist" Tsukishima nodded , because he knew that it was something bad.

When Tsukishima saw Bokutos wrist he shocked and said ,,There at the bottom is his trait ........" Bokuto asked confused ,,What do you mean with trait?" Kuroo answered ,,Ehm....nothing important . Could you please go to the kitchen and get us some water?" Bokuto just nodded but was still kinda confused. 

When he was away Kuroo said ,, I saw that before he went to the operation he hasn't his wrist like that" Akaashi agreed with him . Tsukishima then said ,,That has to mean that it was someone in the operation . I think that serial killer just want us . I'm sure he not just killed someone we knew but right now he want us death I think , or at least Bokuto" Kuroo nodded and Akaashi agreed ,,Yes , that's what I thought .But the thing is tomorrow you are going to be outside and alone with Bokuto. I think that's not really safe" Tsukishima sighed ,,Yeah....I know. But I'm not gonna miss such an important thing in mine and Bokutos life because of someone like that! And maybe he is gonna remember me....." Kuroo and Akaashi could feel that it was hard for Tsukishima that Bokuto couldn't remember him".

When Bokuto came back Tsukishima was already away in Julios room .  After some time the three went to sleep and Bokuto first couldn't fall asleep because he was really nervous for the next day.

Hiiiii, what's up? I hope you liked the chapter. Don't forget to go to church with Asahi, byeeeee

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