Chapter 1.

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PoV Tsukki :
What is wrong with me? Why can't I just be like everyone else?Why do I have three letters on my right wrist ?What does that evem mean?

I laid in my bed and asked me all those  questions. I heard a voice asking me  

,, Are you thinking again about your soulmates? " I looked to the small owl next to me.

Yes, a owl and I even have another one.

You don't just have the first letter of the name of your soulmate on your wirst.No, you also have your soulmate in animal. Or the pet from your soulmate. Its qeird to explain , its an animal that is connected to your soulmate and that knows all the information of them. They also have a similar character, but its not the same so an animal can be loud and energetic evem tho the soumalte is quiet. It depends on how they grow up. But they dont stay the whole time. When the animal senses that the soulmate is in a happy relationship, he leaves to go back into the soil forest where all animals live. Some nevwr come back ,some come back earlie than others.

But I somehow have done something very back jn my past life, which is why god decided to give me not one or two soulmates , he gave me three!

Just you and your soulmate can speak with the pets. One day, they appear in front of your door or on your best ,it really depends where you live.

I get up and say to the one owl," I don't have three soulmates. It's just something wrong with you three. "The bigger and louder owl asked," Where are you going, glasses-kun? "

I turned around and looked at the owl and the cat. ,, Don't call me that, and I am going to school. It's Monday. "

I took my bag and went to school. The one cat and the two owls followed me.

WHY?! I turned around and said to the three animals,, If you want to go with me to school, then crawl into my bag, but don't make any noise " Akawhite (Akaashis owl), Bokugray (Bokutos owl) and Kucat (Kuroos cat) crawled with big smiles in my bag ,if thas was even possible for animals.

Nothing interesting happened in class or lunch. As always, I went to the gym with Yamaguchi after we finished all our classes. Yamaguchis soulmates' animal was a crow. A baby crow with blond hair and a litte braid on the side. She was really cute.


(I'm sorry, I really can't draw. I paint her twice, but he has not two of them)

When i see Yams soulmate spirit napping on his shoulder and her head against his neck, i can't help but5k about my soulmate animals. I opften act mean or cold, but they know I dont mean it. They were there when my brother animal spirit died in front of his eyes .If that happens, it means his soumate broke their bond. It was very difficult because you had to connect with your heart . He saw how it broke his brother into pieces. That's why he doesn't want to get to attached to his spirits ,if any minute they could die.

That's another reason why he doesn't want to meet his soulmates. What if they see how ugly he is? What if they hate how he is in general and break the bond? He doesn't want to lose his spirits even if he tried not to get to attached, it didnt work. He loves their company because  even if he doesn't want to admit it ,he's very lonely, and his house it always empty.

My thought got inerrupted when Yams asked if I'm fine.I turned my head his way and answered him
,, Yes, it's nothing."I shouldn't overthink this. We enter the gym and start training. Next week we'll go to a training camp with other teams in Tokyo. I really don't want to go, but Suga and Daichi made it clear that I will have to go ,even if they have to trag me there. Thankfully, the training was over, and I could finally go home and continue watching my show. (With Akawhite ,Bokugrey, and Kucat on his chest enjoying Tsukkis snacks)

PoV Bokuto :
When practice was over, my second soulmate Akaashi and I went to my house and made dinner. He was sleeping over, which is pretty normal. Sadly, Kuroo, my first soulmate, couldn't make it because he was busy with school stuff. Kuroo is my first soulmate because he is the one I met first. It was during a training camp when we both were first years.In my second year, Akaashi joined the volleyball team. That's why i hope i find "K"  in my third year

: Akaashi Keiji
  Kuroo Tetsuro
(Bokutos wrist)

: Bokuto Koutarou
  Kuroo Tetsuro
(Akaashis wrist)

: Akaashi Keiji
  Bokuto Koutarou
(Kuroos wrist)

: T
(Keis wrist)

"K"s spirit animal was very clever ,because he chose to appear a day we were all together.


One day, we slept over in Akaashis' house. His parents were on a work trip. It was two months ago after we became a couple. We were laying on the couch and watching a movie until someone rang in the door. We three went to the door and opened it.

We saw a baby crow at the floor. He had blonde hair and glasses, very small glasses. Kuroo took him in his hands and went back to the couch . Suddenly, the baby crow spoke with a cold tone.
,,Hi, I'm Ks pet. "
We three were in shock until Kuroo asked,, Whats our soulmates whole name?" The crow flew to Akaashi and sayid ,, I won't tell you. " I'm just hear because I have to. Oh, and do you have any sweets? "

"What?!' I asked the crow with a sad voice,, Why are you so mean?" But he just ignored me. I sighed and asked," Can you tell us at least something about our  "

He thought about it. Before he could answer Akaashi suggested,, And at the time you tell us something about him you can eat the strawberry short cake that we have in the fridge"

He looked at Akaashi and his eyes shined. Ok, that was cute  ,he must really like strawberryshort cake. Bingo   

Akaashi went to the kitchen and came back with our last piece of the cake. Akaashi put the plate on his lap and took K on his lap. K looked happy, and that was so cute that I could've melted.

A K began to eat and speak," Ehm, He loves strawberry short cakes and dinosaurs. ~mummf~and he is pretty tall. Oh, and he plays volleyball and lives in Miyagi, Sendai. mummf~. He's right know 15 years old and his  birthday is the 27th of September. ~mummf ~" Kuroo was the first to say something," Cool, he plays volleyball"..........

So, that was the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and have a nice day. Please no hate because of my bad english. English is my third language .BYE~

Wait, three soulmates?! ( Bokuakakurotsuki)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora