Chapter. 31

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Author-chans PoV :

The whole team looked at Tsukishima . Noya and Tanaka asked excited ,,Omg,really?!" Tsukishima nodded and said ,,Yes , it's tomorrow in a week. Please come all in a costume. I'm gonna write the address and the time in the groupe chat" Noya and Tanaka looked happy at each other. Kageyama whispered for himself ,,I can finally wear my new costume" Everyone started to talk about the party , until Daichi said ,, We have to change and go to practice! Who's late has to run a few extra rounds." After he said it everyone ran out of the club room , because nobody want to see Daichi angry. 

The training was normal , nothing special happened . When Tsukishima went home he wrote the address and the time in the Karasuno group chat. Suga , Tadashi and Yachi thanked him. Hinata ,Noya and Tanaka spamed because they were excited, but when Daichi entered the chat the stopped. Because Daichi knows where they live. 

 In the privat Chat between Tsukishima and Yamaguchi they were thinking about a good costume for Yamaguchi . They coudln't choose between Deku from boku no hero academia and Armin from Attack on titan. But at the end they choose Armin , because Tadashi already had the costume , because he's a huge Aot fan. Well , Tsukishima too , but he couldn't go in his Eren cosplay , because Kuroo and Bokuto already choose the costume. 

(It's gonna be more like  cosplay party , but yeah.....)

After dinner Tsukishima told Akaashi , Bokuto and Kuroo about Yamaguchis costume and Akaashi asked ,,Do you know Aot?" Tsukishima nodded and asked ,,Dou you ?" Akaashi nodded and replied ,,Yes, but I still have to watch the 4 season . " ,,Same" Bokuto and Kuroo didn't had any idea about what they were talking about.

~At tanakas house~

Tanaka and Noya had a sleepover at Tanakas house . They were in his room thinking of good costumes and of course what Kyoko is gonna wear. Then Tanakas sister came in and asked ,,Hey! What are you guys talking abou?!" Noya answered ,, We're going to a halloween party!!! And we're thinking about good costumes" She looked interested and asked ,,Uiii, can I come too?" Noya nodded and gave her Bokutos number. She petted Noyas head and said ,,I'm making sushi , it's not gonna take to long ." Noya and Tanaka smiled, because her sushi is one of the best the ever ate! 

Saeko wrote Bokuto : Hey!!! I'm Tanakas sister! Could I maybe come to the party too??? And brong two friends??? And I can bring some sushiiiiii!

Bokuto answered happy : HEY HEY HEY! Of courseeee! So more so better! 

When she read Bokutos answered she wishpered with a smile on her face ,,I have to tell it Tenma and Akiteru!!!" After that she talked with Tenma about it and decided in which costume / cosplay they're gonna go .

~not anymore in Tanakas house~

The next day was friday , so the last day before the  weekend . Because Noya slept in Tanakas house they walked together to school. On their way Tanaka asked Noya ,,And why Asahi said that you can go like Maria?" Noya sighed and said ,, Because he said that he can go like Jesus because he goes every sunday to curch and before something important happens . He even has a bible collection!?! And because I just go once in a month I can't go like Maria...." Tanaka started laughing and Nishinoya jonied him. Tanaka said ,, I still can't understand how you can be his soulmate.  I'm sure he was sad when God wasn't his soulmate" Noya laughed and replied,,Yes, I think he was,haha. But I still love him, even if he would prefer go to curch than to a date with me" 

Bokuto was happy , because it was his last day going to school without Akaashi. He was really excited , because today the costumes for them are gonna arrive. He still was unsure if Tsukishima would wear that , but everytime he think about Tsukishima and Akaashi wearing it , his cheeks turn red.

 He was sad that he couldn't change Kuroos mind from wearing a normal vampire  costume . But Kuroo says that it would look so much cooler with the teeth when he bite their lovers neck. 

But the best costume is gonna have Tsukishima , because they already saw Akaashi in sexy costumes the last years so that this year it's Keis time .  Akaashi is gonna wear cute outfit too , but not so good like Tsukishimas . But Akaashi was thankful , because he already knew what he was gonna wear and what Tsukishima and he wanted to see the blond in the outfit too. The most with the ears and the overknees socks. 

A message interruped Bokutos thought . It was a respond from Ushijima Wakatoshi. Bokuto wrote him about the party yesterday before going to school.He opened the message : 

Dear Bokuto,

the team says that they would be happy to go to the party. Because Tendou wants to go too , I'm going to. And yes , I can bring the milk , that's no problem                   ( Ushiiii, you simp~) 

Sayonara , I hope you have a nice day

Bokuto smiled and thougt that Kageyama is going to be happy.Then he resived another message from the flat doo- I mean Oikawa Toruu :


Of course we're gonna come!!! I can finally show someone else than Iwa-chan my princess alien costume!Yayyy!

Bye sis

Bokuto laughed about that , but he didn't expected Oikawa to be normal. He then arrived at school and had maths. He still didn't understood anything the stupied teacher said , but he already gave up on math in middle school. After that he had PE , what he loved. He was the best from his class in it .  

While Bokuto was in school Kuroo and Akaashi were watching  attack on titan together , because Kuroo wanted to know what that anime was about that Akaashi and Tsukishima were talking about a whole hour. Kuroo asked Akaashi after some episodes ,,Why are dying so many people?!" Akaashi answered ,, It's aot , it's normal. And better don't have a favorit charakter , because he can die later" Kuroo sighed and gave him a small nod.But then someone rang in the front door . Kuroo went there and it was the post. Kuroo opened the box and Akaashi asked curious ,,What's in the box?"Kuroo answered with a smile ,, The costumes are finally here....."

HEY HEY HEY !!! How are my dear readers doing~ I hope you liked this chapter!!! Already 31 , that's crazy! Bye , my cuties 

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