True Intentions

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<Chapter 13>

A light tap was heard from the outside of my chamber. I stood up for me to be introduced to my visitor as I was instructed by Grace many years ago. I was regretfully wearing a Baratheon coloured gown my father bought for me with my hair in a a braid down my back. The man who walked in I recognized instantly with his composed posture and faded blonde hair. His eyes were stone and hard with a smirk that was pasted onto his lean face. Tywin Lannister.

"Lord Tywin," I curtsy.

"Please," he smiles.

I sit back down onto my seat were I was enjoying my breakfast but since Tywin strolled in, I completely lost my appetite.

He sits opposite me and lays his hands on the table. I stare directly at him. Trying not blink too much. Alexa tells how much she loves her father and how amazing he is but something seems a bit off about him to me.

"It seems we have not been formally introduced," Tywin admits.

"It seems so," I answer politely.

There is a moment of silence were we just look at each other. I feel like there is something he wants to ask me specifically.

"How are you enjoying King's Landing?" he asks.

"It is fine," I reply. "The climate is a big change however."

He chuckles but I cannot tell if it is real or not.

"Will you be attending Alexa's nameday in four days?" Tywin questions.

"Of course," I nod once. "Your daughter is bright for her age."

"She is isn't she," Tywin smiles and I can tell he isn't lying.

We sit there in another moment of silence.

"Well I must be going," he says. "Good day Lady Rowenna."

"Good day to you as well Lord Tywin," I smile falsely

He stands up and leaves the room. I think about what just happened. What could the Lord Tywin want? He didn't appear to ask anything of true interest, just small talk. I sigh. Maybe I am just paranoid? Maybe what Alexa has been saying is all true?

I stand up. "I need some fresh air."

Grace nods and I walk out the my chambers, my mind busy with theories. I notice all the decorations been put outside for Alexa's nameday. It will truly be a spectacle.

"Rowenna," sings a little voice.

I see a flash of blonde curls beside me and blue eyes light.

"Good day Alexa," I smile.

"Have you seen all the decorations?" she asks happily.

"Only some," I answer.

"Can you believe they are all for me?" she asks rhetorically.

"Well you are a Lannister," I point out.

"Yes well I suppose you will have lovely nameday as well," she beams. "I have to go to my lessons now though."

"Good bye Alexa," I curtsy.

"Good bye," she calls out as she runs of again.

She seems so free. Like a young bird.


Cersei's P.O.V.

A knock comes from my chamber door's.

"Enter," I say broodily.

I didn't sleep well last night. Apart from Robert's continues snoring all I could think about is that wretched Baratheon bastard. She could ruin everything I have worked for all my life to be ruined in only a couple of days.

My father walks in. I don't bother to stand. Although I always want to please him, I couldn't care less about manners.

"Good day Father," I welcome. "Any more information about the Baratheon bastard?"

"That is why I am here," he says.

"Then please sit down," I welcome a seat in front of me.

He sits and looks at me.

"I encountered the young girl this morning," he starts. "She seemed quick for her age and I have come to the conclusion of leaving her alive for now. And if you so much as touch a hair on her head you will suffer the consequences from me. Good day."

He stands and walks out of the room. My eyes are widened and I am in shock. Once ft the room and stand up and scream in frustration. I throw whatever is in front of me off the table in one swipe. Clatters and smashes were heard against the stone floor. I sigh and regain myself.

One way or another, that bastard will die. And it will be under a Lannister's command.


I finally uploaded a new chapter! Sorry for the long wait but it's up now. Don't forget to vote and comment. And also follow me :) Love you all xoxo

~Mischeif Managed and Winter is Coming~

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