Why didn't you come back?

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<Chapter 9>

We walk to his day room in an awkward silence. Two guards trail behind us a metre or two away. I fiddle with my fingers until we reach his day room. As I suspected, they Kingdom paid no expense on this one room. Silk of golden thread hung as curtains. Like my room, he has a beautiful view of the ocean.

I sit down across from him. He looks at me with such caring and sadness I want to run out of the room. I avoid his gaze until he speaks.

"You resemble her so much."

I perk up. I know who he was talking about. My mother. Lady Lyanna of House Stark.

"When I saw you walk into the Throne Room, I though it was her," he continues.

I knew who he was talking about. My mother, Lady Lyanna of House Stark.

"Your hair colour is Baratheon brown but apart from that..." he trails off.

I felt so special. I always thought my mother must have been a wonderful lady. Hearing my blood say that gave me consent.

"Then why didn't you come back?" I look up.

He looks at me with a wounded expression on my face.

"I couldn't," he answers.

I began to fill with rage. All the rejection from my father comes back to me like an ember catching onto dry leaves becoming a larger and stronger fire.

"Do you know what it feels like to not have a father?" I spat. "To always wonder what was so wrong with yourself to be abandoned!"

"You weren't abandoned," he says quietly.

"I was...by you," I retorted.

I could feel hot tears streaming down my face.

"You abandoned me to be King!" I accused.

"No I did-" he started.

"Don't lie to me!" I snarled. "You left me!"

""Hold your tongue!" he bellowed.

I instantly closed my mouth. He may be my father, but he was still the King and could have me executed.

"I left you because you remind me of my failure," he confessed. "You are the reminder of the failure to save one life."

It sounds so painful. I close my eyes to find another emotion, but I only find dread and worry. What if she dies? Another scream comes from inside the room. The screams become more loud and agonizing. The baby was a surprise to say the least. It came so quickly too. It was likely not to survive, but also the chance that Lyanna won't either. My dear, sweet Lyanna. If she died, I am sure to follow. A nurse departed the room. She gave me a weak smile.

"The lady would like to see you."

I entered the room to see in bed, Lyanna. Looking exhausted and tired. Her face wet with sweat and large bags under her eyes. But what was more noticeable was the the cloth she was holding.

"Is that-?" I started.

"A girl," she replied. "Rowenna."

I hadn't realized I had been holding my breath until now and gasped. Lyanna was alive and so was my...daughter. I cautiously walked over to Lyanna. A tiny head became visible from the cloth. I didn't even know it existed around three minutes ago, but I would kill the man who hurt a hair on this infant. Lyanna smiled.

"Would you like to hold her?" Lyanna asked.

I nodded.

She handed me the child. It was so small. Smaller than most babies because was premature. She had a tiny tuft of brown hair. It was Baratheon brown. She was so beautiful. Rowenna then decided to see the world and opened her eyes. They were like sapphires or the ocean in Summer. They were like her mother's. I didn't realize I was crying until now. I kissed Rowenna's head and passed her back to her mother.

"I won't let anything happen to you, my love, or our child," I promised.

She nodded and smiled. I knew she needed rest. I softly kissed her lips and left the room.

"It was my fault your mother died," he said softly. "And I live with that every day."

I had no words. I wasn't angry anymore, I was emotionless. There was silence. Not the awkward kind, but understanding.

"I want to know you better," he proposed. "Can you let me?"

I nod and give a feeble smile. I stand up, curtsy and walk to the door.

"Remember to come to the feast tonight," he reminds.

"Of course your majesty," I reply.

I walk out of my father's day room and into the warm sun.


Sorry about the late delivery of this chapter. The picture is Lyanna Stark. And I made the video, it's on my Youtube channel: Amber Wealsey-Stark. It is about Robert and Lyanna. I hope you enjoyed it. I worked really hard to make it perfect, especially the flashback. Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments.

~Mischeif Managed and Winter is Coming~

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