The Ballad of Fearful Eyes

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<Chapter 15>

The party had finished as the moon was raised into the star-lit sky. Guests stayed in the Red Keep with clean rooms that the maids had worked hours on making perfect. The youngest Lannister had fallen asleep in her Mother's arms after the long day of surprises and joy. There is nothing like a Mother's arms. It is where you feel most safe. Untouchable even. Your fears are contained and suppressed from the warmness and love. The Mother of the Lioness was stroking her bouncing locks comfortingly as light snoring could be heard escaping from the girls parted lips. What dreams was Alexa imagining? What land was she in? No one can ever really know, except her, what goes on inside a child's head. So much wonder and magic.

But unlike Alexa, another child's marvel was slowly draining from her like a small hole in a bucket. The water slowly dripping out. This child had no Mother's arms to give her peace and relieve her of her troubles. She was lying in her bed. All cozy and heated. Everything a child should need. But her dreams were not full of wonder like Alexa but full of reality. Nightmares of a boy with a sadistic smile carved on his face, daggers painted in rose liquid, gowns ripped and torn, tear-stained faces and hollowing, empty screaming.

At that moment, Rowenna awoke and sat up like she had gotten a shock. Her pupils dilated and darted across the empty room. Rowenna's breathing was quick and harsh but slowly deepened. She brought her knees up to her face and put her head between her legs. After a few short seconds, she brought her face up and wiped her sweat-ridden hair back from her forehead. It was only a dream, she reminded herself. Well most of it.

Silver light

She turned her face up to the starlit sky

Rowenna slowly sang a lullaby she once heard Aunt Catelyn sing to Sansa. It comforted Rowenna even though her voice was scratchy and unforgivably out of tune.

And on this night began to wonder why

She knew that soon the day would come

Born to be

An heir of beauty and serenity

Into this world she entered quietly

To her surprise she was the one

Her breath beginning to slow under her own control. Although Rowenna was moderately high in the world and had the richest of foods, drinks and silks at her fingertips, she couldn't help that she was sad. How all her feelings must be kept in a little box inside her. She had thrown the key away a while ago, but it was not completely lost.

Destiny was close behind her

Phantom of borrowed life

And the sea was a reminder

Mirror of given light

Soon enough, Rowenna had fallen back into a familiar slumber. The night fell and another day approached soon after that. Rowenna was awoken by Grace who changed the girl into a modest gown and sent her to her lessons which went on for just over an hour. Rowenna then had her breakfast which she hardly ate any. Grace clucked her about being only skin and bones and it was her own fault.

Rowenna then did something different after breakfast, she took a hooded cloak and a guard and went into the city. Rowenna visited the weaponry and asked for a bow. She bought it along side with some arrows. She couldn't wait for a custom made like she hoped. The bow she bought was a bit big. Returning back to the Keep, I went into the practice range the castle had provided. Loading the bow with a single arrow, I aimed at the hay stack with a black circle painted on for the bulls eye. Pulling the drawstring close to my cheek, I intake a breath of-

"Lady Baratheon," coos a patronizing yet drawling female voice.

I lower my bow, not wanting another incident like the one with Sansa. I am faced with the gracious beauty that is Cersei Lannister.

I curtsy low. "My Queen."

"Arise little one," Cersei smirks, taking in all my submission.

I stand up, annoyed and slightly tense. I prayed to every old god asking why did this gods forsaken women find pleasure in tormenting me!?

After a few moments of silence I asked. "Did you request anything, my Queen?"

Without surprise, Cersei went straight into pointing out my fault. "May I ask, why do you feel the need on practicing the art of archery?"

"I am afraid I do not quite understand the question?" I answered, quite befuddled.

"I will make it simpler for you, why are you using a bow when you do need to use one?" Cersei asked once again with condescension clear in her voice.

"I do enjoy using a bow and arrows, I was taught up-"I answered.

"Up in the North? But down in the South, you have no use of such weaponry," Cersei interrupted. "A young lady like you should be taught the arts of sewing instead of war. In your future, I doubt the profession of a soldier would ever be acceptable. I'm sure you would be most pleased if you were proposed the occupation as a handmaiden. If you do not succeed on landing that occupation, perhaps the profession on a whore would suit you?"

I wanted to shoot that arrow straight through that head of hers. How dare she!? I yearned to kick and bellow at her with such horrendous insults she wished I killed her, but instead I said-

"Thank you my Queen for such wisdom."

"I think I should take this from you," decided Cersei, snatching away my bow and arrows. "Go see if my handmaiden's would like any help cleaning my chambers? There's a sweet girl."

I walked away with every vein in my body being set alight with poisonous flames that consumed my like an intoxicating poison. I was quite grateful I did not have my bow in my hands right at this moment.


I'm so sorry for the wait guys. I have lost and found inspiration over a long time. A long with that long wait, I have also hit 32k!!! This is unbelievable! When I started writing this I barely started the show and was hit with such an idea and I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. I love you all my sweets. Until next time xx

~Mischief Managed and Winter is Coming~

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