The Cub Lioness

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<Chapter 9>

I was not used to the sun ever being this hot. I could feel myself sweating underneath all the layers I was wearing. I was strolling around the gardens looking at the gorgeous scenery. Flowers didn't grow well in the North but apparently here they did. I started to hear voices from the distance.

"Please let come," whined a voice of a young girl.

"I have told at least one million times, the answer is no," a man's voice said.

As I walked closer I could see who was making all the commotion. It was Jaime Lannister and Alexa Lannister. Alexa looked so sweet with a rose pink gown, matching her rosy cheeks. Jaime was wearing cream breeches and bodice.

"Please?" begged Alexa.

"No!" answered Jaime, clearly frustrated.

As Jaime went to turn around, our eyes locked.

"Lady Baratheon," he said and bowed.

"Ser Jaime, Lady Alexa," I replied curtsying.

Alexa came up beside Jaime and curtsied. She hid slightly behind her older brother's arm.

"How are you finding King's Landing?" asked Jaime smugly.

"Very well," I assured.

"Will you be attending the feast tonight?" he questioned.

"Yes Ser," I answered.

Alexa lightly tugged on Jaime's sleeve and whispered something in his ear.

"Would you mind, if my sister joined you for a stroll in the gardens?" he asked for her.

"Of course I wouldn't mind," I smiled sweetly.

As Jaime passed us he whispered in my ear.

"Thank you."

I chuckled and began to walk with Alexa. After a long silence, Alexa spoke.

"Is it cold in Winterfell?"

"Very much so little lioness," I replied warmly.

She grinned at the name.

"Did you know, that I am your Step-aunt?" she inquired.

"No I did not, but thank you for telling me," I answered.

"Both our Daddies are powerful," Alexa continued. "So we are powerful ladies."

I smiled at her innocent knowledge.

"Well you are luckier than I," I said.

She looked at me questioningly.

"You have brothers and a sister," I explained.

She looked at me wisely but also sadly.

"I love Jaime and Tyrion," she says.

So that was the other Lannister, Tyrion.

"But Cersei does not like me," she says sadly.

I give her a sympathizing look.

"So why don't you have any siblings?" she asks.

"Because my mother died when I was a baby and didn't get to have anymore children," I answered.

The question hurt to answer but I couldn't cry in the middle of the courtyard. Especially in front of a Lannister, no matter how young. Alexa gave me a sad look and held my hand.

"You would have been a good sister," she reassured me.

"Thank you cub," I reply and squeeze her hand.

After a few moments in silence, Alex breaks it.

"How about we choose gowns for the feast tonight?" she asks.

"I would like that," I answer.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I am not very good at writing long chapters so bear with me. The next chapter will be the feast. Sorry if this chapter is crap, I gave it an all nighter. Alexa Lannister is an OC of @Bloodfur1912 and I love her. If you hven't read the Red Viper's Prize, read it. Then it's sequel or just read all of her books because they are amazing!

~Misheif Managed and Winter is Coming~

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