The Most Powerful Family in all of the Seven Kingdoms

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<Chapter 7>

Grace washes me then dresses me in a cream and cyan gown with azure trimming and long, flowing sleeves. It is one of favorite dresses. She styles my hair into a regal braided bun.

I look at my self in the golden-trimmed mirror that is located in my bedchamber. I have never looked so beautiful in my life. I lightly stroke my hair and smooth down a crease in my gown.

"Thank you," I smile and clutch her hand.

She is the only family I have left. The young woman smiled back at me with such warmth. I let go of her hand and head forwards the door. I open it and Grace and my guards follow me to the throne room. I feel as though I am heading to my death. As we are at the entrance of the Throne room, I close my eyes and shut out my misery and arrive into the Throne Room.

"Lady Rowenna of House Baratheon and House Stark," a man announces.

Look in all directions, hesitantly. I wanted so badly to run out of this room. Then I looked ahead. I see him. King Robert of House Baratheon. But most importantly my father. He looks at me with curiosity and something else I cannot place, perhaps remorse.

Then I notice the Lannisters. They all have blonde hair. There is a woman, a man, a young girl and an older man. The woman is sitting next to my father so she must be Cersei Lannister. She has long, blonde, wavy hair and looks like someone has permanently put a pile of pig's droppings under her nose.

The young girl must be Alexa Lannister, the Cub Lioness. She is only half a Lannister, she had a different mother to Cersei and Jaime, Lady Dana of House Mallister. She is not present in the Welcome. Her young face is tainted pink at the cheeks with fair, blonde locks falling past her shoulders. She must be no older than seven. She instantly reminds me of Sansa. Not in looks, but in the way she smiles. I blink away the sudden tears and endure.

The man must be her brother, Jaime Lannister or the Kingslayer. Very handsome but has a smirk plastered onto his lips. The older man had thinning hair and cold eyes, he must be Tywin Lannister. The richest man in Westeros. I hear there is one more child of Tywin.

Then there are the children of my father and Cersei. They all have blonde hair. The oldest one, who must be at least a year younger than I, has a smug look on his face. The other two, a young girl and a younger boy, look excited and are grinning.

As a I reach the stairs to the notorious Iron Throne.

"Your Majesty," I say politely and curtsy.

Grace follows my curtsy.

"Arise," my father commands. "Come to me child and let me see you."

I do as I am told and walk up stairs to the throne. When I am two steps away from the top, I hault. He inspects me. When I assume he has finished, he smiles kindly.

"I trust your journey was well?" he asks.

"Yes your Majesty," I reply.

He stands up with effort. My father is obese. I do posses some of his features like the same hair colour.

"We will have a feast tonight in the honour of my daughter visiting court," my father proclaims.

He takes my hand and leads me out of the Throne Room.

"We have some discussing," he says to me.

"Yes your majesty," I reply.

"Please Rowenna, call me father," he says.


I do not own Alexa Lannister! She is an OC of my friend @Bloodfur1912 :) Read her story Red Viper's Prize with a sequel of it as well. She is an inspiration and I love Alexa! I will add Tyrion don't worry. xx

~Mischief Managed and Winter is Coming~

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