END 54 ♔ The Kingmaker

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This is the last chapter. Since it is deeply connected to the next story, Lizzie of the North, there are no plans for an epilogue for now.

Also, most of you probably know how I end my stories, right? I trained y'all to be masochists in different forms. Now, make me proud. 😅

Enjoy. ♥

The winter of the capital has been kind this year. Despite mid-season, there were days the snow would not fall, and if they did, it was just as if the heavens brushed a simple kiss to the earth and then stop. Rare were the days that the snow would pile and the cold would imprison the citizens in the warmth of their homes.

However, no matter the season outside, inside the greenhouse that sheltered the hundreds of Angkahalla trees, it would forever be spring.

There, in a fake paradise he created to bend the will of nature, Xander waited for Diana.

It has been weeks since then, and thanks to medicine and low-grade healing magic, he was able to walk without opening up the wound near his heart. Ysivan who usually hounded him with work as soon as Xander opened his eyes, controlled himself. 

As soon as the doctor and mages approved of simple activities, Xander faced the vassals and the war council.

Just earlier, he signed the document for Norvillon Duchy's independence, parallel to the support of the vassals. Although their fear of restriction of the spirit stone distribution and some other resources from the North, the vassals feared war against them more.

They said the North has domesticated beasts and the abundance of the spirit stones could be utilized for weapons. The north rarely participated in the war and displayed its strength outside.

With numbers, Gran Dacchia might be the victor. They also have more to their military power.

However, if ever the empire wins the war, it would not be left unscathed from the North's unleashed powers. Other countries would swoop in and swallow Gran Dacchia if the opportunity arises. That, or the conquered nations would raise a civil war.

With the urgent situation handled, Xander sought Diana. Unlike their son, she never visited him, at least when he's conscious. But the servants swore that she asked for his condition daily.

And now, the time has come for them to talk.

"Your Majesty," Diana greeted by the door, eyeing the area where he was stabbed.

"My Lady," he greeted back and motioned for her to sit across him.

There was a moment of silence, surrounded by the orange blooms, with nothing but warm tea and official documents between them. He watched her pick up the cup and put it back after a sip.

"Where do I start?" she broke the silence.

"Somewhere you are comfortable telling me."

Diana began her story, some of them she already told him years ago, but necessary to patch a full picture of the truth. From Alec's secret birth to him growing up in the cottage while others knew him as Calenta's son.

She told Xander her fears and her anger when he said that bastards shouldn't exist. She told him how she wished of never setting foot in Gran Dacchia.

Diana peeled her soul, one story at a time. Until finally, she had no secret left, naked in front of him, with all her strengths and weaknesses out in the open.

Diana Of Alcotta (Yrsoreth Chronicles 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora