12 ♚ Good Night, My Prince

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Please watch the Youtube video above for this chapter. Lyrics and voice by me. Ehe.
I tried my best to make Wheels On A Bus sound like a lullaby. As you read below, you can sing the lyrics too.

Ellena Odde

The thought of ruling the world did cross his mind. All creatures with freewill think of it. Even children play as the greatest hero or villain at one point. He heard of a country on the other side of the world doing it for centuries now, but could not advance as much as outside their continent.

Was it Tzubykyztin? Countries such as Syl Sulivar from a neighboring continent is a militant kingdom that serves as a stronghold for invaders outside the mainland.

"Rule the world?" He repeated, amused with the idea. He could absolutely not, but maybe a quarter of it, he could.

Before he could agree as a jest, she added something like he's struggling in succession, it would have been impossible for him even to build an empire and much also, rule the world of Eilyzia.

He replied with a 'You'll never know. I'll make you bow to me one day!'

She replied with a noncommittal 'Yeah sure,', and they spent the next hour in comfortable silence.

It was their last day, and Diana was at ease. Her and Xander's relationship improved, and she sensed they were more comfortable with each other. It was a partnership based on benefits, and somehow, the barrier was thinned. He kept secrets from her, but Diana knew most of them.

He would spend time with the people, their way of life, and he would suggest her ideas to improve the territory's economy and livelihood. Xander also promised to station at least fifty Silver Knights on the island and financial aid to alleviate the residence.

In turn, the citizens had now hope and it reflected by the smiles and talks of how they were blessed for the lady to marry a kind prince. These people were not aware of Xander's status within the royal family, and for Diana, it was better that way.

"The full support would come after a few months," he said.

Diana didn't ask because she knew. A few months from now, the bastard prince shall ascend to the throne. She still got a few months left. It would be enough.

She hugged her son Aleck closer to her chest. The boy of three leaned his head, asleep, unknown to him that his father was on the same island.

Her son, at a young age, was showing signs of intelligence. He was perceptive, like asking of her well being before stretching his arms to be carried. Sometimes he would just not ask anything at all and show her all the puzzles he solved and the picture books he tried to understand.

He knew he was supposed to stay indoors, like when they were on the smaller island, although inhabited. It was as if the boy understood he was supposed to hide.

"Not for long, my love," she whispered. Not for long.

She remembered Scarlett, the maid's words. The future is changed. She must not selfishly change it more for her own.

Once Xander becomes king, Diana will never set foot in the capital again. Her meddling the future must be minimized. Her existence must be until a time she was supposed to be.

She resumed humming to her son. It was a song she remembered from her childhood when she was still in Levich.

♪♪ The waves of the sea they come and go,

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