4 ♛ Scarlett The Maid

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Xander was gone for an hour and now returning to the palace garden. Instead of hurried steps, he took his time. His new accomplice isn't that well. Diana was nervous, but she has enough spine not to be devoured by the queen.

Yet once returned, his brows furrowed at her wet clothes, especially in her bosom. She was even wiping it with the towel the servants provided.

"What happened?" he asked.

"It was an accident," was all she said.

The worried Therese nodded while Queen Claudette was just about to stand. In return, the two ladies did too. "Don't worry, dear. Slips happen all the time. Anyway, I have somewhere else to attend to." She held Diana's hand. "I'll send recommendations for you to pick, and you'll be perfect for the ball."

"Xander, my son," she shifted her attention to him with affection "I'll leave first."

The rest of them bowed until she was gone along with half of the servants.

Therese then invited him for tea with a livelier voice. "Next time, My Lady... until then." He offered his arm to Diana, and the latter took it.

Therese, who caught the melancholy in his voice, pulled her hand from his arm. "As formal as ever, Xander."

The latter nodded his head like a gentleman, and guided Diana away after she bid farewell. "You could have stayed longer," she whispered but got no reply. On their way back to the carriage, only then, he asked, "Who threw it?"


He studied her face for honesty. Convinced that she was telling the truth, he asked why, not how, as if he knew it was on purpose.

"'I am clumsy and is not well trained in etiquette'.... is a perfect answer. You heard it; the empress will recommend teachers for me and probably her spies, like some of the servants in your palace. It depends on how you use them. And Lady Therese, took the blame for serving me the tea, even though I did the 'accident' myself. She also promised to help me adjust to high society. She's too kind."

"...She is," was his only reply. Then they walked in silence. Diana ignored the stares of servants, soldiers, and officials they meet, at her wet clothes. After all, it was the aim. She established herself as a miserable and undignified noble. Her mission for today was accomplished.

They reached the carriage, and Xander helped her inside. He said he would remain in the palace for the rest of the day to meet with Ysivan, and finish the task that can only be done on the Gold Palace.

She knew better; most of them were the crown prince's work, too difficult to solve that they were pushed to Xander.

"Next time, no need to do such things," he said. "Play your part, but don't embarrass yourself."

"Rest assured. I won't tarnish your reputation any further than this."

Xander grinned. "You understand well. Good girl." He closed the carriage.

She already knew that the Xander now and the one he met not so long ago were different. A man betrayed by the people he wished would accept him one day, and was not inserting for dominance to find his own place, would never remain gentle and considerate.

In fact, those used to be his weakness. For a moment, Diana was glad at his indifference. "Four years changed him a lot," she whispered to the wind.

Diana Of Alcotta (Yrsoreth Chronicles 1)Where stories live. Discover now