29 ♔ The Last Ball

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The Gran Dacchian aristocracy is sociable in nature. Almost every occasion will be used as an excuse to hold a ball in the Gold Palace and the noble residences. Summer Season is incredibly hectic, that even a few free spirit from elusive nobles of the northern territory travel to the capital.

Yet, in all these celebrations, tea parties, and soirees, Diana was only invited six times, half from Lady Therese. They were all declined in different pretenses. Truthfully, she just wanted to distance from a society she'll leave soon. The less trace she left, the less she can be remembered.

But for the last ball of the Summer, she insisted on attending, despite just being recovered. She already told Xander of the events that might take place that night, and they prepared for the counters. With her arms linked to his, Diana entered the hall.

Usually, the members of the royal family enter together, but ever since the rumors surrounding the monarch family, the practice was halted.

And so, Diana entered after the Royal Crier announced their arrival. The moment she set foot in the hall, it halted just as quickly. All eyes zeroed to her, not in curiosity, but as how one look at something disgusting.

It's alright, she told herself. This would be the last. The dagger that Xander gifted rested in her inner thigh, hidden by her gown. It might not shield her the words of 'The prostitute,' 'How brave to show up,' and 'What scandalous gown,' whispered as they walk by, it was still a comfort.

At least the words were not from the man beside her.

"The audacity for the whore to come," she caught wind of a voice, passing by a group of women.

Diana paused and turned to them, slowly batted her lashes, and tipped her head. "Yes, the whore has come," she whispered under breath. Unbeknownst to her, Xander heard every word.

"Go," she mumbled to him later, after she found herself a seat, far from the center of the room.

She spent her time alone, as Xander conversed with Ysivan and other nobles. Now that Niccolus' status was somehow hanging in the balance, a few have been open in support of the second prince, while more do in secret. It was also a hushed topic among nobles how the king had personally summoned Xander for the past weeks and relegated him task that he was already doing. The favor was tipping the second prince, and the nobles have caught wind.

She ignored a few snickers with the men he talked with, even Xander himself—as planned. To enforce her dirty reputation, the second prince must also distance himself as if she was the filth reincarnate. The act would also convince the queen's faction.

Minutes later, the king entered with his entourage. And instead of his throne, he tapped Xander's shoulder, who greeted him. There was a short talk that Diana could not understand from her position. The king laughed, nodded to whatever Xander had said as the latter did the same.

Their amicable relationship rippled to the men around them as if they had the same relationship ever since.

Such a change of favor was so quick.

Good for you.

Diana stared for too long that it was too late. She realized the king's gaze had been aimed at her, and she was staring back absentmindedly. She turned away, but the thunder in her heart became louder as she felt her skin crawl and footsteps approached her.

"You look lovely as ever, My Lady," it was the king's voice.

She forced herself to face him as if her bones creaked in rebellion.

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