2 ♛ Schemes of Two

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It has been a day after the incident, and Silver Palace, the second prince's official residence, buzzed with activity due to its new resident, a lady unheard of, and now, the Xander's fiancee.

It would have been a taboo for an unmarried couple under the same roof, but the royal family has always been an exception. Polygamy, interfamilial marriage to even fraternal siblings, the exception of judicial judgment, and all Xander think was wrong with the world. All just because they were born from the first king who established a kingdom, no matter how dilute the blood is.

The queen had already sent a welcoming gift and apology for being occupied at the moment for the first prince's twenty-fifth birthday. The sentiment materialized into a pearl necklace cradled by the velvet box.

But no jewel hung on Diana's neck, nor any part of her body. If it weren't for Velyn, the palace's head maid, his fiancee wouldn't even be clothed in a pastel hue of blue and black laces as she sits uncomfortably across him.

There were no servants in the room, a strange arrangement for nobles who might as well let others lift the cup for them to drink. But Xander could not risk any leak of information.

"I'm glad you are doing better." He put down the cup that was already tested negative for poison by his loyal servants.

Diana could not even hold the cup, nor breathe in front of him. She just sat there, in her sunken eyes, the same when she wept in his arms last night. Only then her sniffles ceased when his men removed the body. He shielded the rain cloak around her and took her straight to his residence.

"That dead man, he was your stepbrother, Baron Alcotta," he said, confirming from her mouth what already was the truth.

"He is, Your Highness."

For different reasons, she cried for Michael Alcotta last night, but it was no time to ask questions. Even Ysivan, let him go from killing an unknown man.

"He traveled here when he returned from shipment to the southern isles. He wanted me back... to return with him, no matter what. He was too... affectionate." She bled out the last word with disgust.

"Did he touch you?" He asked after a silence.

It was no way, a prince nor any educated man's words to a lady. Yet, there was no other way to filter in inquiring the ugly truth. No such beautiful words exist.

She shook her head, her lips trembled. "I never allowed myself to be alone with him. He was always away on merchant ships or gambling. And when the letter of betrothal arrived, I took the matter myself and... came to the capital. Michael didn't know about the letter until she returned, and I wasn't there."

Fled. He would have said.

"And yet..." He didn't finish. "But fleeing from him, is that why you accepted the queen's appointment to be my fiancee?"

She met his eyes, about to say something but faintly shook her head. The strength in her gaze slowly returned to her eyes. "... There are many reasons, Your Highness. But most of all, I want to save the island. Our fief is dying, and our people are starving. I wanted your assistance. In exchange for betrothal, I will help you claim the throne."

"But you could never explain to me how."

"...The Ducal House of Hearth, if you can get their support.."

"Impossible," he cut her off. "Their only daughter, Therese Hearth is engaged to my brother-"

"-Then snatch her." There was certainty in her voice, no trace of guilt for a vulgar suggestion If coveting another man's woman, his brother of all people. "You can do it if you want to."

Diana Of Alcotta (Yrsoreth Chronicles 1)Where stories live. Discover now