Keep Moving Forward

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(Name's) P.O.V
When we finally return to the garage, Wilbur put Lewis's straight to work. "I don't even know what I'm doing." Lewis said working under the Time Machine. "Keep moving forward." Wilbur told him, as he wipe the glass dome of the time machine.

"I mean this stuff is way too advanced for me." Lewis then said. "Keep moving forward." I told him, leaning against the time machine, playing with the broken wheel. "And what if I can't fix this? What are we gonna do?" He then asked. "Keep moving forward." Wilbur and I both said in unison.

Lewis roll out from under the time machine. "Why do you two keep saying that? And don't just say, Keep moving forward." He asked. "It's my dad's motto." Wilbur told him kicking him back under the machine. "Why would his motto be keep moving forward?" Lewis asked rolling back out. "It's what he does." I told him, kicking him back under the machine again. Lewis roll out once again. "What's that supposed to mean?" Wilbur look down at him. "That is an excellent question."

We took Lewis outside to a telescope that we use to look at Mr. Robinson's company building. "Robinson Industries, the world's leading scientific-research-and-design factory. My dad runs the company. They mass produce his inventions. His motto, Keep moving forward. It's what he does."

"What has he invented?" Lewis asked. "Oh just some things here and there... moving side walks, flying cars, jet boots, invisible sandwich." I explained. "Wait, wait, wait. Jet boots? He made jet boots?!" Lewis asked, with excitement making me smirk. "Why don't you see it for yourself."

I kneel down to press the small buttons on my boots as they start to warm up, I took a dive off the roof we were standing on. Lewis scream thinking I was in danger, but I soon flew up to show him I was alright. "How's the weather like down there boys?" I asked them.

"That is so cool! Fly higher!" Lewis told me, I laugh at his excitement. I flew back onto the roof to land. "Sorry Lewis, but these are just training boots. Can't fly for very long or as high as I would like. Not till I turn sixteen and can finally get my license."

"You need a license to use jet boots?" Lewis asked. "Do you want a bunch of kids flying around and possibly crashing into flying cars?" I asked him, Lewis nodded, understanding quickly why kids with real jet boots wouldn't be the best idea.

"Even without a license, (Name) here is the best flyer in the future! No one can beat her in a race." Wilbur told Lewis, making me smile and blush. "Stop, I'm gonna get a big head." I told him. "No, I'm seriously! You fly amazingly!" He told me, making me blush more. "Cut it out."

We then notice Lewis was giving us a smug smile. "What's with the smile, Glasses?" I asked him. "Are you two like... together? Like dating together?" He asked, Wilbur's face turns completely red. "Wha... why would you think that?!"

"I don't know. I just feel like you two like each other." Lewis told him. "What would you know?! You're only twelve! You probably never liked a girl before!" Wilbur said getting more and more flustered. "(Name), help me out here!"

"I don't know... I can't blame him for thinking that." I said, Wilbur look at me surprised. "What?!" He asked, I shrugged. "I always thought we be a cute couple." I told him turn away to look throw the telescope. "...Wha...?!"

"Hey Lewis come check this out." I said waving the boy over, leaving Wilbur to think on what I said. "What is it?" Lewis asked taking a peek through the telescope. "The whole city. Everything you see, Mr. Robinson's made." I told him. "Everything?!" He asked amazed. "Everything. Carl, the time machine, the travel tubes."

"Mr. Robinson's invented the time machine?" Lewis asked, Wilbur comes over, seemingly snapping out of his the internal thought process I threw him in. "Yep. Five years ago, Dad wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. He wants to build a time machine, so he starts working!"

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