Tiny The Dinosaur

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3rd Person P.O.V
"Alright, everyone, quiet down. Quiet down." Franny said, getting the family to silent themselves. "I propose a toast to Lewis and his brilliant failure. May it lead to success in the future."

"Gosh, you're all so nice. If I had a family, I... I'd want them to be just like you." Lewis told them, taking Franny by surprise. "Oh, well, then, to Lewis!" She announced rising her glass. "To Lewis!" Everyone cheer rising their glasses, before dumbing the water inside onto their heads. "Yeah!" Lewis shrug his shoulders, before dumbing his glass of water on his head as well. "Good show, Lewis!"

"What if Louis Armstrong said, I can't? You think he'd have walked on the moon?" Grandpa asked. "Dear, Louis Armstrong was a singer." His wife told him, as Doris crawl her way up to the ceiling.

The family and (Name) were all at one end of the table, while Lewis was at the other end. Doris use this to her advantage, by crawling over to the chandelier. She then swing the chandelier over so it was right over the family and (Name). She quickly try to cut through the rope, when there was a tremor, follow by a loud thud.

Everyone turn around to look out the window behind them, they froze with fear from what they saw. Right outside their window, was a dinosaur looking down at them. Uncle Fritz fainted from the sight of the T-Rex. "Get up, you pansy!" His wife told him, while Lewis unaware of the danger, ran up to the window, to get a closer look.

Bowler Hat Guy was sitting in the time machine, laughing. "What a great plan! Go back in time and steal a dinosaur. Oh, Doris will be so proud of me." If only he knew, he ended up disrupting Doris' plain, making her very very anger.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a pet dinosaur?" Lewis asked Wilbur. "Ugh Because we don't." Wilbur told him, frighten. "What are you talking about? He's standing right here." Suddenly the dinosaur crash through the window and eats Lewis alive. "OH, NO! No, you can't eat him! I need him alive." The dinosaur to make sure he didn't swallow, opening his mouth to show Lewis was hanging on, by the dino's tongue.

Aunt Billie train whistle, steaming towards the dinosaur. "Choo-chew on this!" The train rams into the dinosaur knocking him backward, he spit up Lewis but caught him with his teeth. "LEWIS!" Wilbur and (Name) scream, Wilbur reach his hand out at his father.

The dinosaur was about to fall over the edge outside, but he jump on the train and ran on top of it, till he was safely back on the ground. "Kids stay here!" Franny told them, as the family ran outside to save Lewis.

"Ready, aim, fire!" Uncle Gaston fire Lefty from his giant cannon, at the dinosaur. Lefty raps himself around the dinosaur face and grab Lewis, throwing him up in the air. Uncle Art flys towards him and catches the boy in his ship. "Got you!"

The dinosaur use his foot to pull Lefty off and threw him into the side of the house. "You messed with the wrong family!" Carl told the dinosaur as he is stretch out by Grandpa, Uncle Joe, and Tallulah, to trip the dinosaur.

Uncle Art flew back towards the dinosaur, firing pizza dough at him. "Ding-dong! Pizza's here!" He buries the dinosaur under the pizza dough, Lewis and Uncle Art high five. While in the safety of the time machine, Bowler Hat Guy scream. "NO!"

The family apporch the dinosaur, Carl poke the dough. "Okay, everybody, this dino's deep-dished." Suddenly the dinosaur rip through the dough, roaring furiously. "RUN!" The dinosaur grab Carl with his mouth. "Oh! He ate Carl!" Tallulah and Grandpa grab Carl trying to help free him, however they just ended up getting pull up with Carl. "Help us! Help! Help!"

Laszlo flew down to try and help, but the dinosaur just threw them at him. The slam into Laszlo bring him down with them, as they crash into a wall. Laszlo's paint to splatter all over them.

The dinosaur use a wall to catapult himself high enough, to bite into Uncle Art's ship, bring it down. The dinosaur then use his feet, to pry the window open. Uncle Art was pull out with it and got trap under the window. "Oh, no."

When the dinosaur look in the ship, Lewis had already ran away, the dinosaur soon spots him and gives chase. Uncle Gaston got in front of the dinosaur, firing meatballs at him. "Incoming!" The dinosaur grab his meatball cannon and pull him up with it. "Run!" Franny told Lewis, who continued running. Franny try to help her brother but the dinosaur threw him at her knocking them out of his way.

"Now, go get that boy!" Bowler Hat Guy order, the dinosaur ran after Lewis, chasing him up a hill. Lewis ran into a corner cowering, thanking this was it for him. The dinosaur try to grab him but his small arms couldn't reach far enough. "What's going on? Why aren't you seizing the boy?" Bowler Hat Guy asked, causing the Dinosaur to stop with his pursuit.

"I have a big head... ...and little arms. I'm just not sure... ...how well this plan was thought through." The dinosaur explained, causing Bowler Hat Guy's eye to twitch in frustration. "Master?" Bowler Hat Guy hit himself on the head, with the controller. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Just then Wilbur grab Lewis hand pulling him away, (Name) signals Lewis to follow as they run away. But Wilbur notice something, causing him to stop. He looks up at the dinosaur's head, seeing the Mini-Doris planted there. "Bowler Hat Guy!"

"Him you can eat." Bowler Hat Guy told the dinosaur. "Lewis, (Name), run!" Wilbur told them trying to run away, but the Dinosaur grab him. "WILBUR!" The kids scream, seeing their friend in danger. (Name) quickly slam the buttons on her boots and flew up to Wilbur.

However she was flying to fast for the training boot to handle, so once she reach Wilbur they started to overload, shutting down on her. Wilbur grabs her hands to save her from falling, but this only put her in the same danger.

Lewis grab a shovel from Grandpa's digging and ran to one of the trampolines. The Dinosaur tosses Wilbur and (Name), up into the air opening his mouth wide. The kids scream as they start to fall down towards the open mouth. Lewis catapulted himself up, grabbing Wilbur's leg, while (Name) was hanging in by the back of Wilbur shirt. The shovel Lewis grab was keeping the Dinosaur mouth open, but it wasn't going to last long... Lewis's grip on the shovel was weakening, and there was no telling how much longer (Name) could hold on to Wilbur's shirt before it starts to rip.

Wilbur look for a way out when he spotted his Uncle's Meatball cannon. "Aha!" He grab the little canon, aiming it at the wall, he fire and the meatball ricocheted off the wall and knock the Mini-Doris right off the dinosaur's head. "NO!" Bowler Hat Guy scream with rage.

The Dinosaur fell to the ground spitting the kids up. Mini-Doris try to make her way back to Bowler Hat Guy, but path was block by the frogs. They threw her into the back of a trunch with a shovel in it. She cowards as Franky walks up to look down at her. He snaps his fingers and the trunk door is slam down.

"Oh, no!" Doris arrived back at the time machine still very angry. "Little Doris now sleeps with the fishes." She grab the controller and wacky Bowler Hat Guy with it.

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