Cause You're Future Is About To Change

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"This is gonna be the best day of my life!" Goob said bursting through the roof door. Lewis look down sadly as he walked, till he hears a familiar sound. He glance over across the roof, seeing Wilbur, (Name), and Carl, pretending to be pigeons.

Doris push Lewis forward, to get him moving, lucky she doesn't check out the pigeon sounds. "Doris, would you be a dear and open the hatch for me, please?" Doris and Goob were distracted with the time machine, giving Lewis the chance to leave.

Lewis rolls the cart that has the Memory Scanner to the end of the roof where the others are waiting. "NO!" Goob scream chasing after him. He jump off the roof and into Carl's arm. Carl hold Lewis in his right arm, while (Name) was in his left, holding the box in her arm, with Wilbur sitting on the robots' shoulders.

Goob almost ran off the roof after Lewis, but Doris caught him, bring him back up to safety. "Well, I hate to foil your evil plan and run, but ta-ta!" Carl told Goob, making his way back to the Robinson's house. "I bet you're glad to see us." Wilbur said freeing Lewis from the rope, once Lewis was free he punch Wilbur in the arm. "That's for not locking the garage door." Wilbur chuckle nervously. "You know about that?" He asked. "I know everything." He told his son. "You gotta admit, this will be a great story to tell me someday."

"Since you know Wilbur's your son, you should probably know that when we were eight... we kind of sort of... set the living room rug on fire." (Name) told Lewis, who gives his Wilbur a father like glare. Wilbur chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "Go easy on us okay... it was for science. I swear!"

The Robinson's house was no to far away now. "Look at that, kids. We're almost home fr..." Suddenly spear is shot right through Carl's chest. The kids turn their heads to see Doris was behind it. She pull on the wire causing Carl and the kids to fall, Doris grabs the box, flying back to time machine, where Goob is waiting.

Wilbur looks at Carl, who ended up turn off from the damage done to him. "Oh, no!" Goob flies over the kids, to give them his last words. "Take a good look around, kids, because your future is about to change." He laughs maniacally, as he traveled back in time.

"Lewis, you have to fix the time machine." (Name) told him, as the future starts to break down around them. "No! No, I can't!" Lewis said grabbing his hair, in frustration, he looks over at the son he might never have. "What about your Dad? You could call him." Lewis told him. "You are my Dad." Wilbur reminded him. "But that's in the future."

"There won't be a future unless you fix the time machine." (Name) told him. "Look, I messed up. I left the garage unlocked, and we tried like crazy to fix things, but now it's up to you. You can do it, Dad."

Wilbur startes to fade, as the future catches up with the changes made in the past. "Lewis, (Name)?" He turns into a cloud and flies up to the sky screaming their names. "LEWIS (NAME)!" The two remaining kids ran after him. "WILBUR!" They watch their friend fly up into a green cloud that was over the Robinson's house. "Wilbur."

Suddenly (Name) fell to her knees, grabbing her head in pain. "(Name)! What's wrong?!" Lewis asked dropping to his knees next to her. "My head! It hurts! Ugh! Go Lewis! You have to change the past!" She told him, trying to push him away. "I can't just leave you!"

"You have to! The Future is trying to catch up with whatever Bowler Hat Guy did in the past! You're from the past! You're the only thing the future can't change. You're our only hope left, Lewis! You have to fix what we mess up! GO!"

Lewis force himself to his feet, and ran off to the garage. "Mrs. Robinson? Uncle Art? Lefty?" The lights flicks, till they go out, causing Lewis to stop in his tracks. Another light turns on from a beat up Memory Scanner, he apporch it to see the memory play out.

"Prepare to be amazed. I call it the Memory Scanner." Goob told the men in the room. "So, Yagoobian, any other ideas you'd like to share with us?" The boss asked. "Yes. I call them Helping Hats." Goob told him as the memory shows more Doris being made. The memory changes to the town in the past, being attack by the many Dories "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!"

Goob comes on screen. "Doris, what's happening? I don't understand. I just wanted to ruin the boy's future, not this." A couple of Dories attack Goob "NO!" The Scanner turn off and Doris crawls on top of it. "No." Lewis said backing up. "No, this can't be happening! NO!"

The Robinsons walk out of the shadows each having a Doris of their own, on their heads. "Oh, Lewis, it's already happened." A mind control Franny told him. Lewis back up into the time machine. Doris makes a sound and the family goes in to attack, Lewis climb into the time machine closing the hatch.

The family hit and pull on the time machine trying to prey it open. Lewis noticed time machine about to fall off the edge, so he act fast. He climb under the deck and rewired everything fixing the machine. Lewis got into the driver's seat, starting up the machine. The Tim machine falls off the edge, but Lewis pulls up, flying up into the air, out of the family's reach.

He look at the family one last time before flying out to see the horror waiting outside. Everyone was enslave by Doris to work in a giant outdoor factory. There was so much smoke and pollution in the air that the sky was just dark clouds.

Lewis slammed on the brakes, screeching the time machine to a stop. He look up in horror, at the mind control (Name) floating in the sky. She had a Doris hat of her own on her head, as well as jet boots that look much more powerfully then the ones she originally had.

She held her hand up, causing multiple Dories with no owners to fly up behind her. Lewis knew what was coming and stomp on the gas, blast off past her. (Name's) head slowly turn to look at the friend she forgotten, throwing her hand down, signaling the Dories to chase after him.

To make matters worse, the Robinson's house which was now a a giant metal Doris, had pull itself out of the ground and was chasing after him as well. Lewis flew into a sort of air duck to escape. But Doris and the family was waiting on the other side. He try to back up but (Name) and the billions Dorises were crawling their way to him on the other end. He was trap.

"Why did I ever invent that stupid hat?" Lewis asked, giving himself an idea. He punch in some number and flies towards Doris as the Machine startes up. "Take a good look around, Doris, cause your future's about to change."

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