chapter three

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Ryan's pov

After catching her with the dummy and stuffed animal, she was a mess. I felt terrible seeing her cry, but I knew she was embarrassed and just needed to let it out. She was still beautiful though. Even with tears streaming down her rosy and soft cheeks. I wrapped her in my arms and held her close, refusing to let go despite her constant efforts. Eventually, she tired herself out that she fell asleep and I continued to hold her, petting her hair and whispering soothing things to her every so often. We could talk once she woke up.

As she moved around a bit in her sleep I felt an extra bulk on her lower half and soon realised it was a nappy. I sighed a bit in relief. I was glad that she had gone out and shopped for some things that could help her. At least a little bit. When she woke up I would talk to her about it, ask questions, and see if she would let me help her in any way I could. I was honestly kind of hoping she would let me help her. The more research I did, the more I really liked the idea of caring for someone, especially my best friend. I love her so much, I'd do anything for her.

After about 30 minutes, she started to stir from her slumber. She rubbed her eyes and looked at me, sitting up.

"Mommy?" Her eyes were wide and curious and her face was pink and tear-stained. She didn't even seem to realise what she had said. She cocked her head to the side waiting for a response and when it never came, she yawned and leaned back into me, nuzzling her face into my neck. I was surprised at how cuddly and relaxed she was considering half an hour ago she was sobbing into my arms because I had caught her with a dummy. It hit me that she might have fallen into little space. I had read about it, that's what it was called when littles, I had learned that term too, regressed. I also read about how sometimes littles regress when they're stressed and need some way to calm themselves. It was probably best to help her out until she was bit again, then we could have our conversation. She looked at me again, pulling her head back and whining. "Momma, wan it." She pleaded, voice still soft from sleep.

"What is it that you want, love?" I asked, playing with her hair. She made grabby hands towards the other end of the bed. "You want to lay down?" I asked, still confused about what she needed. She shook her head.

"Nuh-uh." She pointed again. "Wan dat, momma." I looked over again and saw that it was the dummy she was pointing at.

"Ohhh. You want the dummy, baby?" I asked, not even realising the nickname slipping out of my mouth. She nodded her head enthusiastically.

"Mhm, yes mommy!" I picked it up and wiped it off a bit before placing it in her mouth, which she gladly took and began to suck on. "Tanks ou, momma," she said around the dummy.

"Very good manners love!" I praised, tapping her nose softly. "You're welcome."


The rest of the day went the same. She stayed in little space until about 7 or 8 o'clock when she broke out of it. We were finally able to have our conversation. She was embarrassed and tried to pretend nothing happened, but I knew we needed to talk.

"JJ, please sit down. I want to talk to you a bit." She sat down with apprehension and a bit of whining, but eventually, I got her over to the couch. She put her hands on her knees and looked at me with a worried expression.

"Okay," she sighed after a few minutes of silence. "What did you want to talk about?" She was still eyeing me, curious and timid. I moved closer and held her hands in mine.

"I know." I simply stated.

"About what?" She asked feigning cluelessness, but the dark colouring to her cheeks insinuated she knew exactly what I was talking about.

"About everything. I know you're stressed, and you've been acting differently than usual. I know about the nappies and the dummy and the stuffies, so I did some research and saw something about age regression and cgl/mdlg relationships." The colouring on her cheeks deepened and she tried to pull away. She knew exactly what I was talking about. "I just want to help you feel better, babes. What can I do?" She kept trying to pull away and whining, but my firm grasp kept her in place. I knew she didn't want to talk about it, but I thought that it would be best. I pulled her onto my lap and started rocking her back and forth.

"What are you doing, Ryan?" She asked, trying to squirm away. I held her close and played with her hair humming a lullaby. "What are you doing!" She said again.

"This is what you want right? To be taken care of by mommy?" I asked. I didn't want to completely scare her off, but I wanted her to know I was going to be there and to help her. She whined again and I noticed the blush on her cheeks darken again, I didn't even realise that was possible. She must've thought I forgot about the whole 'mommy' incident. "Please baby, I just want to help you." She looked up at me again with her gorgeous emerald eyes trying to figure out if I was serious about this or not. When she decided I wasn't joking and poking fun at her she sighed.

"Alright," she said in a timid voice. I beamed and held her close again. I knew that once she was big again she had run and taken off her nappy, so I figured that was the first thing I should do, just to be safe. I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Where are you keeping the nappies, love?" She grumbled something inaudible. "I can't hear you, Jay." She sighed again.

"In my closet," she repeated.

"Okay let's go get them, so we don't have any accidents. Okay, baby?" She only nodded, still embarrassed by the whole situation.

I carried her up to her room and placed her on the bed, going to the closet and grabbing a nappy out of the pack. I also grabbed her bunny stuffed animal and the dummy, in case she needed them. "Can I change you, love? Remember you can say no to any of this at any time. I just want to help you." She nodded and made grabby hands towards the stuffie and dummy. I laughed before popping the dummy in her mouth and handing her the bunny. She giggled when it touched her face, tickling her, and it was one of the most beautiful sounds. "Okay baby, I'm going to change you now. Is that okay?" She nodded, giggling again.

"Otay, mommy,"

A/N: Here's chapter three! I hope you are enjoying it still! Don't be afraid to leave comments to let me know what you think and stuff you want to see more of! xx I hope you are having a good day/night, if not I hope it gets better for you! Thank you @Rainbowcolour789 for voting and following x and thank you to everyone else who has voted!

Question of the day! What is your favourite thing to do? I love writing and music!

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