chapter seventeen

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Jaymie's pov

"Hey, Jay?" Ryan asked, knocking on my door and walking into my room. I was in the middle of painting my nails, so I waved them back and forth to let them dry. Humming, I looked up.

"What's up?" I asked. She was leaning against the door frame again, with her arms folded and a smirk resting on her face. I blushed, looking down again and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. She walked over to me and sat down at the foot of my bed.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" She asked, holding my hand up and admiring my painted nails. "Looks pretty by the way." I blushed, like an idiot, once again.

"T-thanks," I smiled. "And, no plans tomorrow, why?" I asked, curiosity flooding in.

"Oh, I just have a surprise for you tomorrow. Don't make any plans okay?" She said before standing up.

"Wait! Can't you tell me what it is?" She laughed, shaking her head.

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise, silly." I frowned.

"B-but-" I pouted when she cut me off.

"No buts, it'll be fun! Just don't make any plans, okay princess?" She winked, and butterflies consumed my entire body at the name. I nodded shyly, my cheeks still dusted with pink. She walked through the door, and just like that, she was gone. I was kind of anxious that I didn't know what we would be doing tomorrow, but I trust Ryan. She wouldn't do anything I wasn't comfortable with or anything that would put me in danger. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens tomorrow.

Ryan's pov

To get ready for my surprise for Jaymie, I checked my phone, making all the calls I needed for it to be a perfect day. She was going to love it, and I couldn't wait to see her face when I told her the surprise.

We were set to leave in about forty-five minutes so I ran to Jaymie's room to let her know it was time to get ready. I knocked on her door, walking in once she had called me to.

"Hey Jay, we'll be leaving in about forty-five minutes, make sure you're ready okay?" I informed her. She was in the middle of going through outfits while simultaneously biting on her toothbrush to hold it in her mouth. I laughed at her attempt at multitasking, grabbing the items from her hand. "Go finish washing your teeth, I'll help you pick your outfit." She nodded before rushing off into the bathroom to finish. I looked at her options and laid out a pair of black overalls and a pink jumper to go underneath it. I also laid out her white sneakers and some pink socks and a pink bow to match the jumper. 

She walked back in a few minutes later holding a hairbrush and some ties

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She walked back in a few minutes later holding a hairbrush and some ties. She admired the clothes for a bit before turning to me.

"Thank you for helping me pick my clothes," she smiled. "Will you plait my hair?" She asked, holding the brush and a few ties out to me. I accepted them and had her sit down in front of me so I could have a better angle to see.

I started by brushing her hair and running my fingers up through it from the base of her neck. She shivered at my touch, making me smile and laugh internally.

Once I had finished I rubbed her shoulders and stood up, holding my hand to Jaymie's to help her up.

"Okay," I said, turning to her. "Go get dressed and meet me downstairs in ten minutes. Can you do that?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Good girl," I said, kissing her cheek and walking out of the room. "Meet me downstairs!" I called once more through the hallway as I walked to the base of the stairs.


About thirty minutes later, we were in the car and halfway there. Jaymie wouldn't sit still and the entire time I was reminding her to keep her seatbelt on and sit still. She was growing impatient and I was growing tired of reminding her to be calm.

"But where are we gooooing??" Jaymie asked for the millionth time in the last five minutes and tried to jump out of her seat again. I gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"Jaymie," I said, trying to keep my voice calm. "You need to sit down and be good, I will turn this car around and drive back home." She whined and pouted, but eventually sat down and stayed still for the rest of the ride. "Thank you, JJ," I said.

It was a few minutes later and we were about to pull into the car park. "You're going to love this surprise, love. We're almost here." She perked up at that, looking around to see where we were. Her eyes lit up at seeing the sign that read National Zoo. She looked at me almost as if to ask if it was real.

"Zoo! We goin to da zoo?!" She said as she started to slip. As soon as I unbuckled her from the front seat of the car, she ran into my arms and gave me one of the biggest hugs.

"It's too tight, bubba," I fake wheezed. She loosened up a bit but still held on tight.

"Tank you, mommy. Dat make me happy," she had a wide smile on her face, giving me a rush of pride and adoration for my little girl.

"You are very welcome, angel, but there's actually one more surprise!" She looked at me, with wider eyes than before and a larger smile than before. Just as I said that I heard my name being called and when I looked around to find the voice it came from, I smiled. "There they are now, actually," I told Jaymie, pointing towards the entrance. We walked towards the gate as I waved towards Joss and her little. I turned towards Jaymie.

"Angel," I said and she looked at me shyly. "This is Joss, and that," I gestured to a boy in blue overalls with a green and white striped shirt underneath. He was also sucking on a blue and green dummy and held a green dinosaur stuffy in his hands. "is Danny."

A/N: Sorry it's been a while, guys. It's been a busy week and something happened the other day so I haven't had much motivation to write, buuuut I'm going to continue to write and not let myself get behind or lose interest! I'm planning to start a new story on the side and when I finish a few chapters I'll publish it :) Anywho, here's chapter seventeen! As always, comment, vote, and share. I really appreciate everything you guys have done thank you all so much for 1.4k! You have no idea how much it means to me xx Enjoy x

Question of the day! What's your go-to slushy flavour? Mine is blue raspberry! x

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