chapter six

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Jaymie's pov

"Let's begin." Ryan's voice rang through my ears. I knew she was joking, at least about the way she said it, but it was intimidating. I'd wanted this forever, someone to take care of me. To give me rules and hold me accountable, and I finally had it. I'd never have expected it to be Ryan of all people, though I wasn't complaining. She made me feel so safe and comfortable. She was so supportive, and I don't even think she was doing this all for me. I think, or at least hope the whole relationship dynamic we had now made her happy too. I snapped out of my daydream, refocusing on the present. I nodded letting her start.

"Alright, what do you want to go over first?" I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing. "Hm, okay. How about rules then?" I nodded and managed a meek 'okay.' That seemed to do because she made a pleased sound. "Okay, Jay. I want you to go grab a few sheets of paper and a pen or crayon. Just something to write with. Can you do that for me?" I nodded and ran off to do what she asked of me. I wanted to do everything just right, I wanted her to be proud of me. I needed her to be proud of me.

I handed her the paper and marker I found. "Very good listening. Thank you, love." She pulled me to sit down on the couch. I hadn't even realised I had been standing still. I chuckled embarrassedly as my cheeks flushed red as they always seemed to be these days. "Okay, I want you to write down the rules on one sheet as we go, punishments on another, and rewards on the last sheet. Can you do that for me?" I nodded, eager to please.


"Very good. Listen very carefully. It's very important that I get your input too, okay? If you are not comfortable with something, I need you to tell me right away, got it?" I nodded. "Good. Now the other thing, if you feel we need to add anything, tell me. Even if you don't particularly like it, but you know it will help you. That's all I ask. Can you do that for me?" I nodded once again.

"Yes," I replied, in case she wanted a verbal answer. She preened at my cooperation.

"Great! Now that that is covered, let's get right to it."

Ryan's pov

"First things first. Safeword. If you are ever uncomfortable but are scared to say so, which I hope you aren't, but if you are, you use your safeword. You will never be in trouble for using it. What would you like it to be?" She seemed to ponder for a bit.

"Hmm," she thought for a moment. "'Birdies'." She decided on. I smiled at her innocence and childishness, even when she was big.

"Sounds perfect." I encouraged. She wrote it down at the top of her pages so she would remember. Whenever she would write something down, she would stick her tongue out a small bit to concentrate. It was one of the most adorable things I'd ever seen and it made my heart melt. When she had finished, I clapped my hands together, preparing to move on. "Alright. So, rules." She nodded. I had thought about these quite a bit in the last few days, knowing we would be discussing them soon. I wanted to be prepared. "Number one, be nice. To yourself and others. Number two, always talk to me if you're upset or worried about something, I need you to communicate with me. Number three, try to eat two to three meals a day." That one I worried about a bit. She often struggled with food and eating enough. I looked at her to make sure she was okay with it. She looked a bit nervous, but nodded and wrote it down anyways. "Number four, let me know if you are going somewhere. I just want to know you're safe and where you'll be if I need you or if something comes up. Number five, bedtime on weekdays is 11, and bedtime on weekends is 12:30." She nodded in agreement, only slightly frowning at the bedtime one. "And finally, number six; always tell me if you break a rule. How do those sound?" She finished scribbling the rules down on her paper and looked up towards me.

"They sound good. I think I can handle them, if I think of anything else, I'll tell you." I nodded and thanked her.

"Why don't we talk about punishments now?" She grimaced but nodded and I chuckled. "First, lines. The quantity will depend on what you did wrong and the severity of it. All of the punishments will follow the same idea." She nodded, showing she understood. "Early bedtime," I proceeded. "No special treats such as candy or sodas, no television time, and timeout." She pouted at the no tele one, making me laugh. "We can always add more later or take any away if we find they don't work, but how do those sound for now?" I asked. She sighed but nodded once again. "Can you answer with words please?" I asked, wanting to know her thoughts.

"They sound good, other than the television one." Her bottom lip jutted out in another pout. I laughed then ran my fingers through her hair, fonding at her adorableness.

"Sorry, love. I think it's necessary though." She sniffled and nodded.

"Okay," she frowned.

"Hey," I nudged her. "We can talk about rewards now!" She smiled a bit, but I could tell she was biting a larger one back. "Later bedtime, an extra special treat of your choice, if you are super good, you might get a new stuffie or jammie set, or something like that, movie day, and other various things." Her smile got wider and wider after each reward, it was adorable. "How do those sound?" She nodded enthusiastically, I thought she might snap her neck by how fast it was moving back and forth. I decided to give her a special treat for doing so well and having this conversation with me. Once she was completely finished writing everything down and I had looked over it, I pulled her into my lap and nuzzled into her, tickling her a bit. She giggled and it was one of the most beautiful things ever. "Hey," I whispered into her neck. "I have an idea, you're gonna like it."

"What is it?" She asked excitedly.

"Well," I started. "Since you've been so good today, why don't you tell me a special treat you'd like." Her head turned to me quickly and her eyes were wide with excitement.

"Really??" I laughed and nodded.

"Yes, love. What would you like?"

"Can we go get ice cream?" She whisper-shouted.

"Of course, let's go!" She squealed and ran off to get ready.

Who cared if it was still only 11 in the morning? She was excited and happy. That's all that mattered.

A/N: Here's chapter six! What do you guys think of it so far? Thank you all for reading this! It means so much to me, you have no idea xx As always, leave comments for feedback, suggestions, and things you'd like to see more of! Love you all x Enjoy! x

Question of the day! What is a song you've been listening to a lot, recently? Mine is "If You Love Her" by Forest Blakk!

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