chapter eighteen

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Ryan's pov

"Hello cutie," Joss said, waving at Jaymie. I nudged her and whispered in her ear, warning her to be nice.

"Do you remember her, baby?" I asked. She shook her head shyly hiding behind me a bit. "Be nice," I warned again. "Can you say hi? This is the nice lady who gave us our ice cream after you were so good at the doctors," I informed her. She nodded her head, seeming to ease up a bit.

"H-hi," she said, waving. Joss smiled sweetly at her. Danny seemed to be in his own little world. He was stood next to Joss, holding her hand and sucking on his dummy.

"There's no need to be shy, love. My name is Joss, and this is my baby. His name is Danny and he is my little. Just like how Ryan is your mommy, I am Danny's mommy." Jaymie seemed to understand that better because she stepped out from behind me and smiled.

"You no take my mommy?" She asked innocently.

"Aw, baby, no. I'm all yours," I said, kissing her cheek and hugging her tight. She nodded, accepting it.

"Otay," she smiled. She turned to Danny. "Hellos, I name 'aymie," she waved, and Danny smiled and waved back.

"Hewwo, I Danny." Jaymie turned to me again.

"Mommy?" She asked.

"Yes, petal?" I replied.

"We go see amals now?" I laughed at how sweetly and innocently she said everything. I looked toward Joss and she shrugged.

"Of course, bub. Let's go see the animals." Jay and Danny both cheered and tried to run off before, Joss and I yelled after them to stay with us. We each grabbed our little's hand and started off to see the exhibits.


Everything had been so exciting to see so far, but after about an hour the two littles started getting hungry. It was around noon, so we decided to go to one of the animal-themed restaurants they had.

"What would you two little ones like?" Joss asked.

"Ice cream!" Jaymie yelled.

"Inside voice, JJ," I reminded her, but still laughed nonetheless.

"Sowwy Mommy, I wan ice cweam" she blinked up at me with an innocent smile.

"Maybe at the end," I negotiated. "But for now, you need real food. What would you like?" She cheered at the mini promise but looked around at the options. She gasped when she saw her favourite things.

"Nuggies!" She yelled. "Mommy, dey have nuggies! We get nuggies, pease mommy, pease, pease, pease!" She pleaded. This seemed to have caught the attention of Danny because now they were both chanting 'nuggies' very loudly.

"Jaymie. Inside voice," I reprimanded. "Yes, you can have chicken nuggets, but please be calm now." She cheered and hugged me tightly.

"Tanks ou, Mommy, dat make me so so so a million happy." I kissed the top of her head.

"You're very welcome baby, very good manners," I praised, making her giggle and a blush form on her cheeks. "Let's go sit down and I'll order you some nuggies okay?" I said, tapping her nose. "Would you like some chocolate milk as well?" I asked and she nodded enthusiastically making me chuckle. "Okay angel, go sit down with Danny and I'll get your food." She giggled, clapping her hands excitedly.

"Yay, yay, yay," she chanted. "Chocate milkies! I wuv chocate milkies," she informed me. I nodded with a smile.

"I know you do, love. Now go sit down, and stay there. Okay?"

"Otay mommy," she nodded. "I be good."

With that, she walked off to sit by Danny, but of course, she was still at a table right in front of me. It wasn't hard to keep an eye on here from the line.


Lunch was wonderful. Jaymie and Danny enjoyed their chicken nuggets along with chocolate milk for Jaymie and strawberry milk for Danny. They continued walking through the zoo, stopping to see every single exhibit. Jaymie's favourite was seeing the penguins and Danny was just sad that there were no dinosaurs. But, when we had finished and were ready to go home, we let the little look through the gift shop and pick one new toy.

Jaymie gasped when we walked into the shop. She was mesmerised by the assortment of stuffies and animal-themed trinkets. She stopped immediately in front of the one she wanted, pointing at it and hopping up and down repeatedly.

"MOMMA!" She squealed. "I WAN THAT ONE" she continued to bounce up and down, pointing to a soft and cuddly penguin stuffy. 


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"Jaymie. Inside voice," I scolded, making her pout.

"Sowwyyyy" she apologised, even if it was half-heartedly. "'An I pease get dat one?" She gave me her best pouty puppy dog eyes, and who was I to refuse. What has this girl done to me? I internally groaned, I've become weak. Oh well.

"Okay, baby. You may get that one." She cheered, clapping her hands together before hugging me.

"Fanks ou mommy," she exclaimed, squeezed me tightly. I laughed.

"You're welcome, JJ. Now let's go home." She nodded in agreement, as we paid for her new stuffie and said goodbye to our new friends.


"'Day were good day, momma," Jaymie said, once we got home, cuddling up to me. "Wuv you mommy." She yawned.

"You're right, today was a good day." I agreed. "I love you, bunny."

A/N: Here's chapter eighteen! I really hope you all are enjoying this so far! I'm thinking of ending it somewhere between 20 and 25 chapters, so sometime fairly soon, but don't worry! I have plenty of other story ideas I will be working on haha xx I'd love for you all to comment and let me know what your thoughts are on the story :) but thank you for all of the support and thank you for reading and voting! As always, comment, vote, and feel free to share with others! I'm so grateful for you guys, love you all!!! Enjoy xx

Question of the day! What is your favourite cartoon or kid's show? Mine is Ever After High or the classic Barbie movies haha xx

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