chapter eight

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Jaymie's pov

I woke up to the sun streaming through my curtains and the smell of bacon and pancakes in the air. I guess Ryan must've woken up early and made breakfast for us. She's so thoughtful and caring, that's why I love her so much. She makes me feel safe and comfortable, but I obviously can't tell her that. I love her, I have for years, but to her, outside of our cg/l relationship, we're just friends. The thought made me a bit sad, so I popped in my dummy for comfort and tied my ginger hair into a bun. I sighed.

"Well at least I have her in this way," I whispered to myself, as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I figured if she had made breakfast, then I should head downstairs. I didn't want it to get cold.

I didn't think much of it when I heard voices, I just figured Ryan was watching Grey's Anatomy or something. She thinks it's her dirty little secret, but she's not very good at hiding it. Or maybe it's just me, but I notice everything she does. Love kind of does that to you, you notice the small things, like their habits and routines or the little quirks that they themselves don't know that they do. Anyways, I'd never let her know I know about this guilty pleasure, then she'd know I pay attention, and if she knew that, then she'd know I'm hopelessly and over the top in love with her. I can't have that, not now, but I digress! I didn't think much of the conversation, so naturally, I walked right into the kitchen. At least until I realised that everyone was there, Bee, Avery, Sadie, and Ryan. I froze, not knowing what to do, I don't think they noticed me yet, but it was only a matter of time. My eyes started to fill up with tears, I wanted to get out of there and run to my room, I didn't want them to see me, but I was stuck in place. I couldn't move. Thankfully, Ryan saw me and before anyone could notice the pajamas, or the nappy, or the dummy, she swept me up and carried me back upstairs to help me. I curled up in her arms, placing my head against her chest, just breathing in her, her natural scent. Not in a creepy way or anything. Of course not in a creepy way. It made me feel safe, it made me feel cared for. I liked that feeling.

"I'm sorry, JJ. I should've warned you or something. I swear I didn't know they were coming, but I should've woken you up and helped you get changed or something. I promise I didn't mean to embarrass you or anything. You just looked so cute, I didn't want to wake you up. And peaceful. You always look so peaceful when you sleep. I'm sorry I just-"

"Shh," I giggled, holding my finger up to her lips. "You're rambling," I announced, stating the obvious.

"Sorry," she replied sheepishly.

"It's okay. It's cute." I giggled again. "You can go back downstairs if you want, I'm just gonna get dressed and then I'll meet you down there." She nodded, still looking a bit regretful for not warning me, but I shrugged it off and assured her that I was fine. Reluctantly, she let it go and trudged off downstairs to accompany the rest of our friends.

Ryan's pov

I felt terrible that because of me, Jaymie was close to tears and I had almost embarrassed her in front of our best friends, but I had an idea that would hopefully make up for it.

"Hey guys, I have an idea," I announced once Jay had joined us a few moments later.

"What is it?" Avery asked, his mouth stuffed full of food making the question come out all grumbled. I rolled my eyes at him, making a face of disgust. He just shrugged and offered a not-so-sorry 'sorry' with, once again, a mouth full of food.

"As I was saying," I said, giving Avery a pointed look. "Since today's quite a warm day, why don't we go to the beach? We can go swimming and build sandcastles (that one was definitely not specifically aimed towards Jaymie), and we can bring sandwiches and juice. It'll be fun! What do you guys think?" I could tell Jaymie was trying to keep her external excitement to a minimum and was practically screaming and bounding off the walls on the inside.

"Yeah, yeah that sounds fun," Jaymie said relatively smoothly.

"I'm in!" Sadie replied. "I can get some tanning in," she smiled, shimmying her shoulders. I laughed at her goofiness. Bee just shrugged.

"Why not?" They replied. I turned to Avery.

"What do you think Ave?" I inquired.

"Sounds good," he replied, giving a thumbs-up before taking another gigantic bite of whatever he was eating at the moment. Jaymie giggled at that, it was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard. I could listen to it forever.

"Awesome," I said, clapping my hands together. "Why don't you guys go get ready and meet back here in about an hour?" I suggested. They shrugged.

"Sure," Bee replied. "Guys let's go home and these guys get... ready" they winked suggestively. "Then we can come back here and all head out together." The wink seemed to go over everyone's head but mine. I cocked an eyebrow at Bee, trying to secretly ask what they were implying. Everyone else just nodded along with a chorus of 'yeahs' and 'sures'.

Jaymie followed me upstairs after everyone had left, like a lost puppy. Her eyes were wide and she seemed in a trance. I shook her lightly to try and get her attention.

"Jaymie," no response. "Jay," no response. "JJ!" Once again, no response. "Baby?" I tried and was surprised to see her blinking up at me as if just waking up from a dream. I rubbed my hand up and down her arm to soothe her. "Hi angel, you zoned out for a minute there." She blinked up at me.

"I sorry, mommy."

"That's okay, amour, but you gotta be big now. We're gonna go to the beach. How does that sound?" She clapped her hands, jumping up and down and squealing.

"Yay, yay, yay!" I laughed, shaking my head.

"Alright you little mischief-maker, if you want to go, we gotta get dressed. I even bought you a new bathing suit!" I pulled the suit out of the box in her closet that I was keeping things. It was pink and had ruffle sleeves and red strawberries all over it. She squealed and clapped her hands together.

"I love it!" She exclaimed before her face suddenly turned solemn

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"I love it!" She exclaimed before her face suddenly turned solemn. "Won't it be strange though? It looks kind of kiddish, won't they make fun of me?" She asked sadly. I shook my head.

"I won't let them, plus you'll look adorable. But if you really don't want to then you don't have to." She smiled shyly, a blush coating her cheeks.

"Okay," she finally decided, grabbing it out of my hands and bringing it to the bathroom to change. I headed downstairs to wait for her and to make the sandwiches.


After about thirty minutes, the sandwiches were done, Jaymie was downstairs waiting, not very patiently might I add, to leave, and the door opened revealing 3 loud and crazy friends who were ready to go to the beach.

"Let's gooo!" Yelled Avery. I laughed and smiled at my friends with fondness written all over my face. This was gonna be a good day.

A/N: Here's chapter eight! I hope you are enjoying it so far! As always, leave comments for feedback and suggestions! Enjoy xx

Question of the day! What is your favourite subject in school? Mine is creative writing!

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