✿Chapter 7: The Fates' Design✿

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You currently sat in your room, again staring up at the constellations sewn into your cloth overhang, you were glad that you had made amends with Varian, though you were still unsure what would have caused him to want to ignore you. You shrugged it off, trying to think of anything else besides him ignoring you. It didn't matter anymore now that you two were friends again.

Why were those rocks making you feel sick? It was just a small wave of lightheadedness when you were with Varian and the others and it went away almost immediately. Luckily Varian was a "man of science" and hopefully he could figure this out.

You had a song stuck in your head, the one you remember Rapunzel singing when she was trying to heal Varian's head. The only way you could get it out of your head was for you to sing it.

Closing your eyes you tried to remember the words, "Flower, Gleam and glow.

Let your power shine.

Make the clock reverse.

And bring back what once mine.

Heal was has been hurt.

Change the fates' design.

Save what has been lost.

And bring back what once was mine.

What once was mine."

You finished before opening your eyes and seeing golden streams of light floating around your room. You sat up quickly trying to find the source of the light. You glanced down at your hands, seeing light streaming out of it. Your jaw dropped as the light faded, what had you just done. The only person you could think of that would know what was going on was. You quickly got up from your bed and ran towards her room, as soon as. You got there you started knocking on the door fervently. But you had not taken into account that it was in fact late at night.

The door opened slowly and out walked Rapunzel, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she took a glance at your concerned face and immediately woke up, "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" She asked, the overprotective side of her awakening.

You shook your head before pulling her into her room and shutting the door, "I have to show you something!" You pulled up a chair and she sat down on her bed. You held your hands out close to your sides, your palms facing up, this time you kept your eyes open, wanting to see how it happened.

You took in a breath before singing the song one more, while you sang a flowing stream of light was released from your hands, it created patterns of the sun in the air. Rapunzels eyes widened as she looked at the light.

"That looks like— that looks exactly like what happened after I saved Eugene in the tower!" Rapunzel paused, "The reason you reacted to the rocks so weirdly is probably that mom must have still had some of the energy of the flower in her system, that must be what is going on here!"

You looked down at your hands, "That's crazy." You stood up, "I have to go tell Varian! He's going to flip out!" You said.

"Maybe you should wait until morning?" Rapunzel started, "He's probably asleep right now."

You chuckled softly, "Sleep? There is no way that he sleeps." You said matter-of-factly, "He's probably up right now working on another invention."

"Well, I really think that you should wait till tomorrow, it would be better for us, Varian, and even Mom and Dad." Rapunzel said, "Tomorrow is the Day of Hearts so if you wait a little bit I'm sure you could find a sure-fire time to get out of here, maybe when everyone is signing the book?" She said.

Nodding, you stated, "I guess that makes sense." You stood up from the chair and started walking to the door, "Well, in that case. Goodnight Raps." You said, sending her a wave. She waved back as you closed the door.

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