✿Chapter 39: Death And Life✿

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Lance ran around, grabbing everyone's hands and sitting them in a circle, "Well, since we will be here for a while, we might as well pass time." The man then started swaying back and forth, singing a song. You chuckled, swaying back and forth with the others. You and Varian joined hands, you suddenly became hyperaware of the fact that your tail was wagging. Lance stopped singing and frowned, "Well, I hate to say it, but it looks like we might be stuck here for the long haul."

Varian let go of your hand and your tail stopped wagging. Everyone let out a disappointed sigh, hearing that you all could be here for a while.

"You know, if I was trapped in this place for thousands of years like Zhan Tiri, I'd be pretty ticked off too." Angry said, her eyes closed. You nodded, agreeing. You noticed the girl started floating off, "Wait, where did everybody go?"

Katalina had tied a string to the other girl's head, "You... kind of floated away. Again."

You looked over and noticed Feldspar had turned into a boot, "I wanna go home. Mommy!" Suddenly the portal opened up again and you were all pulled back through.

Everyone landed harshly on the ground. You looked down and found that you were on top of Varian, you climbed off of him and sat by his side. You then turned around to see if you still had a tail. Thankfully no. You glanced over and spotted Quirin closing the portal.

Varian stood up quickly and ran over to his father, "Dad! You're back!" You stood next to the two and smiled, what a nice father and son reunion. Quirin quickly glanced over at you before pulling you into the hug.


Varian screwed on the final bolt one last time, "Everything is up and running. All right. All set to send Zhan Tiri back."

"Now all we need to do is figure out how to lure Zhan Tiri into that port-" He was cut off by the ground rumbling. You turned around seeing the ceiling fall onto the portal smashing it into pieces, "Awe... come on."

Your jaw dropped as you stared at the now empty spot, "We are so doomed." The room started shaking more and more, you could tell that the room was about to collapse.

"Everybody get out!" Your mother called, gesturing towards the door. You grabbed Varian's hand and ran towards the palace square, making sure that everyone was close behind. You looked up to try and see where the shaking was originating from.

A big hole was broken out of the wall of Rapunzel's room and Zhan Tiri, who had now changed forms clawed her way out. Your jaw dropped for what felt like the millionth time. You felt Varian's grip on your hand tighten as he pulled you a little bit closer to him.

"Let the age of Zhan Tiri begin!" The demon said.

Eugene frowned, "Okay. If that thing is that little girl, then she has hit a very unfortunate growth spurt." You watched as the demon disappeared back into the tower.

"Does anyone have a plan?" You asked, turning and looking at the others in the palace square.

Eugene raised his hand, "I got one. Don't die!" You turned around, facing the tower again.

"I like that plan." You looked up and saw Zhan Tiri climbing down the tower, you noticed the lack of Varian's hand in yours and looked over, seeing him climb on top of Ruddiger, he held his hand out for you.

You shook your head, turning back towards the demon and preparing to fight. You looked up seeing Eugene turning around, "Okay, listen up. I need everyone to get as far away from here as possible." Eugene pulled out his sword.

"But what about you son?" You heard his father say.

Eugene tensed up, "I'm going after Rapunzel." He and Max then ran towards Zhan Tiri, everyone shared looks before realizing that this wasn't a fight they wanted to run from. They were protecting their home.

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