✿Chapter 19: Everything I Wanted✿

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You walked into the throne room seeing presents stacked upon presents. It was your birthday. You looked around confused, usually, the people of Corona didn't have a second thought about your birthday. Some of the townsfolk walked into the room.

"Good morning and happy birthday (Y/N)!" Feldspar said. You smiled and waved back to him, "Because you helped the princess get through this, and the fact that we pity you for getting kidnapped, we decided to throw together some gifts!"

You frowned, "I'm... sorry? You pity me?" You asked, Feldspar was never the type to say something like that.

He nodded rapidly, "Yes! Of course, we pity you! You were kidnapped by the evil villain Varian!" You took a step back as the group of townspeople menacingly walked towards you.

As you moved away from the group you felt your back hit against something, or... someone. Whoever it was grabbed your shoulders and spun you around, you found yourself looking at Varian. Your eyes widened and gasps were heard around the room.

"It's Varian!" Voices rang, "Him and (Y/N) are conspiring!" You spun around towards the crowd.

"No! NO! That's not what this is! I promise- I-" You were pulled back towards Varian.

He leaned forward and whispered in your ear, "Face it (Y/N). You know Corona had never thought of you as an equal. Even your own parents care more about your sister than you."

You spun around and placed your hand on his chest, trying to push him away from you, but he held onto you tightly, "No, that's not true! Everyone in Corona loves me! I'm Rapunzel's sister!"

"And that's all you'll ever be..." He said, a smirk on his face.

The boy placed a hand on your shoulder and pushed you back, you fell through a dark hole which you were sure wasn't there before, you quickly grabbed the edge, trying to hold yourself up. While looking up you saw all of Coronas citizens, your family, and friends too.

Your father shook his head while making a "tsk" noise, "Such a disappointment." He said, your mother nodded in response. Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd.

"(Y/N), you were the only one who tried to help me." Varian said, slowly reaching his hand out for you, "Join me, you understand how I feel! You get it, Cassandra gets it, even Eugene gets it! All of us for the majority of our time in Carona has been overshadowed by Rapunzel." His face turned soft as he looked at you, "Join me, together we can overtake Corona."

You shook your head, "I- even if I wanted to... all I can do is heal people."

"There is so much more to your power than you think little one." His voice grew higher but sounded demonic. You looked up and saw that the person who was once Varian was now a small woman, her hair was grey and her eyes were purple. She had a hand outstretched towards you, "Join me!" She called, "And you can understand more of your power! We can force the people of Corona to love you! They will cherish you and see you as a valiant leader! One who was never overshadowed by anyone!"

"No. I would never force anyone to love me." You said, letting go of the edge of the hole.

A wide smile grew on the woman's face as you fell, you heard her voice echo, "We'll see about that, little petal."

Your eyes shot open as you sat up in bed. You clutched the fabric of your sleep gown and looked around rapidly. A dream. That's all it was, you told yourself.

You slowly got up, dragging your feet across the floor as you walked over to your closet. After you grabbed a change of clothes and got ready for the day. Today was your actual birthday, and your mom requested that you "actually wear something nice for once". She had placed out a dress in front of your closet, one that was shorter than the others, it had a blue middle and a blue skirt, with a white top and sleeves that were slightly puffy, but tapered around your wrists.

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