✿Chapter 9: The Empyrean Shower✿

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For you everything was going great, every so often you would sneak out to see Varian, or just go out with Rapunzel. But ever since Lance had come to stay at the castle things, had gotten a little hectic. Or as you would say "exciting". You hadn't had much experience with the people outside of the castle, nor had you been outside of Corona in your fourteen years of life, so meeting Lance was exciting for you. He would tell you stories of the times he and Eugene would go on adventures, the majority of which were greatly exaggerated. Eugene would deny almost all of them.

Today was an important day, it was your mother's birthday.

"Happy birthday, Mom!" Rapunzel said handing a gift to your mother. The brown-haired woman opened the gift revealing a telescope.

She picked it up, a smile on her face, "Oh, a telescope!"

"Yeah!" Rapunzel nodded, "We can use it to watch all the falling stars during the Empyrean Shower tonight!"

Your mom lightly took Rapunzel's hand, "Oh, such a good idea, dear! Thank you!"

Tonight Rapunzel and your Mom were going out to watch the Empyrean Showers together, they invited you but you politely declined. This was your mother's first birthday with Rapunzel back, and you wanted her to share this day with Rapunzel alone, so they could have some mother-daughter time.

You handed your mother a gift bag, she smiled at you lightly before opening the bag, inside was a necklace, it had the crest of Corona with a small gem in the middle of the sun. She gasped, "Oh, (Y/N), this is beautiful!" She embraced you lightly, "Thank you so much!"

You smiled, "Happy birthday, Mom!"

Lance laughed a couple of times before handing a small wooden box to your mother, "Open mine next, Mrs. Queen!"

"Lance..." The woman laughed skeptically, "you didn't need to get me a--" She opened the box, and on the inside was some cloth, on the top rested a piece of paper that read "Lance's Tent" but Lance was crossed out and replaced with "Queen's". You held back a snicker, "Tent..." She looked up at the man, "Thank you so much."

Lance leaned forward on the table, "It's for camping! Queens go camping, right?"

"Uh, not usually." Your mother said.

Lance looked mock confused, "Huh." He then gasped as if he realized something, "Hey! Speaking of camping, Eugene and I are making a whole night out of watching the shower. We're actually gonna camp out overnight. It's kind of a tradition." He paused, pointing at the box that he gave the queen, "Hey! Think I can borrow your tent?" He asked.

"Ahem! Lance!" Eugene started, standing up, "It's time we had a little discussion about royal appropriate conversation!" Eugene grabbed Lance and walked off of the pavilion.

Rapunzel stood up, "And I better pack for our big night at Mount Saison, right, Mom?" Rapunzel said, "Come on Pascal!" Pascal climbed up her shoulder and the two of them also left the pavilion.

"And I'm..." You started, "I'm going to take a nap." You pointed finger guns at your parents and the two of them laughed as you walked away.

Sure going with your Mom and Rapunzel to see the Empyrean shower would be cool, but you really wanted them to spend time together alone. Besides, you had other plans tonight. You were planning on going to see the star shower somewhere else. You had a good feeling that your dad would want to go with the boys and if that was the case that left you alone at the palace. And that field that Varian showed you seemed to be the perfect place to catch the star shower in action.

As you walked back to your room, that was when you heard it.

"Where's the birthday girl?!" Someone said. You could recognize that voice from a mile away. It was your Aunt Willow. This could ruin your plans. If she stayed at the castle while your Mother, Rapunzel, and your Father were out... that would leave you trapped at the castle.

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