✿Chapter 13: The Fall✿

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"It was like the dream I had after my coronation, only more intense," Rapunzel said, pinning up paintings on her wall. "This one-- This one was trying to tell me something." She hung up another painting. It was Varian, his eyes were dark and his hair was disheveled. He looked... awful. Was this how he looked in her dream? You hadn't had the chance to leave the castle since the snowstorm, so you hadn't been able to check on him. You hoped he was okay and that Rapunzel's dreams were... well, just dreams. When you came back from Varian's that night you told Rapunzel everything, how Varian's dad was encased in the amber, and even that your magic wouldn't work on the rocks. Maybe what you told her was causing her dreams to be weird?

Eugene and Cassandra shared a look, "Tell you what?" You asked, hoping for a straightforward answer. Rapunzel sighed while putting another painting up on the wall, they were starting to line up and look like some dystopian scene.

"I'm not sure." She said, "The rocks, my hair, Varian..." She turned to you, "you were in my dream, but I'm not sure... it's like they're all connected, and I have to find out how."

"Uh, hey guys, sorry to interrupt dream chat here, "Eugene started, "but is no one else even a little bit concerned that Rapunzel woke up suspended in mid-air?" No one responded except Pascal who pointed at himself with his tail.

Rapunzel looked over at the man, "Eugene, what I saw... meant something." She said, clenching her fist, thinking about the dream.

"Okay. Let's say it did. But what if it was a warning, telling you to stay here, where you're safe." He walked over to Rapunzel and carefully took the painting that she was holding, "I mean, we got it pretty good here, right?" You shook your head, that wasn't what she wanted, "Maybe you should leave the mystery behind those rocks alone."

Your eyebrows furrowed, "Eugene, we can't do that. People's homes are getting ruined, if we leave the rocks alone then people could die."

"Exactly, "Rapunzel said, "I need answers. And I think I know where to start looking." The blonde then walked out of the room, followed by Cassandra and Eugene. You stayed back, turning to the pictures that Rapunzel had placed on her wall, specifically the one of Varian. You looked closely at the picture.

"Please be alright Varian." You said softly before following the others out of the room.

Everyone went their separate ways so you decided to catch up with Rapunzel. She was going to talk to your father about the rocks, hoping for an answer.

"I made it clear that we were not to discuss magic or glowing rocks. Also, you were not supposed to tell (Y/N) about it." Your father said, giving Rapunzel a disapproving look. You were about to say something before you remembered that your father didn't know that you went with Rapunzel to see the rocks.

Rapunzel shook her head, coming up with an excuse, "I couldn't just lie to my own sister...But that doesn't matter! Has anyone been to Old Corona recently?" She asked diverting the subject from you to the rocks.

Both Nigel and your father sent her a look, "I'm worried that Varian is in trouble." You said, genuinely concerned.

Nigel interrupted what you were about to say next, "Princess, Varian is dangerous." He leaned closer, "Have you forgotten the boy attacked you and your sister during the storm--" You interrupted the man.

"That is not true!" You said, standing up for the boy, "He didn't attack us, he was panicked and running out of time, there was only so much he could do to get our attention! I swear if you say that he attacked us one more time I'm gonna--"

"(Y/N)!" Your father yelled. You spun around looking up at the man nervously. He sighed before shaking his head, "Come with me, you two." He gestured to you and Rapunzel. You sent Nigel one last glare before walking away with Rapunzel and your Father. He brought you into the room that had the mini-scaled map of Corona. Your father rested his hands on the table, "I've been aware of these rocks for quite some time." He started, "They posed a real problem. Um-- Displacing people from their homes, damaging roads..."

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