✿Chapter 20: There's No Use In Trying✿

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Today you were going outside the walls of Corona. You wanted to pick some flowers and make a bouquet for your mom. You wanted to find some lavender, some bellflowers, and some lily of the valley. She loved purple and white they were her favorite flowers. You slipped on some clothes that would be more comfortable to walk around in. Some high-waisted, skinny, slacks and a white collared blouse.

Since you were going outside the walls you were a bit suspicious of what was out there so you grabbed the knife that Cassandra had given you for your birthday and strapped its holster to your leg with a leather strap. You needed to have a way to protect yourself, just in case you got into any trouble. You didn't want the guards to go with you so you had to be subtle when leaving the castle. You didn't need to sneak out or anything, you just needed to not draw attention to yourself.

You grabbed a cloak and threw it over your shoulders, clipping the front in front of your neck. You pulled your hood on and walked out of your room, shutting it behind you. You made your way down the halls, staying close to the walls. Luckily the halls were fairly empty and you went unnoticed. You walked out the front gates and walked through the town, still gaining looks from people. You shook it off and kept heading on.

It didn't take you long to cross the bridge and make your way down the dirt trail. Soon the homes of the people in Old Corona came into view. You walked through the town. Earning more sad looks from the people.

One shorter woman stopped you, "My lady, please don't be too hard on Varian." She said, "He's a kind boy with good intentions, he was just broken-hearted." You saw a few people around giving the woman looks of disgust.

You smiled kindly to the woman before placing a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, miss. He's in good hands."

"Thank you, you are too kind." She bowed her head, a relieved look on her face before turning and going back to her work. You continued down the path, this time you were earning angry looks. The houses started thinking out and you found yourself in front of Varian's house. You looked around before heading up the stairs, flowers could wait.

You had something you needed to check. The door was cracked open slightly, you continued inside. You walked into Varian's lab and looked at the amber that encased his father. You placed your hand on the stone so you could lean forward and get a closer look. Clutched in Quirin's hand was a letter, you could make out a few words.

Dear Varian.


Dark Kingdom.



Eternal Library.

Seven Kingdoms.

You frowned. Those words didn't make any sense to you. You shook your head before turning around. As you made your way to the door something dropped down from the ceiling. You stumbled backward, shocked, and fell to the ground. You looked up to see what it was and spotted Ruddiger on the ground. You let out a sigh.

"Ruddiger! You scared me!" You said, sitting up and brushing yourself off. The raccoon climbed up on your shoulder as you stood up, "What, they don't allow raccoons in jail?" Ruddiger shook his head and nuzzled into your neck. You chuckled and left the house, "Come with me to pick flowers?" You asked, not expecting a response.

The raccoon nodded, placing his paw or hand on your face and poking it slightly. You walked past the house and outside the walls, without Cassandra or Rapunzel this place was much more threatening. You took in a breath, freedom felt good. You turned to your right and noticed a field. A whole bunch of flowers lay in the field.

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