Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I didn't get anymore messages that day from that creep but I still had no idea who it was. I texted everyone on my contact list and those who got back to me told me they hadn't given my number to anyone.

So I was still stuck on the theory that it's someone I know or it's a friend of a friend. I could narrow it down by gender as it was clearly a man but then what if a female friend gave it to someone, I didn't want to eliminate anyone unless I knew for sure it wasn't them. There were some people I eliminated such as my cousins and people who had left the country or moved away.

My theory was that it was someone from uni but that hardly narrowed anything down, there were thousands of people who attended the same uni that I did.

I couldn't think of anyone who would do that to me.

Cami spent the whole day ignoring me, she packed her clothes and did what I asked her to do but refused to talk to me. I knew she was angry at me but couldn't she understand why I was doing this? I was trying to help her, everything I do is for her.

I wasn't too sure if she wanted me to sleep in her room tonight but when I went in to check up on her after dinner, she gave me a pleading look before turning away. I got into bed next to her and she turned to face me.

"I'm scared."

"Don't be, you're going to be fine." I reassured her as I stroked her hair.

"I don't want to go anywhere without you. I need you." She whispered with her eyes closed.

"It's just for a couple of weeks max."

It was silent for a while and I thought Cami had fallen asleep until she spoke again. "When you're around I don't feel as scared."

A lone tear slid down her cheek. "Every time I close my eyes I see him but then I remember you're here and you'll keep me safe. Every time I'm alone, I think about what happened but then I know you're only a shout or a call away. Knowing you're always here is how I'm coping, I don't think I could live without you."

My throat tightened as I heard those words and I moved forward so my forehead was touching hers. Cami kept her eyes closed as tears ran freely down her cheeks and my own eyes glazed over. "You are so strong Cami, so strong. I will always protect you."

"I know, that's what I'm worried about."

The room remained silent as I stroked Cami's hair, her soft cries and shudders slowly turned into snores. Once I knew she was asleep, sorrow overcame me and I was the one crying. I put my hand over my mouth to stop any sound from coming out.

Please, don't let me lose her too.


The rest of the weekend was uneventful, we spent most of it packing and tidying the house up. The atmosphere was sombre as if we knew once we left here we would never return. It was hard to accept the situation, we had grown up in this house and there were so many memories that we would cherish forever, especially the ones that included our parents.

We had to mentally prepare ourselves for what may happen, there was a good chance we could never come back here so when we left that was it. We had some time before we did that so I wanted to plan and make sure we had everything we needed.

We couldn't take everything with us, just some clothes and important documents like our birth certificates and passports. Maybe we could put the rest of our stuff somewhere safe and come back for it one day?

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