Chapter Forty Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven

This was it.

This was the day I die.

As morbid as it sounds I had envisioned the way I would die one day. When I had lost my parents death constantly haunted my mind and I wondered how I would pass on.

Nobody wants to die but it was inevitable, we all would one day and the best way to die would be a painless death while you're surrounded by your loved ones. That was the way I wanted to die, I wanted to grow old and die a natural death with Cami and everyone else that I would have loved around me.

Instead I would die at the hands of Werewolves, be alone and probably die a very painful death. A small whimper left my mouth as my mind focused on the 'painful' part, I couldn't lie and say I wasn't scared because I was, I was shitting myself.

This wasn't fair, none of this was fair but life wasn't fair and I had to accept that.

I wanted to say goodbye to Cami, to give her closure and allow her to move on but how do you say goodbye to someone knowing you'll never talk, hear or see them again? It would be the last ever interaction I would have with her and her with me.

How do you say goodbye to the people you love?

I didn't want to say goodbye, I wanted to live. I'm young and healthy and I have my whole life ahead of me, it can't end like this.

It won't end like this, I am not going to die today.

"Nala." Beta Kieran's voice broke through my thoughts.

As I gazed at him in confusion I realised that I had stopped walking and he was waiting for me to continue.

"I'm not going to die today." My words were supposed to come out strong and fierce instead they were weak and barely above a whisper.

Beta Kieran raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not going to die today." I repeated, this time the words coming out how I intended.

A small smile briefly graced Beta Kieran's face.

"I don't deserve to die." I paused before continuing. "I'm a good person."

Most of the time. I silently added.

Beta Kieran leaned in towards me as if he wanted to tell me a secret. "If my assumptions are correct, that is not something you will need to worry about."

"What assumptions?" My interest was piqued now. What did he mean by that?

"You're a clever girl, I'm sure you'll figure it out." Beta Kieran gave me a small wink before straightening back up.

Figure what out? How am I supposed to figure anything out? It's not like these Werewolves are like humans and thought like us.

"Will you help me?" It was a long shot asking him for help again but it was worth a try.

"You won't need my help. Alpha Alessandro will help you." He said those words so confidently as if he believed his words 100%.

Why did both Teresa and Beta Kieran think Alpha Alessandro would help me? What did they know that I didn't?

I shook my head and scoffed. "The Alpha is not going to help me." In fact he seemed like he could give two shits about what could happen to me.

"Let's test the theory out." There was a sparkle in Beta Kieran's eyes as if this was entertaining for him.

Dickhead! I'm here scared that I'm going to die and he's finding all this amusing?

Small sparks of anger began to light up inside me. Humans aren't a source of entertainment for Werewolves, we weren't toys to be played with and discarded with they were done.

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